Device Driver User Guide
July 2007
VWorks3 and BenchWorks
Table of Contents
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
About Velocity11 user guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
What this guide covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
About device drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Installing device drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Opening diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Adding and linking Sub Process tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Workflow for configuring the SEAL-IT 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Creating a SEAL-IT 100 profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Setting SEAL-IT 100 task parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Managing SEAL-IT 100 profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Operating the SEAL-IT 100 with diagnostics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Table of Contents
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
This chapter introduces Velocity11 device drivers and provides some
basic procedures that are needed to use them.
A Velocity11 device driver is software that plugs into VWorks or
BenchWorks software to allow them to control a specific device.
Before reading this guide, you should be familiar with the VWorks or
BenchWorks software user interface. Information about using VWorks or
BenchWorks software can be found in the VWorks Version 3 Automation
Control User Guide or BenchWorks Automation Control User Guide.
To set up and use Velocity11 device drivers, become familiar with the
content in this guide as well as the guides for the devices that use
VWorks or BenchWorks software.
This chapter contains the following topics:
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Who should read this guide
Job roles
This user guide is for people with the following job roles:
Job role
Someone who writes software and
configures hardware controlled by
device drivers.
Lab manager, administrator, or
Someone who is responsible for:
❑ Installing device drivers
❑ Managing device drivers
❑ Developing the applications that
are run using device drivers
❑ Solving the more challenging
problems that might arise
❑ Developing training materials and
standard operating procedures for
Someone who performs the daily
production work using the device
driver and solves routine problems.
Your organization may choose to create
its own procedures for operators
including the procedures in this guide.
Related topics
For information about...
Contacting Velocity11
Accessing online help
Device drivers
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
About Velocity11 user guides
About this topic
This topic describes the different formats of Velocity11 user information
and explains how to access the user information.
Formats available
Velocity11 user information is provided to you as:
❑ Online help
❑ A PDF file
❑ A printed book
The information in each format is the same but each format has different
Where to find user
Online help
The online help is added to your computer with the Velocity11 lab
automation system software installation.
PDF file
The PDF file of the user guide is on the software CD that is supplied with
the product.
Velocity11 website
You can search the online help or download the latest version of any
Note: All Velocity11 user information can be searched from the website
Online help
The online help is the best format to use when you are working at the
computer and when you want to perform fast or advanced searches for
To open the online help:
1. In the Velocity11 lab automation software, press F1. The online help
window opens.
Main features
The online help window contains the following:
❑ Navigation pane. Consists of four tabs. The Contents, Index, and
Search tabs provide different ways to locate information. The Using
tab contains information about using the help system.
❑ Content pane. Displays the online help topics.
❑ Navigation buttons. Enables you to navigate through the pages.The
online help includes a navigation pane, content pane, and
navigation buttons.
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Navigation pane
Content pane
Navigation buttons
PDF user guides
Computer requirements
To open a user guide in PDF format, you need a PDF viewer. You can
download a free PDF viewer from the internet.
Printing and searching
The user guides in PDF format are mainly for printing additional copies.
You can perform simple searches in the PDF file, although these
searches are much slower than online help searches.
More information
For more information about using PDF documents, see the user
documentation for the PDF viewer.
Related topics
For information about...
Who this guide is for
What’s in this guide
Device driver plug-ins
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
What this guide covers
About this topic
This topic presents an overview of what procedures and information are
provided in this user guide.
This guide explains how to:
❑ Install the driver for the device
❑ Configure the device in the device manager
❑ Set and use the tasks associated with the device
❑ Use Device Diagnostics
Also read
Information about device drivers not covered in this guide and about
running VWorks or BenchWorks software can be found in the VWorks
Version 3 Automation Control User Guide or the BenchWorks Automation
Control User Guide.
Driver version
To find version information for a driver in VWorks:
1. Start VWorks.
2. Click Help and select About VWorks.
The About VWorks dialog box lists the version numbers of all the
current software for all the devices and plug-ins.
To find version information for a driver in BenchWorks:
1. Start BenchWorks.
2. Click Help and select About BenchWorks.
The About BenchWorks dialog box lists the version numbers of all the
current software for all the devices and plug-ins.
Firmware version
Some devices have firmware installed on them. Because each device is
different, the version number may not be the same for all devices.
To find version information for device firmware:
1. Open Device Diagnostics dialog box.
2. Click About.
The About Device Control message box appears displaying the
current version of firmware.
What this guide does This guide does not cover the following:
not cover
❑ The operation of the device
❑ The operation of VWorks or BenchWorks software
❑ Velocity11 devices, such as the PlateLoc Sealer, VCode Microplate
Labeler, and VPrep Pipettor when used in stand-alone mode
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
VWorks or
If you have purchased a device driver plug-in and are installing it
yourself, check with the Velocity11 Technical Support to be sure your
version of VWorks or BenchWorks software and the device driver plug-in
are using the same version of IWorks software.
Device driver plug-ins used with BenchWorks software may not include
some newer features that were specifically added for use with VWorks
software and that are described in this manual.
Related topics
For information about...
Who this guide is for
User documentation
Device driver plug-ins
About devices
About this topic
This topic presents a definition of a Velocity11 device and the device
Read this topic if you are unfamiliar with Velocity11 devices and VWorks
or BenchWorks software.
Device defined
A device is an item on your lab automation system that has an entry in
the device manager. A device can be a robot, an instrument, or a
location on the lab automation system that can hold a piece of labware.
Examples of devices:
❑ Velocity11 robot
❑ Human robot
❑ PlateLoc Thermal Plate Sealer
❑ Labcyte Echo550
❑ Platepad
❑ VPrep shelf
❑ Waste
Device file defined
The data entered into the device manager and saved as a device file
contains the configuration information for your devices.
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Device file location
Related topics
Device files have the file name format file and are stored in
the folder location that you specify when saving the file.
For information about...
Device diagnostics
Device profiles
Adding a device to the device
About device drivers
About this topic
This topic describes what device drivers are and what they do.
Velocity11 device drivers enable mechanical devices or software
programs to work with VWorks or BenchWorks software.
Read this topic if you are:
❑ An administrator in charge of installing device drivers and managing
Velocity11 d evices
❑ A lab automation system integrator who writes software and
configures hardware controlled by VWorks or BenchWorks software
Device driver
A Velocity11 device driver enables VWorks or BenchWorks software to
control and communicate with the specific type of device. Each type of
device that you operate with VWorks or BenchWorks software requires a
device driver.
For example, VWorks software uses the:
❑ VPrep Pipettor device driver to communicate with the Velocity11
VPrep Pipettor device
❑ Softmax Reader device driver to communicate with Molecular
Devices readers
Plug-in defined
A plug-in is a software program that when added to another program
extends it.
Plug-in device
Some device drivers are incorporated directly into the VWorks or
BenchWorks software application. Other device drivers are distributed
as plug-ins. All the device drivers covered in this guide are the plug-in
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Advantages of distributing device drivers as plug-ins are:
❑ You only need to install the plug-ins for the devices you use
❑ When new plug-ins become available, they can be easily added.
There is no need to re-install the VWorks or BenchWorks software
IWorks interface
The device driver plug-ins and VWorks or BenchWorks software use
IWorks software as a common interface to communicate with each
other. Using a common interface allows the creation of a device driver
plug-in without the necessity of changing the software.
!! IMPORTANT !! Both VWorks or BenchWorks software and the
device driver must be using the same version of IWorks to work
Writing your own
device driver
If you are a lab automation system integrator who writes software and
configures hardware controlled by VWorks or BenchWorks software, you
can write your own driver plug-in for a new device. Contact the
Velocity11 Technical Support for information about how to do this.
What functions do
the device drivers
Once installed, the following items are enabled:
❑ Tasks associated with the device.
Device-specific tasks appear in the Protocol Tasks list and are
available for use in protocol editor processes.
❑ Task parameters associated with the device.
Device-specific task parameters appear in the Protocol Task
Parameters toolbar. These determine the conditions with which to
execute the tasks of the device.
❑ Diagnostic commands specific to the device.
Device-specific diagnostic commands and options appear in the
Device Diagnostics dialog box. These commands enable direct
control of the device.
Related topics
For information about...
Adding a device to the device
Opening diagnostics
Installing a device driver
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Installing device drivers
About this topic
Devices are integrated into VWorks or BenchWorks software using
device driver plug-ins. Plug-ins need to be installed before the device
can be configured and used.
This topic describes how to install device drivers if they are not already
installed on your system. Read this topic if you are an administrator in
charge of managing Velocity11 devices.
To install device drivers:
1. Insert the device driver installation disc into the CD-ROM of the
computer running VWorks or BenchWorks software.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions for installation, selecting the
default values when available.
3. When finished, exit VWorks or BenchWorks software.
4. Log off Windows and restart your computer.
5. Start VWorks or BenchWorks software.
For this
The default location for the device driver is...
VWorks software C:\VWorks Workspace\bin\plugins
C:\Program Files\Velocity11\BenchWorks\plugins
Related topics
For information about...
Device drivers
Opening diagnostics
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Adding devices
About this topic
To configure your lab automation system to use a device, you need to
add it to a device file in VWorks or BenchWorks software. The VWorks or
BenchWorks software device manager uses the information in the
device file to communicate and operate the device within the
automation system.
This topic describes how to:
❑ Create a new device file (if one does not already exist)
❑ Add devices
❑ Save the device file
Read this topic if you are an administrator in charge of managing
Velocity11 d evices.
To add devices to a device file:
1. Make sure that the devices are physically networked to the VWorks
or BenchWorks software computer and turned on.
2. Start VWorks or BenchWorks software and login as an Administrator.
3. Do one of the following:
If you have an existing device file that you want to add to, select
File > Device File, click Open, and select your device file.
If you are creating a new device file, select File > Device File and
click New.
4. Click the Device Manager tab.
5. Click New device in the Device List toolbar and enter a name for the
device you are adding.
6. In the device manager, set the Device type.
The default type is Plate Pad, Standard.
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
8. Select File > Device File > Save.
If you are creating a new device file, you are prompted to enter a
name for your device file.
Alternatively, you can select File > Save All. This saves the device file
and the current protocol file at the same time.
Related topics
For information about...
Device drivers
Setting generic device properties
Opening diagnostics
About diagnostics
About this topic
This topic presents an overview of diagnostics software.
Read this topic if you need to set up or troubleshoot a device running
VWorks or BenchWorks software.
Devices can be controlled in real time directly through the VWorks or
BenchWorks software Diagnostics using simple commands.
Diagnostics software is used for:
❑ Troubleshooting
❑ Setting teachpoints
❑ Performing manual operations outside a protocol
❑ Creating and editing profiles
For example, if an error occurs during a run that leaves a plate and the
robot where they should not be, you can use robot diagnostics to move
the plate and return the robot to its home position.
Types of diagnostics Devices and robots manufactured by Velocity11 include their own
diagnostics software. You can find instructions for using this software in
the relevant user guide.
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Related topics
For information about...
Opening diagnostics
Adding a device to the device
Device drivers
The definition of devices
Opening diagnostics
About this topic
Every device has diagnostics software to assist you with troubleshooting
and setting up the device. This topic describes how to open a device’s
diagnostics in VWorks or BenchWorks software.
Read this topic if you need to access a device’s diagnostics to perform a
device setup task or manually operate a device.
Procedure 1
If you are using VWorks4 software
To open Diagnostics:
1. Click Diagnostics on the Control toolbar.
2. In the device file’s window, select the device. Expand the general
name of the device, if necessary.
3. Click Device diagnostics located at the bottom of the window. The
device’s diagnostics dialog box opens.
If you are using VWorks3 or BenchWorks software
To open Diagnostics:
1. Click Diagnostics on the Control toolbar.
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
2. In the Diagnostics window, select thedevice. Expand the general
name of the device, if necessary.
3. Click Device diagnostics. The device’s diagnostics dialog box opens.
Procedure 2
If you are using VWorks4 software
To open Diagnostics:
1. Click the Device File tab.
2. Select the device from the Devices toolbar.
Expand the general name of the device, if necessary.
3. Click Device diagnostics located at the bottom of the Devices
The device’s diagnostics dialog box opens.
If you are using VWork3 or BenchWorks software
To open Diagnostics:
1. Click the Device Manager tab.
2. Select the device from the Device List toolbar. Expand the general
name of the device, if necessary.
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
3. Click Device diagnostics located at the bottom of the Device List
The device’s diagnostics dialog box opens.
Related topics
For information about...
About device drivers
Adding a device to the device
Setting generic device properties
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
About profiles
About this topic
This topic describes what profiles are and what they do.
Read this topic if you are an administrator in charge of managing
Velocity11 d evices.
Profiles defined
A profile contains the initialization settings needed for communication
between a device and device driver. The data in a profile is used by
VWorks or BenchWorks software to identify each device on the network.
A profile can also contain other basic settings that you are unlikely to
change once set up.
Because profiles identify device driver devices on the network, each
device driver device must have its own profile.
You can create, modify, and delete profiles as needed.
Stored settings
Profiles are stored in the Windows registry.
The settings stored in a device driver profile include:
❑ Whether the device is connected using serial or Ethernet
❑ If the device is connected using Ethernet, the Device ID of the
device on the network
❑ If the device is connected using serial, the COM port that the
controlling computer uses for communication
❑ Configuration of accessories
Related topics
For information about...
Device drivers
Adding a device to the device
Opening device diagnostics
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Setting the properties for a device
About this topic
The device properties provide VWorks or BenchWorks software with
additional information about the device’s current configuration, such as
which profile to use, and stores the information in the device file. The
device file is automatically loaded when you open a protocol.
The device properties need to be set when configuring the device.
Typically, these properties only need to be set once. This topic describes
how to set the following device properties:
❑ General
❑ Teachpoint
❑ Barcode
❑ Location (for devices with multiple teachpoints)
❑ Device Properties
Read this topic if you are an administrator in charge of managing
Velocity11 d evices.
Before you start
Make sure that you have installed the device driver plug-in and have
added the device to the device manager.
See “Related information” for procedures on how to do these tasks.
Setting general
To set the general properties for a device:
1. Click the Device Manager tab.
2. Select the device from the Device List toolbar. (Expand the device
name, if necessary.)
on page 17. If no Locations, continue with step 3.
3. In the General group, set the following:
a. Approach height. This is the height to raise the robot gripper
above the teachpoint when the robot moves the plate
horizontally towards or away from it.
b. Allowed/prohibited labware. Click the adjacent field to open the
dialog box. Move the labware classes by selecting them and
clicking one of the arrow buttons.
4. In the Device Properties, select the desired profile if it is not already
5. Select File > Device File > Save to save the changes to the device file.
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Setting teachpoints
Teachpoints are the coordinates in space that a robot travels to in order
to interact with a device. Only the devices that are accessible by robots
are able to have teachpoints.
To set the teachpoint properties:
1. Open the Device Properties page.
2. In the Teachpoints property group, set the following:
a. Device is accessible from robot robot’s name. Choose Yes or
b. Teachpoint for robot robot’s name. Choose a file.
Setting barcode
If your device has a barcode reader, indicate where the reader is
To set the barcode readers property:
1. In the Barcode Readers property group, set the side that has the
barcode to Yes.
2. Enter the number of the COM port to which the device is connected.
Setting location
Note: The options available under Location groups might differ for
software and hardware device drivers. Software devices do not have
robot-accessible labware positions.
For hardware devices that have more than one robot-accessible labware
position, the approach height, allowable/prohibited labware,
teachpoint, and barcode properties are located under Location groups.
To set the Location properties:
1. Hardware device drivers only. Set the Use linked location. Follow the
2. Hardware device drivers only Set the Teachpoints. Follow the
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
3. Some software device drivers only. Set the Approach height and
5. Assign the Labware used by the location by selecting the correct
labware type from the list.
6. In the Device Properties, select the desired profile if it is not already
7. Select File > Device File > Save to save the changes to the device file.
Setting the Use
linked location
Currently, this feature is enabled for the special situations in which there
is a storage device such as a PlateHub Carousel, StoreX, or Cytomat and
a robot, such as the Velocity11 Translator robot that is shuttling plates
between systems.
To use this feature, select yes and then select the device location to
which you want to link. This tells the software that the current device
location is the same physical location as the device selected from the
Device to use list.
Note: Selecting this option when it is not enabled will have no effect on
the system.
Related topics
For information about...
Device drivers
Installing a device driver plug-in
Adding a device to the device
Opening diagnostics
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Adding and linking Sub Process tasks
About this topic
This topic describes how to add a sub-process to a protocol and
configure it. Read this topic if you are an administrator or technician
and are responsible for creating protocols in VWorks or BenchWorks
Before you read this Before you read this topic, become familiar with the topics in the
VWorks Version 3 Automation Control User Guide or BenchWorks
Automation Control User Guide describing what a protocol is and how it
is created.
Sub Process task
Sub Process tasks indicate the existence of a subroutine within a
protocol. Sub-processes typically contain a series of liquid handling
tasks used by devices such as the VPrep Pipettor or Multimek dispenser.
Adding a Sub
Process task
The first step in creating a pipette process is to add a Sub Process task to
the protocol editor. Drag the Sub Process icon into the process.
Setting Sub Process When you add the Sub Process task, a new sub-process is started in the
pipette process editor. This process is identified by its sub-process link
task parameters
Because you can have more than one sub-process in a protocol, you
must link the Sub Process task to the correct sub-process.
To link the Sub Process task to the correct sub-process:
1. In the Protocol Editor, add a Sub Process task to the protocol and
then select it in the protocol sequence.
2. In the Protocol Task Parameters toolbar, select the sub-process that
you want to use for this pipetting task from the Use Sub Process list.
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
3. If there is only one sub-process and you need to create a second
one, click Add New.
Associating the sub- Because you can have more than one device that uses sub-processes on
a lab automation system, you must link each sub-process link icon with
one or more devices that you want the sub-process to be able to use. You
do this by setting the parameter for the sub-process link icon.
process to a device
To link a Sub Process task to a device:
1. In the Pipette Process Editor, select the Sub Process link icon.
2. In the Available devices list of the Pipette Task Parameters toolbar,
select one or more pipettors to link to and click Add.
The selected pipettors move to the lower box and become available
for use.
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Related topics
For information about...
Device drivers
Adding a device to the device
Creating protocols
❑ VWorks Version 3 Automation
Control User Guide
❑ BenchWorks Automation Control
User Guide
Using JavaScript to set task parameters
About this topic
JavaScript programs (scripts) can be used to change the parameters of a
protocol task immediately before it is scheduled. This extends the
capability of VWorks or BenchWorks software because the parameters
can be changed dynamically during a run, based on the following:
❑ Information passed from an external source, such as a database
❑ The number of times the protocol has cycled
❑ Feedback on changing conditions during the run
This topic describes the use of JavaScript to set task parameters in a
Read this topic if you are an administrator or technician responsible for
creating VWorks or BenchWorks software protocols and want to add
functionality to a task using JavaScript.
Where scripts are
Scripts can be written in two ways:
❑ Directly into the box in the Advanced Settings tab of the Task
Parameters toolbar
❑ As an external file that is located by clicking Browse in the
Advanced Settings tab and navigating to its location on the hard
Note: You can also call an external file by embedding the “open()”
function in the box.
The following screenshot displays a short script that prints the
parameters of a task to the log toolbar, just before the task runs. In this
case, the script is written directly in the Advanced Settings box.
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
For more information about using JavaScript, refer to the VWorks Version
3 Automation Control User Guide or the BenchWorks Automation Control
User Guide.
Related topics
For information about...
Using JavaScript in protocols
❑ VWorks Version 3 Automation
Control User Guide
❑ BenchWorks Automation Control
User Guide
Adding tasks to protocols
❑ VWorks Version 3 Automation
Control User Guide
❑ BenchWorks Automation Control
User Guide
About reader output files
About this topic
Plug-in device drivers that are written for plate readers have a common
way of naming their output files. This topic explains the concepts related
to output file naming. By reading this topic, you will learn how to
prevent data in the reader output files from being overwritten by newer
Read this topic if you are an operator who wants to make changes to the
task parameters for one of these readers:
❑ VR4000
❑ Analyst GT
❑ Fusion
❑ Viewlux
❑ Tecan readers
Plug-in default
output file
When you first install a reader device driver plug-in, all data recorded
during a protocol or by a manual read using diagnostics software is
written to a single file stored in the C: drive.
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
The exact name of the file is specific to the device. For example, the
RVSI VR4000 device driver creates a file with the name
This file can only store data for one read, which means that the set of
data for each read overwrites the last set in the file. To avoid this
problem you must set up an output file naming convention.
Profile default
output file name
Some device drivers allow more than one device of that type to be used
in the lab automation system. In this case, each device must have its
own profile. Even if you have only one device, you can still set up
multiple profiles for it, with each storing different settings.
In these cases, you probably want each profile to have a separate default
output filename to prevent the data from runs using one profile
overwriting those of another.
Filename suffixes
To prevent the data from one read overwriting the data from another,
you need to append a variable suffix to the file name. You can append a
date/time stamp and one or more bar codes on the rack or plate.
The example output file folder below shows that a profile default file
name of output.txt was created at one time. At another time, a suffix was
appended in the profile for the device driver, which added a barcode
identifier to the file name (for example output_C100040329.txt).
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Overriding output
file names with
You can override the default output file name that is set in the profile
using the Output filename property of the Read task parameters.
This allows you to use different output file names for every task.
The suffix used for the file name that you set in the task parameters is
taken from the suffix specified in the device diagnostics profile. So if you
select date/time stamp in the profile, the date/time stamp will also be
appended during a run in which you have specified a different file
Related topics
For more information about...
Opening diagnostics
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
About device initialization
About this topic
When working in device diagnostics software, you are often required to
initialize the device. This topic explains why device initialization is
Initializing a device opens communications with it. For example, if the
device is connected with a serial cable, the COM port is opened, and if
the device is connected with an Ethernet cable, the TCP/IP socket is
Homing motors
Initializing a device homes motors that do not track their position along
their line of travel. Homing a motor moves it until it triggers an event,
called a home flag. This tells the motor its location.
The motors on some devices automatically move to their home
positions when the device is turned on. The motors on other devices
must be initialized to be homed.
Setting profile
Initializing a device applies relevant parameters set in the device’s
Setting state and
memory variables
Most devices store variables in software or firmware. Initializing a device
sets these variables to their initial values.
Related topics
For information about...
Using Diagnostics
Workflow for configuring devices
Chapter 1: Introduction
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Chapter 2: SEAL-IT 100
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
The ABgene SEAL-IT 100 is a plate sealer that uses adhesive film for cold
pressure sealing. The SEAL-IT 100 can be configured to work in lab
automation systems running VWorks or BenchWorks.
This chapter contains the following topics:
Chapter 2: SEAL-IT 100
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Workflow for configuring the SEAL-IT 100
About this topic
This topic presents the workflow for configuring the SEAL-IT 100 device
Read this topic if you are an administrator responsible for setting up
devices in VWorks or BenchWorks.
Before you start
Before you can configure the SEAL-IT 100 device driver you must have
installed it. For installation instructions, see “Setting the properties for a
Step Topic
Related topics
For information about...
Device drivers
Setting SEAL-IT 100 task
Managing SEAL-IT 100 Profiles
Using SEAL-IT 100 Diagnostics
Chapter 2: SEAL-IT 100
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Creating a SEAL-IT 100 profile
About this topic
This topic describes how to create a profile for the SEAL-IT 100.
Read this topic if you are an administrator responsible for setting up
devices in VWorks or BenchWorks.
Before you start
Before you create a profile, you must have added the SEAL-IT 100 to the
device manager.
To create a SEAL-IT 100 profile:
1. Open ABgene SEAL-IT 100 Diagnostics.
2. Click the Profiles tab.
3. In the Serial port list, select the number of the COM port that the
SEAL-IT 100 is using.
4. Click Create a new profile.
5. In the Create Profile dialog box, enter a name for the profile and
click OK.
The name appears in the Profile name box.
6. In the Profile Settings area, set the following:
Plate length
Length of the plate, measured across
the top.
Load position
Distance that the dive board is moved
out for pick up of the plate by the
Chapter 2: SEAL-IT 100
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Roll count
Number of times the rolling operation
is performed. Always set to 1.
Roll speed
Speed at which the roller that presses
the seal onto the plate moves.
Reduce the speed to get a firmer seal.
Roll Type:
With Full roll selected, the roller starts
in the middle of the plate, rolls one
half, then returns to roll the other half,
and then performs a complete roll
across the plate.
❑ Full roll
❑ Half roll
With Half roll selected, the complete
roll is omitted.
7. Click OK to save the profile and exit ABgene SEAL-IT 100 Diagnostics.
Related topics
For information about...
Opening diagnostics
Adding the SEAL-IT 100 to the
device manager
The next step
The workflow this procedure
belongs to
Managing SEAL-IT 100 profiles
Using SEAL-IT 100 Diagnostics
Using SEAL-IT 100 tasks
Chapter 2: SEAL-IT 100
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Setting SEAL-IT 100 task parameters
About this topic
When the SEAL-IT 100 is added to the device manager, the task
associated with the device becomes available in the protocol editor.
When a task is added to a protocol, you need to set the parameters for it.
This includes choosing the SEAL-IT 100 to use and what “Seal Plate”
properties to use.
This topic describes the tasks and their parameters.
Read this topic if you are:
❑ An administrator or technician responsible for creating protocols
❑ An operator who wants to make changes to the SEAL-IT 100 task
parameters in a protocol
Note: Operators cannot save changes to protocols.
About the Seal Plate The SEAL-IT 100 device driver adds one task to VWorks or BenchWorks.
This task is used to seal a plate with cold adhesive film.
(SEAL-IT 100) task
There is only one task associated with the SEAL-IT 100 and it is
represented by this icon in the Protocol Task toolbar:
The task is available in the protocol editor, but not the pre-protocol
editor or post-protocol editor.
Setting Seal Plate
(SEAL-IT 100) task
To set the Seal Plate (ABgene SEAL-IT 100) task parameters:
1. Add the Seal Plate (ABgene SEAL-IT 100) task to a protocol process.
2. In the Protocol Task Parameters toolbar, make sure the Task Settings
tab is displayed.
3. Select the SEAL-IT 100 or SEAL-IT 100s and click Add.
The device name moves to the right of the Add and Remove buttons.
There are no Seal Plate properties to be set here. Properties used by the
task are set in the profile.
Chapter 2: SEAL-IT 100
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Related topics
For more information about...
The workflow that this procedure
belongs to
Creating protocols, pre-protocols,
post-protocols, and pipette
VWorks User Guide or the BenchCel
User Guide
Opening SEAL-IT 100 device
properties page
Managing SEAL-IT 100 profiles
Using SEAL-IT 100 Diagnostics
Managing SEAL-IT 100 profiles
About this topic
This topic describes how administrators and technicians can manage
SEAL-IT 100 profiles.
Managing profiles
To manage SEAL-IT 100 profiles:
1. Open ABgene SEAL-IT 100 Diagnostics.
2. Click the Profiles tab.
3. Select a profile from the Profile name list.
4. Perform the management task.
Management tasks include the following:
Chapter 2: SEAL-IT 100
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
Updating the profile. Use the Update command to save edits to
an existing profile.
Copying a profile.
Renaming a profile.
Deleting a profile.
Related topics
For more information about...
Opening diagnostics
The workflow for configuring the
Creating a SEAL-IT 100 profile
Operating the SEAL-IT 100
Operating the SEAL-IT 100 with diagnostics
About this topic
This topic describes how to:
❑ Initialize the SEAL-IT 100
❑ Use the Seal and Trim commands
❑ Set parameters for the sealing operation
Read this topic if you are an operator who wants to troubleshoot or
operate the SEAL-IT 100 using direct commands.
Before you start
Before you can send commands to the SEAL-IT 100, or receive status
information from the SEAL-IT 100, you need to initialize it.
To initialize the SEAL-IT 100:
1. Open SEAL-IT 100 Diagnostics.
2. Click the Profiles tab.
3. Select a profile from the Profile name list.
4. Click Initialize this profile.
Sealing and
trimming a plate
The Seal command both seals the plate and cuts the seal so that the
plate can be separated from the roll.
The Trim commands cuts a length of seal from the end of the roll. You
might use this command after loading a new roll.
Chapter 2: SEAL-IT 100
SEAL-IT 100 Device Driver User Guide
To seal or trim a single plate using ABgene SEAL-IT 100
1. Open ABgene SEAL-IT 100 Diagnostics.
2. Click the Controls tab.
3. If the SEAL-IT 100 is not initialized, click Initialize this profile on the
Profiles tab.
4. To seal a plate and cut (trim) the seal from the roll, click Seal.
5. To trim the seal roll, click Trim.
You might do this after first loading a roll of seal.
Note: The parameters set in the profile are used for the sealing and
trimming operations.
Related topics
For more information about...
Opening diagnostics
The workflow for configuring the
Creating a SEAL-IT 100 profile
Managing SEAL-IT 100 profiles
Initializing a device
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