Research In Motion Blackberry Cell Phone 8800 User Manual

Share Your Where  
Geo-social interaction for your  
BlackBerry 8800 series smartphone  
User Guide  
Welcome to the Blip user guide  
Blip is an easy-to-use geo-social interaction tool for BlackBerry®  
smartphones that feature internal GPS technology. It enables you  
to Share Your Where with the people that you know and vice versa.  
By sharing GPS locations, Blip helps everyone answer questions  
of Who, Where, and When.  
Blip allows you to interact with BlackLine's GPS Snitch vehicle  
tracking and security product. GPS Snitch owners who are familiar  
with the GPS Snitch Web experience are now able to take it on the  
road with them on BlackBerry smartphones.  
Blip Introduction Screen  
Users of BlackBerry Smartphones without GPS technology can  
share in the fun, interacting with shared GPS-enabled BlackBerry  
smartphones and GPS Snitch devices.  
If you own a BlackBerry PearlTM, BlackBerry CurveTM, or BlackBerry  
8700TM, purchase a GPS Snitch for yourself and start tracking!  
This Guide  
For users wishing to publish GPS locations with the Blip  
application, this guide assumes that you have created a BlackLine  
account, activated your BlackBerry 8800 Series smartphone, and  
installed the Blip application.  
For users who have a compatible BlackBerry without GPS and  
wish to interact with a GPS Snitch device or shared GPS-capable  
BlackBerry smartphones, this guide assumes you have an account  
and installed Blip on your BlackBerry device.  
The following Web link offers further information about Blip,  
details on BlackBerry compatibility, how to create a BlackLine  
account, how to activate Blip on GPS-capable smartphones, and  
how to install Blip on compatible BlackBerry devices.  
Blip requires BlackBerry  
operating system version  
4.2 or higher.  
Blip Compatibility with BlackBerry Smartphones  
The BlackBerry 8800 series is fully compatible with Blip.  
BlackBerry devices with 4.2 OS or higher are supported.  
Since GPS is not built within certain BlackBerry smartphones, the  
interaction experience is limited. If you have a non-GPS-enabled  
BlackBerry device, your smartphone will be able to interact with  
the BlackLine GPS Snitch and GPS-enabled BlackBerry 8800  
series smartphones. However, others will not be able to map your  
most recent location since GPS publishing is not possible.  
If you have a GPS Snitch or co-workers, friends, or family with a  
BlackBerry smartphone, go ahead and download Blip for your non-  
GPS-based BlackBerry smartphone. Signing up for the beta  
program is not necessary since your smartphone is not able to  
publish GPS locations.  
GPS Location Security Notice  
When you start Blip for the first time, your BlackBerry smartphone  
will notify you that it is requesting access to your GPS location. For  
Blip to perform correctly, you must agree to Blip’s continued  
access to your GPS data. Check “Don’t ask this again” and select  
the “Yes” button.  
End User License Agreement (EULA)  
When you start Blip for the first time, you are presented with an  
end-user license agreement. To use Blip, you must agree to the  
terms set out within this agreement.  
Access to GPS information  
End User License Agreement  
Login Page  
Login Page  
When you agree to the EULA, you are presented with the login  
page. Pressing the menu button on your BlackBerry smartphone  
while on this page allows you to modify connection settings, view  
data usage, and access GPS location publishing features that do  
not require you to be logged in to modify.  
Logging in to the Blip service  
To log into your Blip account, enter the e-mail address that you  
used to create your BlackLine account into the User Name data  
field. Enter your password into the Password field. Check the  
'Remember me on this device' checkbox if you would like both your  
User Name and Password to be remembered in the future. Using  
the trackball or scroll-wheel, select the Log In button to proceed  
into your Blip account. You can also access “Log in” from the  
Login Screen  
Publishing options  
A primary feature of Blip is the ability for the application to publish  
GPS locations to your BlackLine account. Publishing is only  
Publishing Options  
Login Page  
possible on activated GPS-capabile BlackBerry Smartphones such  
as the BlackBerry 8800 Series.  
Published locations are accessible to you and to the people that  
you know to whom you share your device history. Currently, only  
the BlackBerry 8800 Series devices contain internal GPS  
technology and are able to publish GPS locations.  
You can modify how frequent your BlackBerry device publishes  
locations via the Publishing Options page. Choose between  
publishing every 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, or once per hour.  
Publishing History  
As part of the Publishing Options, there is a Publishing History that  
records each publishing attempt plus its success or lack of  
success. Each publishing of your location includes a time and date  
stamp so that you can conveniently review your BlackBerry  
smartphone’s publishing success.  
Publishing History  
There are times when GPS coverage is too weak to compute a  
position, such as when in buildings that incorporate metallic  
Login Page  
window tinting and concrete structure, such as office buildings. In  
these situations, a failed location publish is flagged “Poor GPS  
Publish Location Now  
You can publish a location at any time. Select ‘Publish Location  
Now’ from the menu. This task instructs Blip to attempt to publish  
your location to your account. Depending on the number of GPS  
satellite signals available and their intensity, the publishing event  
will be successful or not.  
You can view the success in your Publishing History, accessible  
from the Publishing Options Page.  
Publish Location Now  
Total kilobytes  
A running total of the data use of Blip is maintained for you. Blip is  
a thin client that uses only a small amount of data. Data use is  
influenced by a number of factors including how often you use the  
Blip browser to view devices locations, how many shared devices  
that you have on your account, and how often you publish  
Login Page  
Show EULA  
At any time, you can view the Blip End User License Agreement by  
selecting Show EULA from the menu on the Log-in page.  
Connection Settings  
You can change the method of how Blip communicates with the  
BlackLine GPS servers by adjusting the Connection Settings via  
the menu while viewing the Login page.  
Available settings include MDS, TCP, and WAP connections. We  
recommend keeping the default settings unless you have  
connection troubles.  
These are advanced features and we do not recommend you  
change them without assistance from the BlackLine GPS support  
team that can be reached via:  
Devices Page  
Devices Page  
When you log into your account, the first page displays the devices  
activated on your account and a list of devices shared to your  
account from people that you know.  
Use the trackball or scroll-wheel to scroll through the list of  
devices activated on your account or shared to your account. To  
quickly go to the top of this list, press “T” on the BlackBerry  
keyboard. Similarly, to go to the bottom of the list, press “B”.  
Devices Page  
Depending on the device type, a different menu will appear when  
you press the menu key or press the trackball or scroll-wheel.  
Where appropriate, menu items are highlighted that are specific to  
BlackBerry smartphones and GPS Snitch devices.  
Map Last Location  
This menu item allows you to map the most recent location for the  
highlighted device within the BlackBerry Maps application. If you  
keep BlackBerry Maps open, each time you map a location, it will  
be remembered within BlackBerry Maps until it is closed. To  
Mapped Location: BlackBerry Maps  
Devices Page  
quickly map a location, press the letter Lon the BlackBerry  
If you do not have BlackBerry Maps installed on your BlackBerry  
smartphone, you can proceed to the BlackBerry Web site and  
download the application:  
Device History  
Show History  
Both BlackBerry devices and GPS Snitch devices support the  
Show History feature. For BlackBerry devices, the history of  
published locations will be displayed while with GPS Snitch  
devices, the requested or scheduled locations will be shown along  
with any security alerts.  
Device Status  
Selecting device status will display a page related to the  
BlackBerry or GPS Snitch that you have selected. The contents of  
the device status are specific to BlackBerry or GPS Snitch devices.  
Device Status  
Devices Page  
BlackBerry: Publish Location Now  
If you highlight a BlackBerry device that is activated on your  
account, you can access a “Publish Location Now” menu item. If  
you select this menu item, Blip will attempt to publish your current  
GPS location. This event will be written to your Publishing History.  
if successful, the location will be published to your account so that  
your current location is accessible to others and for your own  
GPS Snitch: Locate  
This menu item is only available when a GPS Snitch device is  
highlighted and allows you to request a location from the unit in  
real-time. In comparison, BlackBerry devices do not support real-  
time tracking since their locations are published manually or  
Retrieving a location from a GPS Snitch takes approximately 20 to  
40 seconds. To quickly locate a GPS Snitch when highlighted,  
press the “Enter” button.  
Devices Page  
GPS Sntich: Arm / Disarm  
This menu item is specific to GPS Sntich devices and relates to its  
vehicle security function. Select this menu item to arm or disarm  
your GPS Snitch system.  
Select this menu item when you wish to be signed out from your  
account. Your user session always lasts 20 minutes where you’ll  
be signed out automatically.  
Refresh Page  
The data available on the Devices Page is static like a Web  
browser. To keep data usage to a minimum, this data is only  
updated when you request it. To refresh this data, either press the  
“R” hotkey of your BlackBerry keyboard or select “Refresh” from  
the menu. This will pull the most current device data from the  
BlackLine servers.  
Publish Options  
From this menu item, you can adjust the publishing options of your  
BlackBerry device as discussed earlier in this guide.  
Devices Page  
Total Kilobytes  
As described earlier in this guide, you can view the amount of data  
use since the last time this counter was reset.  
You can view the current version information of the Blip client  
application installed on your BlackBerry device by selecting  
“About” from the menu.  
Selecting “Hide” from the menu pushes the Blip application into  
the background of your BlackBerry desktop. This allows you to  
access other functions of your BlackBerry device, such as the  
phone log, e-mail, etc.  
When you wish to close the Blip application, select “Close” from  
the menu. Closing the Blip application will stop all publishing of  
GPS locations and communication with BlackLine’s servers.  
On the Web  
Your account on the Web gives you access to other features, such  
as the ability to name your devices, activate further devices, invite  
others, and much more. Of course you can interact with devices  
too! Access your account via:  
Sharing Your BlackBerry Smartphone  
The power of Blip comes from its ability for your to share your  
location with others that you know. Friends, co-workers, and  
family do not even need a BlackBerry device to see where you are.  
They can access your BlackBerry smartphone location from  
BlackLine’s GPS Snitch site. Online Account  
The people you know do  
not even need a  
BlackBerry device to see  
where you are. They can  
access your BlackBerry  
smartphone location from  
their online account!  
All you have to do is send them an invitation to have access to  
your location. Log into your account on and  
proceed to the Sharing page. Enter the e-mail address of  
someone who you would like to invite to have access to your  
location and press “Send”.  
When you share your devices, an e-mail invitation will be sent to  
them inviting them to create an account in order to see where you  
are. Setting up a BlackLine account is free and takes only a  
couple minutes.  
Go ahead and Share Your Where!  
Support Sharing  
If you have questions, comments, or problems with Blip or your  
online account, please contact:  
BlackLine GPS Inc.  
#110 1215 13th Street SE  
Calgary, AB  
Canada T2G 3J4  

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