Wizcom Scanner 3 Lite User Manual

Table of Contents  
Quicktionary® 3 Lite User Manual  
Table of Contents  
Introduction .....................................................................................................2  
Product Types ............................................................................................2  
WizCom InfoScan3 Lite......................................................................2  
Quicktionary® 3 Lite................................................................................2  
Getting Started................................................................................................3  
The Pen Parts.............................................................................................3  
The Pen Power Supply...............................................................................4  
Unpacking the Pen .....................................................................................4  
Learning to Scan (using the Trainer) .....................................................5  
Editing and Inserting Text ......................................................................6  
Quicktionary Tutorial ..............................................................................8  
The Pen User Interface.................................................................................10  
The Pen Keys...........................................................................................10  
The Pen Main Menu .................................................................................11  
The Preferences Menu.........................................................................11  
The Information Menu..........................................................................12  
Icons and Indicators .................................................................................13  
The Quicktionary Application........................................................................14  
The Toolbar ..............................................................................................14  
Toolbar Options....................................................................................14  
The Quicktionary Screens ........................................................................16  
Dictionary Entries .....................................................................................17  
Tips ...............................................................................................................19  
Scanning Settings.....................................................................................19  
Scanning Guidelines.................................................................................20  
Pen Maintenance......................................................................................20  
Pen Specification ..........................................................................................21  
Getting Started  
Getting Started  
The Pen Parts  
On the Front Panel you can see:  
1. Pen Tip with optical scanning head (under the protective cover)  
2. 5-way button (Enter and direction keys)  
3. Power/Escape key (red)  
4. Touch Screen Display  
CAUTION: To prevent damage to the touch screen, never use any device  
other than the stylus (or an approved replacement) to tap on the screen.  
Pen Front Panel  
On the Top Panel you can see the stylus slot:  
Pen Top Panel  
On the Back Panel you can see the battery compartment:  
Pen Back Panel  
Getting Started  
The Pen Power Supply  
The Pen comes with 2 AAA Alkaline batteries.  
Safety Points (Batteries)  
CAUTION: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Use  
AAA Alkaline batteries only.  
Always place 2 fresh batteries in the Pen. It is not advisable  
to use the Pen with batteries that are not at the same voltage  
Do not combine different types of batteries (e.g. rechargeable  
and non-rechargeable).  
Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer's  
Preserving Battery Usage  
To optimize battery usage, go to Set Auto Shut-Off Time in Preferences in  
the Pen Main Menu and modify the settings according to your needs.  
Unpacking the Pen  
To get started:  
1. Remove the Pen from the protective case.  
2. Lift the battery cover on the back of the Pen by pushing the  
tab down and out.  
3. Insert the batteries into your Pen with the positive and  
negative terminals corresponding to the markings on the  
sides of the battery compartment.  
4. Close the battery compartment.  
5. Turn the Pen on by pressing the red Power key.  
The Pen is ready to scan!  
Getting Started  
Learning to Scan (using the Trainer)  
This tutorial will help you learn to scan using the Trainer supplied in the  
1. Slide the Trainer onto the tip of the Pen (instead of the cap)  
and press into place.  
2. Turn the Pen on by pressing the red Power key. If you don’t  
see the Quicktionary application screen, select the  
Quicktionary icon from the Pen Main Menu by tapping on it  
with the stylus or by using the direction keys  
3. Place the Trainer at the end of the practice sentence with the  
Pen facing the text.  
4. Position the Pen so that the text is centred between the feet  
of the Trainer.  
5. Glide the Pen from right to left in a straight line over the text.  
Start scanning 1cm from the end of the sentence and finish  
1cm after.  
Use the following practice sentence:  
This sentence will help me practice scanning.  
Note: The Pen default is set to right-handed scanning. To change the Pen  
display to left-handed scanning, use the Set Right-/Left- Handed option from  
Preferences in the Pen Main Menu.  
Getting Started  
Editing and Inserting Text  
Use the Virtual Keyboard to input or edit text with the stylus. To access the  
Virtual Keyboard select from the application toolbar.  
The Virtual Keyboard  
The Editing Area  
This is the insertion point for new text, as indicated by the blinking cursor. Use  
the stylus to enter or edit text with the character keys, or scan text directly into  
the editing area.  
Scanned text is underlined. Tapping any key other than  
the inserted text.  
will accept  
Text can be erased by:  
1. Using  
to delete individual characters.  
2. Highlighting the text with the stylus and selecting  
typing/scanning over the highlighted text.  
, or  
The Auto Complete Feature  
The auto complete list provides potential endings to inserted characters. Tap  
on the top right box to open the pull down list in order to select the desired  
word. The selected word will appear in the edit area.  
The Auto Complete List  
Note: The auto complete list only contains headwords from the current  
Getting Started  
The Keyboard  
The keyboard layout corresponds to the selected scanning language settings.  
The Keys:  
Tap to delete characters to the left of the cursor.  
Close and Cancel:  
Tap to reject all changes and return to the application screen.  
Close and Save:  
Tap to accept all changes and return to the application screen.  
Tap to switch to uppercase characters. The keyboard will  
automatically return to the regular layout after selecting one  
character. Use  
to enter more than one uppercase  
Caps Lock:  
Tap to view the upper-case character keyboard. Tap again to  
return to regular layout.  
Tap to switch to the international keyboard. The keyboard will  
automatically return to the regular layout after selecting one  
Tap to view the numeric keyboard. Tap again to return to  
regular layout.  
Getting Started  
Quicktionary Tutorial  
This tutorial will take you through the basic use of the Quicktionary  
application. The English to French dictionary is used as an example.  
1. Press the power (red) key to turn the Pen on. Make sure you  
are in the Quicktionary application.  
The following screen should be visible:  
Ready to Scan English Text  
2. Selecting a dictionary  
a. Select from the toolbar by tapping with the stylus or  
by pressing Escape (red key) and using the direction  
b. Choose Select Dictionary from the drop-down  
c. Select a dictionary whose source language is  
English, such as English to French or English to  
3. Scanning a line of text  
Scan the following sentence:  
This is a test sentence.  
The Split Screen appears displaying the scanned text:  
The Split Screen  
The Split Screen appears whenever more than one word is  
The scanned text is displayed in the upper section.  
Selecting a word in the upper section using the direction keys  
or stylus causes the word to be highlighted and its translation  
displayed in the lower section of the screen.  
Getting Started  
Scanning Tips: If the scanned text has many errors, or if you  
wish to scan another line, simply scan again and the text on screen will  
be overwritten. You can also use the Virtual Keyboard to edit  
scanned text or to input new text.  
4. Split Screen: Translations  
a. Select the word ‘test’ (tap with the stylus or scroll  
across using the right direction key).  
b. Scroll through the translations in the Split Screen  
using either the up/down direction keys or by  
activating the scroll bar with the stylus.  
The Split Screen highlighting the word ‘test’  
5. Accessing the Dictionary Screen  
Select the highlighted word by pressing Enter or tapping the  
word with the stylus, to view the Dictionary Screen.  
The Dictionary Screen displaying the translations of ‘test’  
6. Using the Alternative Entries list  
a. Select to view a list of additional entries for the  
word ‘test’. Alternative Entries may include identical  
or related entries from the current dictionary.  
Alternative entries list for the word ‘test’  
b. Select to return to the Split Screen.  
The Pen User Interface  
The Pen User Interface  
The Pen Keys  
1. Power/Escape Key  
a. Power:  
Start up – Short press to turn the Pen on  
Shut down - Long press to turn the Pen off  
Note: To turn the Pen off, hold down the Power key until the progress  
bar reaches the end.  
b. Escape:  
Activate/deactivate toolbar  
Close submenus and pop-ups  
2. 5-way button  
a. Enter key:  
Select highlighted option by pressing the key  
b. Direction keys:  
Activate the direction keys by pushing the 5-way button in the desired  
1. Right/Left direction keys:  
Scroll right or left  
Toggle dictionary views (complete/abridged forms)  
2. Up/Down direction keys:  
Scroll up or down  
The Pen User Interface  
The Pen Main Menu  
To access the Pen Main Menu, exit the application you are currently working  
in, by selecting from the application toolbar. Use the stylus, or press the  
escape key and scroll with the right/left direction keys.  
The following items appear in the Pen Main Menu:  
The Pen Main Menu  
The Preferences Menu  
The Preferences Menu  
Modify the Pen settings using this menu, which can be accessed via the Pen  
Main Menu or through the Preferences option in the Settings menu of each  
application. To accept changes press Enter or select  
where relevant. To  
return to the Preferences menu without making changes, press ESC or  
Set Menu Display Language  
The menu display language is the language in which the menus and  
messages appear (The Pen UI). Use this option to change the menu display  
Set Auto Shut-Off Time  
If the Pen is not in use it will shut down automatically after two minutes. Use  
this option to change the automatic shut-off time setting.  
The Pen User Interface  
Set Right-/Left- Handed  
Use this option to switch between right and left-handed scanning. The Pen  
default is set to right-handed scanning.  
Set Screen Contrast  
Use this option to adjust the brightness of the display. Move the slider bar by  
dragging with the stylus or using the direction keys.  
Calibrate Touch Screen  
At times the stylus touch may become inaccurate. If so, the touch screen will  
need to be recalibrated.  
The touch screen can be calibrated by selecting the option in the Preferences  
menu. Follow the instructions to calibrate the screen. A message will appear if  
calibration is successful.  
Touch Screen Calibration  
The Information Menu  
The Information Menu  
View the Pen's serial number, the Pen version and copyright information using  
this menu.  
The Pen User Interface  
Icons and Indicators  
The table below contains a list of icons and graphic indicators. Icons can be  
selected by tapping on them with the stylus, or by using the 5-way button.  
Indicators cannot be selected and represent the current state of the Pen.  
Graphic Function  
The Quicktionary Toolbar  
Alternative Entries  
See a list of additional entries for the current word.  
No Alternative Entries  
Indicates no alternative entries for the current word.  
Display a list of recently viewed words.  
Return to Split Screen  
Return to the Split Screen.  
Activate the Virtual Keyboard to edit text.  
Display the Settings menu options.  
Display the Help menu options.  
Pen Main Menu  
Exit Quicktionary application.  
Dictionary Display – toggle between views by selecting icon with  
stylus or using the left/right direction keys.  
View dictionary entries in complete form.  
View dictionary entries in abridged form.  
Scanning Settings Indicators  
Indicates ready to scan.  
Indicates ready to scan inverse text (white text on dark  
Settings Menu – toggle options  
Indicates that the option is ON.  
Indicates that the option is OFF.  
Scroll using the stylus.  
Inactive scrollbars indicate that there is no text to scroll through.  
Battery Status  
The Quicktionary Application  
The Quicktionary Application  
The Toolbar  
The toolbar appears on the top right corner of the screen. It can be accessed  
using either the stylus or the Pen keys.  
The Quicktionary Toolbar  
Using the Stylus  
a. Tap the icon to open the toolbar item. The tool-tip will appear,  
followed by the drop down menu.  
b. Tap with the stylus to select a menu option or scroll up/down  
by activating the scroll bar.  
c. To deselect the toolbar, simply tap in a space outside the  
menu or toolbar.  
Using the Pen Keys  
a. Press Escape to access the toolbar. The leftmost active  
toolbar item will be highlighted.  
b. Use the Right/Left direction keys to scroll between the toolbar  
items and press Enter to access the desired menu.  
c. Scroll up/down within the menu using the Up/Down direction  
keys. Exit the menu by pressing Escape and then press  
Escape again to deselect the toolbar.  
Toolbar Options  
Alternative Entries  
View a list of alternative translations of the selected word. This menu item is  
inactivated if there are no alternative entries.  
View a list of previously scanned words. Select a word from the list to access  
the translation from the relevant dictionary.  
The Quicktionary Application  
Return to Split Screen  
Use this option to go back to the Split Screen after viewing a single dictionary  
entry from a scanned line of text.  
Access the Virtual Keyboard to modify scanned text or to insert new text.  
The Settings menu contains the following options:  
Enlarged Font  
Select this option to change the display setting to  
enlarged font  
Select this option to scan inverse text (white text on  
dark background)  
View a list of the dictionaries on the Pen and change  
the default dictionary  
Erase the list of words in the History.  
Display the Preferences menu (from the Pen Main  
Reset History  
For further information see Scanning Settings on page 19.  
The Help menu contains the following options:  
A guide to the pronunciation of words using the  
phonetics alphabet and symbols  
A guide to the abbreviations used in the AHD  
(EnglishÆEnglish) dictionary. This menu option is  
only available when the AHD dictionary is selected  
An explanation of icons and graphic indicators  
An explanation of the Pen keys and their functions  
The Quicktionary Application  
The Quicktionary Screens  
The Quicktionary application has two main screens, the Split Screen and the  
Dictionary Screen. Each screen displays the translation of the selected  
words. The and icons can be used to toggle between the complete and  
abridged forms of the translation.  
Split Screen  
The Split Screen appears after scanning or entering more than one word.  
The scanned text appears on the top of the screen, and the translation of the  
highlighted word appears on the bottom of the screen.  
The Split Screen  
You can scroll through the scanned text using the right/left direction keys, or  
by tapping on the right/left scrollbars with the stylus when they appear.  
Selecting a word from the Split Screen by tapping with the stylus will switch  
to the Dictionary Screen, displaying the translation of the selected word.  
Dictionary Screen  
The Dictionary Screen appears after scanning a single word, or after  
selecting a word from the Split Screen.  
The Dictionary Screen  
If you have reached the Dictionary Screen after selecting a word from the  
Split Screen, select to return to the scanned line in the Split Screen.  
The Quicktionary Application  
Dictionary Entries  
The dictionary entries contain various elements. These examples are derived  
from the English to French dictionary.  
1. Headword  
The selected word or a derivative of the selected word.  
The headword ‘hello’  
The word ‘ate’ is a derivative of the headword ‘eat’  
2. Homonyms  
Two or more words which are spelled the same but have different  
The Alternative Entries list for the homonym ‘desert’  
3. Phonetics  
The phonetic transcription of the headword. This can be seen when the  
dictionary entries are displayed in complete form.  
Phonetics of the entry ‘party’  
For a guide to the phonetic symbols used in the dictionary, select  
Pronunciation Guide from the Help menu.  
The Quicktionary Application  
4. Translation  
Some words may have additional meanings when combined with other  
words. These can be viewed by scrolling through the dictionary definition  
of the particular word.  
Translation of the headword ‘text’  
5. Parts of Speech  
Categories of words that describe their particular function, e.g. nouns,  
verbs, adjectives. Some dictionary entries contain several parts of  
The different parts of speech of the word ‘land’  
6. Idioms  
Expressions or phrases, usually composed of a sequence of words. They  
can be identified:  
a. Automatically within a sentence (scanned/typed).  
b. By scrolling through the translation of the first word of the  
The idiom ‘over the moon’ from the headword ‘over’  
The Alternative Entries list for the idiom ‘over the moon’ includes the complete  
idiom, and the first word of the idiom (i.e. ‘over’).  
Scanning Settings  
Scanning settings can be modified via the Settings menu in the Quicktionary  
The Settings Menu  
Changing the Font Size  
There are two font sizes to choose from – Regular and Enlarged. You can  
change the font size by selecting or deselecting the Enlarged Font option in  
the Settings menu in the Quicktionary application.  
Note: The default application setting is Enlarged Font. The Pen Main Menu  
is always in enlarged font.  
Regular Font  
Enlarged Font  
The default Quicktionary scanning setting allows you to scan dark text on a  
light background. To enable scanning of light text on a dark background,  
select the Inverse option in the Settings menu.  
Select Dictionary  
When selecting a dictionary, the source language defines the language of the  
text to be scanned. Selecting the French to English dictionary indicates that  
the text scanned should be French, and that the target language, or  
translation, will be English.  
Scanning Guidelines  
Scanning Mode  
The Pen is in scanning mode when the red light at the tip of the Pen is  
blinking. Scanning mode is disabled when you are not in the Quicktionary  
application, or when accessing a toolbar menu.  
Scanning Restrictions  
The Pen scans and recognizes printed text in a wide range of languages, font  
types and point sizes (6-22 points, up to 8mm) and in a variety of colours on  
contrasting backgrounds (except red on white, white on red, blue on black and  
black on blue).  
It does not recognize handwriting, cursive fonts, mathematical symbols or  
other profession-specific signs.  
Troubleshooting Poor Character Recognition  
Poor character recognition may occur for the following reasons:  
Low quality scanning material.  
The scanning settings are not set correctly (e.g. Inverse).  
Holding the Pen at the wrong scanning angle.  
Scanning too fast.  
Tips for Good Scanning  
To ensure optimum scanning results:  
Hold the Pen at the correct scanning angle.  
Place the scanning material on a flat surface.  
Ensure scanning material is good quality and pages are not creased.  
Note that poorly photocopied materials may provide bad results.  
Do not scan too fast.  
Pen Maintenance  
To keep your product in good condition, follow these guidelines:  
Store in protective case when not in use.  
Keep away from excessive moisture and temperature extremes.  
Clean using a soft, damp cloth.  
Do not use soap or other cleaning aids on the touch screen.  
Avoid exposing to direct sunlight for extended periods of time.  
Avoid scratching or damaging the touch screen.  
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electrical shock or damage to the internal  
components, do not spray liquid directly on the screen or allow excess liquid  
to drip inside your Pen.  
Pen Specification  
Pen Specification  
Display Type  
Touch Screen Monochromatic FSTN  
Resolution: 208 x 65  
Size: 61mm x 20mm / 2.4” x .8”  
Navigation Switch (Enter, Up,  
Down, Left, Right)  
Push Button - Power/ESC  
ARM7 ASIC, 16 bit, 80 MHz  
64 K x 16 bit  
8 MB  
Optical Scanner  
128 pixels linear array image  
400 DPI resolution  
Internal Power  
2 x 1.5V AAA Alkaline batteries  
Current Consumption  
Idle mode - 42 mA  
Max. (Peak) - 212 mA  
L x W x H:  
177.5 mm x 41.5 mm x 33 mm  
(7” x 1.62” x 1/3”)  
77 grams (2.716 oz.) without  
100 grams (3.527 oz.) with  
FCC class B  
Operating Temperature  
0°C - 40°C  

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