Part No. DUA1860-0AAA01
Published November 1994
Introduction ix
Conventions xi
Managing The Bridge 1-7
Bridging 1-8
Why Use A Bridge? 1-8
What Is Custom Filtering? 1-20
Host-to-Host Filtering 1-23
Host-to-Port Filtering 1-24
Port-to-Port Filtering 1-26
Multicast-to-Port Filtering 1-27
Protocol Filtering 1-27
Bit Filtering 1-28
Enabling Custom Filtering 1-29
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 1-30
Installation And Removal 1-31
Safety Information 1-31
Anti-Static Information 1-31
Introduction 2-2
Simple Bridge Configuration 2-11
Adding Bridge Information 2-24
Erasing All Changes 2-27
Logging Off The Bridge 2-28
IP Address Configuration 2-29
Bridge Connections 2-30
Active 2-32
Using PING To Test Connections 2-38
Telnet Log On To Another IP Device From The Bridge 2-42
Community Administration 2-46
Traps 2-47
Configuring Basic Community Characteristics 2-48
Configuring Community Traps 2-51
Introduction 3-2
Spanning Tree Configuration 3-2
Spanning Tree Bridge Configuration 3-3
Spanning Tree Port Configuration 3-6
Custom Filter Configuration 3-9
Saving Port-to-Port Filters 3-17
Setting Up A Multicast-to-Port Filter Set 3-18
Setting Up A Bit Filter 3-23
Saving Bit Filters 3-26
Introduction 4-2
Checking Bridge Statistics 4-3
Rcvd 4-5
Xmit 4-5
Pkts 4-6
Rcvd 4-10
Xmit 4-10
Pkts 4-11
Viewing Ethernet Statistics 4-12
Received 4-13
Transmitted 4-14
Checking User Access 4-16
General Help 5-2
Configuration 5-3
Downloading Software Upgrades 5-3
The Permanent Database 5-6
Add Permanent Entry 5-6
Editing ARP Information 5-10
ARP Parameters 5-10
Add ARP Entry 5-11
Delete ARP Entry 5-12
Monitoring 5-17
Viewing Socket Statistics 5-23
Viewing UDP Statistics 5-26
Viewing TCP Information 5-28
TCP Data Statistics 5-28
Packets Received 5-28
Viewing IP Statistics 5-33
fragments received 5-34
Viewing SNMP Information 5-39
SNMP Statistics 5-39
In Packets 5-39
SNMP Authentication Statistics 5-42
Viewing ARP Tables 5-43
Viewing Diagnostic Information 5-45
Error Log 5-45
Interactive Diags 5-46
Clear Error Log 5-47
Spot Checks 6-2
Network Problems 6-4
Port Problems 6-5
Performance Problems 6-5
STAP Problems 6-6
Filter Problems 6-6
Operation Problems 6-7
Spares 6-9
Electrical B-1
Safety B-1
Environmental B-1
Reliability B-1
On-line Technical Services C-1
3Com Bulletin Board Service (3ComBBS) C-1
Ask3Com on CompuServe C-2
3ComFacts Automated Fax Service C-2
3Com Documentation on CD-ROM C-3
Support from Your Network Supplier C-4
Support from 3Com C-4
Returning Products for Repair C-5
This guide contains all the information you need to install and use
the LinkBuilder MSH 4 Port Ethernet Bridge Module. It is written
for the person responsible for the management and maintenance
of the network.
The guide explains:
How to configure the 4 Port Bridge Module.
How to identify 4 Port Bridge Module problems and possible
solutions to these problems.
The guide does not explain:
How to design your network.
How to install and use the LinkBuilder MSH chassis, its Power
Supply Units, the Management Module or any other modules.
Refer to the guides listed in the Useful Publications section.
The quick reference guide that also accompanies this guide
duplicates some of the information from this guide. As it is
intended for reference use, we recommend that it is stored in the
holder underneath the LinkBuilder MSH chassis.
Throughout this guide, we assume that you are familiar with the
concepts and operation of your Local Area Network. For VT100
and Telnet management, we also assume that you are familiar
with the VT100 management interface.
How To Use This Guide
The following list shows where to find specific information:
If you are looking for:
Turn to:
An introduction to the LinkBuilder MSH, the 4 Port
Ethernet Bridge Module, bridging and filtering
Chapter 1
How to configure a simple bridge
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
How to configure an advanced bridge
How to perform simple bridge monitoring
Information about further bridge configuration and
Information about problem solving
Information about link settings
Technical information
Chapter 6
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
How to obtain technical support
We recommend that you read Chapter 2 when setting up the
bridge for the first time, in a new environment. Read Chapter 3
for more advanced bridge configuration, if necessary. Read
Chapter 4 when regularly checking the bridge.
The following table lists conventions that are used throughout
this guide:
“Enter” vs. “Type”
When the word “enter” is used in this guide, it means type
something, then press the [Return] or [Enter] key. Do not press
the [Return] or [Enter] key when an instruction simply says
Text represented as
screen display
This typeface is used to represent displays that appear
on your terminal screen, for example:
Enter old password:
Text represented as
user entry
This typeface is used to represent commands that you
enter, for example:
> set pwd
When specific keys are referred to in the text, they are shown
in brackets, for example [Return] or [Esc].
If two or more keys are to be pressed simultaneously, the keys
are linked with a plus sign (+), for example:
Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del].
In text, italics are used to denote new terms or emphasis.
Special Messages
A special format indicates notes, cautions, and warnings. These
messages are defined as follows:
Notes call attention to important features or instructions.
CAUTION: Cautions contain directions that you must follow to
avoid immediate system damage or loss of data.
WARNING: Warnings contain directions that you must follow for
your personal safety. Follow all instructions carefully.
Related Publications
Related Publications
If you need more information about subjects not covered by this
guide, you may find it useful to refer to the guides that
accompany your other LinkBuilder products.
If you have lost or do not have a particular guide, copies can be
obtained from your supplier.
The following guides are particularly useful:
How To Install And Use The LinkBuilder MSH/11
The LinkBuilder MSH Management Module
Volume 1 (DUA1850-0AAA0x)
Volume 2 (DUA1850-0BAA0x)
The LinkBuilder MSH
The LinkBuilder MSH is an extremely versatile chassis-based hub,
which enables you to connect and manage large,
mixed-technology, mixed-media LANs.
The basis of the LinkBuilder MSH is the chassis, into which a series
of network specific modules can be installed, as shown in Figure
1-1. The modules within the chassis connect to a backplane. It is
the backplane which allows communication between the various
LANs and LAN segments connected to the LinkBuilder MSH.
Contact your supplier for the latest list of modules available.
Figure 1-1 The LinkBuilder MSH
The LinkBuilder MSH's backplane contains three Ethernet busses.
Ethernet modules can connect to any bus or be independent of
the chassis; this is the versatility of the LinkBuilder MSH.
The LinkBuilder MSH 4 Port Ethernet Bridge Module
The LinkBuilder MSH 4 Port Ethernet Bridge Module
The bridge module provides a bridge connection between the
three Ethernet busses of the MSH and an external port (the bridge
module's transceiver module), as shown in Figure 1-2. The
bridge's connections are referred to as ports (1, 2, 3 and E).
Figure 1-2 The Network Segments
The bridge module provides:
Connection to each Ethernet bus in the MSH.
An external connection by transceiver module.
LEDs for indicating bridge activity and diagnosing possible
Standard IEEE 802.1 Part D transparent bridging.
Additional custom bridge filtering:
Host-to-Host filtering
Host-to-Port filtering
Port-to-Port filtering
Multicast-to-Port filtering
Protocol filtering
Bit filtering
Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol (STAP).
The LinkBuilder MSH 4 Port Ethernet Bridge Module
Below its top ejector, the bridge has a panel of LEDs that indicate
bridge activity, as shown in Figure 1-3.
Each port has a row of three LEDs; transmit (TX), receive (RX) and
enabled (EN). Ports with numbers signify the Ethernet bus in the
LinkBuilder MSH chassis to which the port is connected. The
unnumbered row is for the external port, the Transceiver Module.
Figure 1-3 The Module’s LEDs
You can also use the LEDs to help with diagnosing faults on your
system, for more information refer to Using The LEDs For Fault
Diagnosis on page 6-3.
A Transceiver Module can be fitted to the bridge, providing its
fourth port, as shown in Figure 1-4. A range of Modular
Transceivers are produced by 3Com, allowing you flexibility when
deciding on network connections and cabling:
3C12060 Female AUI Transceiver Module
3C12065 Fiber Transceiver Module (ST)
3C12064 Fan Out Transceiver Module
3C12066 Coaxial Transceiver Module
3C12060 LinkBuilder Bridge MicroModule
Your supplier will know of any other Transceiver Modules not
listed here.
Figure 1-4 The Transceiver Module
Instructions on how to fit a Transceiver Module are given in the
manual that accompanies it.
Managing The Bridge
Managing The Bridge
The bridge can be managed using either the VT100 management
interface or remotely via SNMP using a suitable application, as
shown in Figure 1-5. SNMP provides a subset of the VT100
management facilities.
Figure 1-5 VT100 Management
To use the VT100 management interface:
Connect a VT100 terminal or VT100 terminal emulator directly to
the serial port on the display panel of the LinkBuilder MSH.
Use a VT100 terminal emulator over a network, via Telnet.
To manage the bridge, you must have a LinkBuilder MSH
Management Module (3C18500) with software version 2.1 or
later installed. If you do not have a Management Module
installed, contact your supplier.
Please refer to The LinkBuilder MSH Management Module
manuals for information on connecting VT100.
This section describes bridges and how they work.
Why Use A Bridge?
Bridges provide a way of joining two or more networks together
to form a single logical and physical network.
individual networks by bridging smaller networks together. The
bridge remains transparent to the users of these networks.
The original networks that form the bridged network are called
devices on the network can be reached via each of its ports. It
reduces the amount of traffic on each network segment by
filtering traffic that does not need to be forwarded to it. Standard
page 1-12.
You can also apply custom filters to restrict communication
through the bridge. This allows you to add some security to your
network. Custom filtering is described in Bridge Filters on page
Resilience can be built into a bridged network. The bridges on the
network can control the flow of traffic throughout the network.
Resilience is described in Spanning Tree Algorithm And Protocol
(STAP) on page 1-16.
Local And Remote Bridges
There are two main types of bridge, local and remote. The
LinkBuilder MSH 4 Port Ethernet Bridge Module is a local bridge.
Local bridges are used for bridging networks on the same site, as
shown in Figure 1-6.
Figure 1-6 Local Bridge
Remote bridges are used for bridging networks across large areas.
A remote bridge is often called a half bridge because each
network connects to half of the remote bridge. The remote
bridge halves are connected by a Wide Area Network (WAN) link,
as shown in Figure 1-7.
Figure 1-7 Remote Bridge
Both types of bridge have essentially the same operation and
Bridge Network Topology
The topology of a network is essentially its layout; how its
component parts are inter-connected. The topology of your
network is dependent on the amount of bridges that you use and
the way in which you use them. If you use one 4 Port Ethernet
Bridge Module, you may have a star topology.
In the example setups shown in Figure 1-8 and Figure 1-9, the
bridge connects all three MSH busses and an external segment.
Figure 1-8 shows how the devices, modules and MSH chassis are
physically connected, and Figure 1-9 shows the resulting
Figure 1-8 An Example Bridge Setup
Learning, Filtering And Forwarding
Transparent bridges remain transparent to the network segments,
treating them as one overall network. The main operations of a
transparent bridge are learning, filtering and forwarding. These
operations are 802.1 bridge features and enable it to control the
flow of traffic to each network segment.
Devices send information as frames. The two main types of frame
are 802.3 and Ethernet. The destination address and source
address are contained within the frame, as shown in Figure 1-10.
Destination Source Length Data
802.3 frame
Destination Source Type
Address Address
Ethernet frame
Figure 1-10 Frame Contents
Every time the bridge receives a packet, it looks at the source
address and destination address. If the bridge has not previously
received a packet on that port from the device, it learns the
source address by adding it to a list of device addresses connected
to the port. The bridge then compares the destination address to
the address lists for all the ports on the bridge. If the destination
address appears on the address list of a port that did not receive
the packet, the bridge forwards (duplicates) the packet to that
port. If the destination address appears on the address list of the
same port that received the packet, the bridge filters (discards)
the packet. If the destination address does not appear on any of
its address lists, the bridge passes it on to all but the receiving
port, called flooding.
Figure 1-11, Figure 1-12, Figure 1-13 and Figure 1-14 illustrate
how a bridge learns device addresses and uses address lists to
reduce unnecessary network traffic.
Figure 1-11: The bridge does not know what devices are on the
Figure 1-11 An Example Network
Figure 1-12: Device A, connected to port 1, transmits a packet for
device B. The bridge learns the address of device A but does not
know where device B is, so it passes the packet to ports 2, 3 and
Figure 1-12 Learns A, Passes On Packet
Figure 1-13: Device C, connected to port 2, transmits a packet for
device A. The bridge learns the address of device C and
recognizes the address of device A, so it forwards the packet to
port 1.
Figure 1-13 Learns C, Forwards Packet
Figure 1-14: Device D, connected to port 2, transmits a packet for
device C. The bridge learns the address of device D and
recognizes the address of device C is on the same address list, so
it filters the packet.
Figure 1-14 Learns D, Filters Packet
The bridge can now effectively control network traffic by
forwarding packets only to relevant network segments.
The bridge performs ageing on address list entries. If a port has
not received a packet from a device within a configured time (the
ageing time), the device's address will be removed from the port's
address list. This helps the bridge to efficiently remember devices
that communicate frequently without having to cope with devices
that communicate infrequently or are no longer there.
Because the bridge continually learns new addresses and ages out
old addresses, it does not have to be reconfigured or initialized
when a device is added to the network.
Spanning Tree Algorithm And Protocol (STAP)
You can make your network more resilient by adding bridges and
can still travel through the network by using the additional
bridges and network segments.
The key to resilience is the number of paths through the network.
Multiple paths, however, result in active loops. Active loops
introduce redundant traffic to the network, which can quickly
degrade overall network performance and, more importantly,
breaks network rules.
In the example shown in Figure 1-15, three network segments are
connected by three bridges, causing an active loop. Device B
transmits a packet for device E. Bridges 1 and 3 receive the packet
and forward it. Device E receives the packet from bridge 1 but
also receives a copy from bridge 2 (via bridge 3).
Figure 1-15 An Example Active Loop
A networking standards committee of the Institute of Electronic
and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) recognized and solved the problem
by introducing the Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol (STAP).
The STAP has become a standard bridge feature.
In a bridged network, a root bridge is elected to control the other
bridges. The root bridge is made aware of any active loops by
consulting the other bridges. The STAP constructs a spanning tree
which provides unique paths between all devices in the network,
and applies it by putting various bridges' ports in to a blocking
state, as shown in Figure 1-16.
Figure 1-16 Bridge Port Blocking
Bridge Filters
The LinkBuilder MSH 4 Port Ethernet Bridge Module allows the
use of customised filtering, which can be used in addition to basic
transparent filtering, as explained in Learning, Filtering And
Forwarding on page 1-12. It supports the following custom
filtering modes:
Host-to-Host filtering
Host-to-Port filtering
Port-to-Port filtering
Multicast-to-Port filtering
Protocol filtering
Bit filtering
This section describes these filtering modes and filtering concepts
in general.
What Is Custom Filtering?
Custom filtering lets you selectively define the hosts that can
communicate through the bridge. When applied, the bridge
filters (discards) certain packets based on the contents of filter
sets. These filter sets can be edited by the bridge operator and are
used for indicating what devices' packets are to be filtered.
Figure 1-19, Figure 1-20 and Figure 1-21 illustrate how a bridge
performs custom filtering. This particular example shows
host-to-port filtering.
Bridge Filters
Figure 1-19: A filter set for port 2 has been set up allowing device
A to communicate through the bridge and out of that port. No
other device can communicate through the bridge and out of that
Figure 1-19 An Example Network With Filter Set
Figure 1-20: Device A transmits a packet for device C. The bridge
knows that device C is connected to port 2, so it checks that
port's filter set. Communication is allowed, so it forwards the
Figure 1-20 Forwards Packet
Bridge Filters
Filter Sets
A filter set is a group of devices that are allowed to communicate
with each other. The 4 Port Ethernet Bridge Module's default filter
sets let all hosts and ports communicate. If you want to restrict
communication, you must edit the default filter sets. Each custom
filter type has specific filter sets.
Host-to-Host Filtering
A host-to-host filter set is a group of devices that are allowed to
communicate through the bridge. There are 32 default
host-to-host filter sets for you to use. Use each filter set for a
specific group of devices, for example, if you have a set for each
department in your business, it is easier to manage your filtering.
31 host-to-host filter sets are defined as inclusion (sets 2 to 32).
One host-to-host filter set is defined as absolute exclusion (set 1).
Devices that are members of an inclusion set can only
communicate with each other through the bridge.
The absolute exclusion set is a special set used for restricting
device communication. A device that is a member of that set is
prohibited from communicating through the bridge.
The default host group ensures that no host-to-host filtering
takes place before the inclusion filter sets are set up.
If you set up an inclusion set, you must remove the default host
group. If you empty an inclusion set, you must replace the default
host group.
The default host group must not be added to the absolute
exclusion set.
Figure 1-22 illustrates a host-to-host filter example, and shows
four network segments connected by a bridge. A filter set has
been set up allowing communication between devices A and D
only, through the bridge. Every packet received by the bridge has
its source address and destination address checked. If both
addresses match the addresses in the filter sets, the packet is
Figure 1-22 Host-to-Host Filtering Example
Host-to-Port Filtering
Host-to-port filters allow the user to define groups of devices that
are allowed to communicate through the bridge with devices
connected to a specific bridge port. There is a host-to-port filter
set for each bridge port.
Host-to-port filter sets can be defined as inclusion or exclusion.
Inclusion means that devices in the set can communicate out of
that port, and all other devices cannot. If the set is empty, no
devices can communicate out of that port.
Bridge Filters
Exclusion means that devices in the set cannot communicate out
of that port, and all other devices can. If the set is empty, all
devices can communicate out of that port.
The default host group is contained in all host-to-port filter sets
following an initialization. Sets default to inclusion. The
host-to-port default host represents all hosts except those defined
in the host-to-port filter sets. If you include device A in a
host-to-port set and delete the default host, then device A will
not be able to communicate through other ports unless you also
include device A in those ports' host-to-port filter sets.
Figure 1-23 illustrates a host-to-port filter example, and shows
four network segments connected by a bridge. The ports' filter
sets have been set up, allowing device F to communicate with
devices connected to port 1, device H to communicate with
devices connected to ports 1 and 3, and device C to communicate
with devices connected to port E. Every packet received by the
bridge has its destination address checked. If the destination
addresses appears in the source address list for that port, the
packet is forwarded.
Figure 1-23 Host-to-Port Filtering Example
In the example, the bridge will forward a packet from device H to
device A. However, for the bridge to forward a packet from
device A to device H, device A's address must be added to port
E's filter set.
Port-to-Port Filtering
A port-to-port filter set is a group of ports that are allowed to
communicate through the bridge. There is a port-to-port filter set
for each bridge port.
Figure 1-24 and Figure 1-25 illustrate a port-to-port filter
example. Figure 1-24 shows four network segments connected by
a bridge. The ports' filter sets have been set up, allowing
communication between ports 1 and 2, ports 1 and E, and ports
2 and 3.
Figure 1-24 Port-to-Port Filtering Example
Figure 1-25 shows the port communications that are allowed.
Figure 1-25 Allowable Port Communication
Bridge Filters
Changes made to port-to-port filter sets are mirrored by the other
port-to-port filter sets. For example, if ports 1 and E are added to
port 3's filter set, port 3 is automatically added to port 1's and
port E's filter sets.
Multicast-to-Port Filtering
A multicast-to-port filter set is a group of ports that are allowed
to send and receive broadcast and multicast packets from a
specific bridge port. There is a multicast-to-port filter set for each
bridge port.
The multicast-to-port filter sets operate in exactly the same
manner as the port-to-port filter sets, the only difference being
that multicast-to-port filter sets are used for broadcast and
multicast packets only.
Protocol Filtering
A protocol filter set is a group of network protocol filters for
which the bridge will permit or deny the forwarding of packets to
a specific bridge port. There is a protocol filter set for each bridge
For example, if you want to prevent packets using the TCP/IP
protocol from being forwarded to the network segment
connected to port 2, you would edit port 2's protocol filter set to
deny the TCP/IP protocol.
Bit Filtering
Bit filters selectively filter out traffic based on bit values occurring
in the first 64 bytes of each frame. This provides extremely flexible
filtering. You can test any combination of bits within a six-byte
long field falling within the first 64 bytes of the frame and
beginning on a byte boundary. You can have up to five input
filters and five output filters.
When you set up a bit filter, you define a bit pattern. The bit
pattern consists of up to 48 bit values (1 or 0), for example,
10111001. The bridge compares this pattern against the pattern
found in a specified location for every packet. If the patterns
match, the bridge filters or forwards the packet as specified by
additional filter information.
Bridge Filters
Enabling Custom Filtering
You have to enable custom filtering before it becomes effective.
You can enable and disable all custom filters or individual custom
filters with ease.
As custom filtering can involve multiple checking of packets, it
can have an adverse impact on bridge performance in a high
traffic rate environment. Therefore, it is best to plan custom
filtering carefully, enabling filters only as necessary.
The 4 Port Ethernet Bridge Module performs filtering tests in a
specific order:
1 Multicast-to-Port filtering
2 Port-to-Port filtering
3 Host-to-Port filtering
4 Host-to-Host filtering
5 Protocol filtering
6 Bit filtering
In mathematical terms, the filtering operation is characteristic of a
logical OR. If the filter sets of any one type indicate that a packet
should be filtered out, the bridge will discard it and perform no
further tests. You can improve bridge performance by using
higher precedence filters when possible.
For example, you may set up port-to-port filter sets to filter out
packets between ports 1 and 2. You may then create a
host-to-host filter set that includes a device connected to port 1
and a device connected to port 2. These devices will not be able
to communicate because their packets will be filtered out by
port-to-port filtering.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
SNMP is an application-level protocol for managing products such
as bridges on TCP/IP networks. You can issue requests using an
SNMP application. The application passes the requests to the
SNMP agent software on the device to be managed. The agent
carries out the requests and sends responses to the application.
Requests and responses are referred to as SNMP messages.
The SNMP agent on the bridge allows it to be managed by any
SNMP application. This agent complies with RFC 1157, A Simple
Network Management Protocol.
The agent performs network management functions based on
GET and SET operations. These operations retrieve and store
values of variables belonging to the managed device. The
variables are defined in one or more Management Information
Bases (MIBs).
MIB variables are encoded in a subset of the data-description
language Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1), according to the
rules specified by the Structure of Management Information
(SMI). In SMI and ASN.1 terms, a MIB contains objects, each of
which has an assigned unique name, known as an object
identifier (OID).
The names actually used in your management application to refer
to MIB variables depend entirely on that application and may be
different to OIDs.
The bridge supports the following MIBs:
Internet Standard II, as defined in RFC 1158, Management
Information Base for TCP/IP-Based Internets
Internet Bridge MIB, as defined in RFC 1286, Bridge MIB
Internet Ethernet MIB, as defined in RFC 1284, Definitions of
Managed Objects for the Ethernet like Interface Types
Installation And Removal
Installation And Removal
WARNING: Please read the following safety and anti-static
information before removing the module from its anti-static
Safety Information
To avoid having dangerous equipment:
Installation of this module should be carried out by qualified
personnel only.
This module operates under SELV conditions (Safety Extra Low
Voltage) according to IEC 950, the conditions of which are
maintained only if the equipment to which it is connected is also
operational under SELV.
The LinkBuilder MSH chassis must be earthed.
Anti-Static Information
To avoid damaging the module:
Do not remove the module from its anti-static packaging until you
are ready to install it into the LinkBuilder MSH chassis.
Do not touch the pins, leads, connections or any components on
the module.
Handle the module only by its edges.
Always wear an anti-static wristband connected to a suitable
earth point.
Always store and transport the module in anti-static packaging.
Please refer to the How To Install And Use The LinkBuilder
MSH/11 manual for information on installing and removing the
bridge module.
This chapter describes setting up the bridge for the first time. If
you have not set up the bridge before, or are setting it up again
after initializing NVRAM, you should read this chapter.
The chapter contains the following information:
A general introduction to the VT100 Management Interface,
which is used to manage the bridge.
A description of how to configure a simple bridge that connects
up to four network segments. This configuration involves:
Logging on and off the bridge
Establishing operator accounts
Defining bridge information
Saving and making changes effective
Erasing all the changes
A descrption of how to assign an IP address to the bridge so that
the bridge can be managed remotely via Telnet. This involves:
Setting up IP addresses
Using Telnet for remote connections
Using the Packet Internet Groper (PING) program to test
A description of how to configure the SNMP agent on the bridge
so that SNMP applications can obtain information about the
bridge. This involves:
Configuring the basic characteristics of each community and
globally enabling or disabling the Authentication Failure Trap
Enabling traps for individual communities and specifying the IP
addresses where the traps should be sent
The VT100 Management Interface
The VT100 Management Interface
The VT100 management interface is used for bridge
using special interface control keys.
The bridge has different control keys to the MSH management
module. When you log on to the bridge, the bridge control keys
take over. The bridge control keys are described in Bridge Control
Keys on page 2-8.
The screens are grouped hierarchically. For a complete menu map
of the bridge screens, see The VT100 Bridge Menu Map on page
2-6. The menu map also appears on The LinkBuilder MSH 4 Port
Ethernet Bridge Module 3C18600 Quick Reference Guide, that
accompanies this manual.
This chapter assumes that you are familiar with the VT100
management interface.
Please refer to The LinkBuilder MSH Management Module manual
for information on connecting VT100 and VT100 via Telnet. The
manual also describes VT100 screen conventions and VT100
control keys.
The VT100 Bridge Screens
The VT100 bridge screens have the same general layout. The
components of a bridge screen are shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1 Bridge Screen Components
The components are:
A - Screen title. The boxed words starting in the top left hand
corner of the screen.
B - Highlight. A dark or bright bar over the input field that
receives the information you enter into the input area.
C - System name. The name you give your bridge on the
System Information screen.
D - Local login identifier. The name of the user currently locally
logged on to the bridge.
The VT100 Management Interface
E - Remote login identifier. The name of the user currently
remotely logged on to the bridge.
F - Input area. The line below the screen area provides the data
entry location for input screens. The area starts with a short
description of the highlighted field. You enter the value in the
input area, where you can change or correct your typing as
necessary. When you press [Enter] or [Return], your input area
appears in the highlighted field. Your terminal may beep for an
inappropriate entry.
G - Prompt. The small blinking box that shows where you are in
the input area.
H - Message area. The line underneath the input area that
displays useful information. It usually displays the bridge's
software version and release date. If you make an error, it displays
a reason.
The VT100 Bridge Menu Map
The VT100 bridge menu map, as shown in Figure 2-2, shows the
links between the bridge management screens. The italic number
at the bottom left of each screen box is the page in this manual,
where you will find the description of that screen.
Figure 2-2 The VT100 Bridge Menu Map
The VT100 Bridge Menu Map
Operators with Administrator privileges are unrestricted.
Operators with Operator privileges cannot configure the bridge,
initialize NVRAM, or reset the bridge (the Administrative Screens).
Bridge Control Keys
There are special control keys for operating the bridge. These are
different to the MSH management module control keys and
should be used from the time you log on to the bridge. For [Ctrl]
key sequences, hold down the [Ctrl] key while pressing the
specified key. For [Esc] key sequences, press [Esc] and then press
the specified key.
The bridge control keys are described in Table 2-1:
Table 2-1 Bridge Control Keys
[?] [Esc] [H]
Displays a help screen. Many screens have their own
help screens. The general help screen appears for
screens without specific help screens.
Quick keys
Selects the menu item preceded by the character.
You do not need to press [Return]. For example, [B]
will take you from the Main Menu to the
Configuration menu. [B] [A] [A] will take you from
the Main Menu to the System Information screen.
Select or confirm entry
[Return] [Enter]
Selects the current menu item or confirms the entry
for a field and moves to the next entry field.
Previous screen
[Ctrl] + [Z]
[Esc] [P]
Returns you to the previous screen or menu.
Bridge Control Keys
Table 2-1 Bridge Control Keys
Return to Main Menu
[Ctrl] + [T]
[Ctrl] + [C]
[Ctrl] + [Y]
[Esc] [T]
Returns you to the Main Menu.
Return to MSH Management Module
[Ctrl] + [P]
When logged on locally, this returns you to the MSH
Management Module screens. We recommend you
log off the bridge before entering this command.
Move up
[Up Arrow]
Selects the previous menu item or highlights the
previous entry field.
Move down
[Down Arrow]
Selects the next menu item or highlights the next
entry field.
Move left
[Left Arrow]
Moves the cursor left one character in the entry field.
Move right
[Right Arrow]
Moves the cursor right one character in the entry
Delete character
[Ctrl] + [D]
Deletes the character to the left of the cursor in the
entry field. [Ctrl] + [D] has a different use when the
extended bridge control keys are in use.
Delete all
[Ctrl] + [U]
Delete all the input in the entry field.
Table 2-1 Bridge Control Keys
Refresh screen
[Ctrl] + [V]
[Esc] [V]
Refreshes the screen.
Next step
[Esc] [N]
Takes you to the next menu or screen, or returns you
from help. Using this from a menu, takes you to the
screen associated with the highlighted item.
Interrupt Telnet
Interrupts a Telnet connection without waiting for it
to time out.
Resume serial communication
[Ctrl] + [Q]
Resumes serial communication if accidentally turned
off (XOFF).
Simple Bridge Configuration
Simple Bridge Configuration
This section describes how to configure a simple bridge that
connects up to four network segments.
Ensure all bridge connections are in place before you start.
Initially, the bridge has no IP address. Without a unique IP address,
it cannot be remotely managed, so you must first log on to the
LinkBuilder MSH, then log on to the bridge, then set up a unique
IP address.
This simple configuration describes:
Logging on and off the bridge
Establishing operator accounts
Defining bridge information
Saving and making changes effective
Erasing all configurations
You will need to configure the bridge for your particular
installation. Write down all the changes that you make, so you
have a configuration record. We recommend that before
configuration, you look at the different bridge screens to
understand how they are linked and what information they
Most screens have their own help screen. If a screen does not
have one, the general help screen is displayed.
Logging On To The LinkBuilder MSH
Logging on to the LinkBuilder MSH is also described in The
LinkBuilder MSH Management Module manual.
Connect to the LinkBuilder MSH. The Main Banner appears, as
shown in Figure 2-3.
Press [Enter] to continue.
Figure 2-3 LinkBuilder MSH Main Banner
When you are logged on to the LinkBuilder MSH, the Main Menu
appears, as shown in Figure 2-5. It offers various LinkBuilder MSH
management options. The LOGOFF option closes down the
session, allowing the interface to ‘sleep’.
Figure 2-5 LinkBuilder MSH Main Menu
Simple Bridge Configuration
The Service Selection screen appears, listing all the services within
the LinkBuilder MSH Chassis with the number of the slot or
backplane to which it is attached, as shown in Figure 2-6.
Highlight 4 PORT .3 BRIDGE, press [Space] and select OKto select
the LinkBuilder MSH 4 Port Ethernet Bridge Module.
Figure 2-6 LinkBuilder MSH Service Selection
If the 4 Port Ethernet Bridge Module does not appear, either the
module is self-testing, has been incorrectly installed, or the MSH
management agent software is not version 2.1 or later.
Simple Bridge Configuration
Logging On To The Bridge
When you connect to the bridge, the Operator Login screen
appears, as shown in Figure 2-8. Until it is configured, the bridge
has no Operator IDs or Passwords, meaning that the bridge has
no security. You must set up an administrator account before any
security becomes active. This configuration includes this set up.
If no accounts have been set up, press [Enter] for both fields.
If you have an account with administrative privileges, enter the
Operator ID and Password. If you have accounts with
administrative privileges but have forgotten the Operator IDs and
Passwords, you may have to reset the bridge's configuration to
default values, see Appendix A.
Figure 2-8 Operator Login
Operator ID: Text Field. The operator ID is a string of one to
eight alpha-numeric characters and is case sensitive.
Password: Text Field. The password is a string of one to eight
alpha-numeric characters and is case sensitive. One Xwill appear
for each character typed.
Establishing Operator Accounts
When you have logged on to the bridge, the bridge's Main Menu
appears, offering various management options, as shown in
Figure 2-9.
The bridge's security is disabled if no administrative operator
accounts have been set up, so you should set up these accounts
Figure 2-9 Main Menu
The Operator Accounts screen appears, listing the operator
accounts that are set up for the bridge, see Figure 2-11. You can
set up 60 operator accounts for the bridge.
Enter the number of the operator account you want to set up.
Figure 2-11 Operator Accounts
No: Display Field. The account numbers of the 60 accounts.
Account: Display Field. The operator ID for the account. This can
be changed with the Edit User Accounts screen that follows on
from this screen. Blank entries indicate that the account has not
been assigned.
Priv: Display Field. The designated privilege for the account. Ais
for administrator and Ois for operator. Accounts with operator
privilege cannot configure the bridge, initialize NVRAM, or reset
the bridge.
Security checking is disabled if no operators are allocated
administrator privileges. This prevents a lock out from
configuration areas.
Simple Bridge Configuration
Account Number: Text Field. Enter the account number of the
operator you want to set up. You can set up from 1 to 60
accounts. After entering an account number, the Edit User
Accounts screen appears.
The Edit User Accounts screen appears with information on the
operator account you entered in the Operator Accounts screen, as
shown in Figure 2-12. You use this screen for entering and
modifying operator account information. Any existing
information is displayed.
Set up operator accounts by entering an Operator ID, Operator
Privilege and Password (repeat the Password for verification). To
set up a different operator account, enter its Account Number.
When you have finished, return to the System menu.
Figure 2-12 Edit User Accounts
Account Number: Text Field. The number of the operator
account. To configure a different account, enter its account
number and the Edit User Accounts screen changes to display this
account's information. This saves having to return to the Operator
Accounts screen. The account number can be from 1 to 60.
Operator ID: Text Field. The operator's ID is a string of one to
eight alpha-numeric characters. When entered elsewhere, the
operator ID is case sensitive. Changes to this field are only saved
during a bridge reset, and take effect from then on.
Simple Bridge Configuration
Operator Privilege: Choice Field (A/ O). Designate the privileges
for the operator. Ais for administrator and Ois for operator.
Bridge operators can be set up with either Administrator or
Operator privileges. Operators with Administrator privileges are
unrestricted. Operators with Operator privileges cannot configure
the bridge, initialize NVRAM, or reset the bridge.
Security checking remains disabled if no operators are allocated
administrator privileges. This prevents a lock out from
administrative areas.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset, and
take effect from then on.
Password: Text Field. The password is a string of one to eight
alpha-numeric characters. When entered elsewhere, the
password is case sensitive. One Xwill appear for each character
typed. Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset,
and take effect from then on.
Adding Bridge Information
You should provide general device information for your bridge the
first time you set it up. This information is required by all MIB II
conformant devices and is generally useful because it includes the
location of the bridge and the name of the person responsible for
it (useful if the bridge is not operating correctly).
Select SYSTEM INFORMATION from the System menu.
The System Information screen appears, as shown in Figure 2-13.
You use this screen for entering and modifying device
information. Any existing information is displayed.
Enter the information and, when you are sure it is correct, return
to the Configuration menu.
Figure 2-13 System Information
System Name: Text Field. Enter a name for the bridge. This is a
string of 1 to 16 characters. Changes to this field are only saved
during a bridge reset, and take effect from then on.
Simple Bridge Configuration
System Contact: Text Field. Enter the name of the person who is
responsible for the bridge. This is a string of 1 to 16 characters.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset, and
take effect from then on.
System Location: Text Field. Enter the physical location of the
bridge. This helps if ever it needs to be located. This is a string of
1 to 16 characters. Changes to this field are only saved during a
bridge reset, and take effect from then on.
Local Time/Date: Text Field. Enter the local time and date.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset, and
take effect from then on.
Local Control Terminal Port Mode: Text Field. This field should
be set to standard. Do not change this field.
Remote Control Terminal Port Mode: Text Field. This field
should be set to standard. Do not change this field.
Bridge Statistics Averaging: Text Field (on/ off). Set the
method by which statistics are displayed on the Bridge Statistics
and Bridge Port Statistics monitoring screens. If you want the
accumulated statistics averaged per second, specify on. If you
want the total accumulated statistics (since power up), specify
Saving And Making Changes Effective
Some of the changes you can make to the bridge are not saved if
you simply log off. However, not all fields require a bridge reset to
save them and make them effective. The field descriptions that
accompany each screen, in this manual, describe the necessary
Any changes that are saved, are saved in NVRAM (Non Volatile
Random Access Memory). Changes in NVRAM are remembered
over a power cycle.
Select BRIDGE RESET from the Configuration menu.
The Bridge Reset screen appears, as shown in Figure 2-14. It
reminds you of its effect and prompts you for a yes/no answer.
Enter yesto reset the bridge or noto return to the Configuration
Figure 2-14 Bridge Reset
Simple Bridge Configuration
Erasing All Changes
If you want to erase all the changes made to the bridge since
logging on, simply log off the bridge. However, if you want to
erase all the changes ever made to the bridge, you must initialize
NVRAM (Non Volatile Random Access Memory) and reset the
bridge. If you initialize NVRAM but do not reset the bridge,
logging off instead, the changes will not be erased.
Select INITIALIZE NOVRAM from the Configuration menu.
The Initialize NOVRAM screen appears, as shown in Figure 2-15. It
warns you of its effect and prompts you for a yes/no answer.
Enter yesto agree to initializing NVRAM or noto return to the
Configuration menu.
If you enter yes, the Reset Bridge screen appears. This screen
warns you of its effect and prompts you for a yes/no answer.
Enter yesto initialize NVRAM or noto return to the
Configuration menu.
Figure 2-15 Initialize NVRAM
Logging Off The Bridge
Selecting LOGOUT from the Main Menu will log you off the
bridge and return you to the display you had before logging on.
Any changes that have been made since logging on will be
erased. Most fields, but not all, require a bridge reset to save
them and make them effective, see Saving And Making Changes
Effective on page 2-26.
We recommend that you log off the bridge before returning to
the MSH Management Module screens.
IP Address Configuration
IP Address Configuration
This section describes how to assign an IP address to the bridge.
When the bridge has an IP address, you can remotely manage it
via Telnet, and will not need to go through the LinkBuilder MSH.
Telnet is a TCP/IP application. SNMP also requires the bridge to
have an IP address.
This simple configuration describes:
Setting up IP addresses
Using Telnet for remote connections
Using PING to test connections
Every IP network device is identifiable by its unique IP address
(Internet Protocol address). An extension to the IP addressing
scheme allows you to divide networks into subnetworks. The
subnet mask identifies which parts of the IP address denote the
network (network number) and which denote the host (host
IP devices can only communicate with devices on different
networks via IP routers (gateways). A subnet mask is not needed
unless the network is IP routed.
If you have a private IP network, you can assign any IP address
you like. However, if you are connecting to the Internet, your IP
address must be unique. Network numbers can be assigned by
the Network Information Center (NIC). This organization assigns a
globally unique network number to each network that wishes to
connect to the Internet. The host numbers are then assigned by
your local system administration.
Bridge Connections
The Telnet protocol is used for remotely logging on to a device.
The following requirements must be met for remote login:
You must have an account on the host and you must know the
operator ID and password for that account.
You must know either the host name or IP address of the host.
You can only use the host names configured in your local IP Host
Table screen.
If you are logging on from a remote host, the terminal must
support VT100.
Logging On To The Bridge
You can log on to the bridge locally (via the LinkBuilder MSH) and
remotely (via Telnet). The bridge can accept:
Either a local or a remote log on.
Both a local and a remote log on.
The bridge cannot accept:
Multiple local or remote log ons.
Telnet From The Bridge
The bridge has Telnet capabilities, allowing you to Telnet from the
bridge to another device. The bridge allows you to:
Telnet from the bridge if you have locally logged on. The bridge
can still accept a remote log on.
The bridge does not allow you to:
Have multiple Telnet sessions from the bridge.
Telnet from the bridge if you have remotely logged on.
IP Address Configuration
Setting Up Remote Access
up, the IP address identifies the bridge. The IP Addresses screen is
used for setting up an IP address for the bridge so that other
devices can communicate with its management agent.
Select CONFIGURATION from the Main Menu. Select NETWORK
PROTOCOL from the Configuration menu. Select IP ADDRESSES
from the Network Protocol menu.
The IP Addresses screen appears, displaying two tables, Active
and Next Reset, as shown in Figure 2-16. The Active table shows
the IP Address and Subnet Mask that are currently used. The Next
Reset table allows you to enter a new IP Address and Subnet
Mask, which will be used after the bridge is next reset. Highlight
the field you wish to change and an area for entering the new
information will appear at the bottom of the screen.
Enter your address information. A Subnet Mask is not needed
unless the network is IP routed. After entering your information,
the IP Address screen asks if you want to reset the bridge. Ignore
this and reset the bridge when you've completed this section.
Figure 2-16 IP Addresses
IP Address: Display Field. The bridge's current IP address. A line
of dashes indicates that no IP address has been assigned to the
Subnet Mask: Display Field. The bridge's current subnet mask.
Next Reset
IP Address: Text Field. Enter the IP address you want to assign to
the bridge. It must be unique and of the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
(decimal). Enter remove the bridge's IP address.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset, and
take effect from then on.
Subnet Mask: Text Field. Enter the subnet mask you want to
assign to the bridge. A subnet mask is not needed unless the
network is IP routed. It must be of the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
(decimal). Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge
reset, and take effect from then on.
IP Address Configuration
Static Routes
If you are using a routed network, you will need to enter a default
gateway to ensure remote communication with the bridge. A
more resilient network can be set up by defining a set of static
routes. Static routes are predefined routes, with different levels of
priority, through the routed network. The highest priority route
will be used until a router or cable goes down, breaking the
route. When this happens, the next priority route is used.
Select IP STATIC ROUTES from the Network Protocol menu.
The Static Routes screen appears, as shown in Figure 2-17. You
use this table to specify gateways the IP router should use to
reach specific network, host or subnet destinations.
Each static route includes a preference value. If protocols are
enabled, the preference you specify in a static route to a network
or subnet destination is compared to preference values for the
same destination learned through protocol messages from the
network. If the static route preference value is higher (less
desirable) than a route learned over the network, the static route
is replaced. However, since the protocols deal only with network
(or subnet) destinations, enabling them does not change any
static routes that you specify for hosts.
Figure 2-17 Static Routes
Item: Text Field. The number of a configured static route or 0(to
enter a new route). Static routes are sorted by IP address and
assigned numbers according to their positions in the sorted list.
Entering the number of a configured static route causes that
route to be displayed.
Destination Host: Text Field. The IP address of a network, host,
or gateway, or a [Space] character, or the keyword default.
Specify the address in decimal notation, nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. If a
host name has been defined in the IP Host Table screen, you can
use that name rather than the IP address.
The IP address can be an address that is configured in a static
route, or an address for a new route. If the address is already
configured, entering it causes its parameters to be displayed on
the line you can edit. If it is not configured, the remaining fields in
the line are blank.
A [Space] character deletes the route displayed. Item numbers are
adjusted accordingly.
defaultis equivalent to the address, which is the
destination for the default gateway. In other words, the gateway
you specify for this destination is the one that will be used for any
route not defined in the routing table.
Enter yfor the SAVE CHANGES? field to save changes to this
field. Changes only take effect after a bridge reset.
Gateway: Text Field. The IP address or host name of the gateway
that is the next hop for the destination host specified in the
previous field. If a host name is given, it must be defined in the IP
Host Table screen. Enter yfor the SAVE CHANGES? field to save
changes to this field. Changes only take effect after a bridge
IP Address Configuration
Preference: Text Field. A whole number from 0 to 255,
designating the rank to be assigned to the route specified by the
DESTINATION HOST and GATEWAY fields. 0represents the most
desirable route, 255represents the least desirable route. The
default is 50. Enter yfor the SAVE CHANGES? field to save
changes to this field. Changes only take effect after a bridge
Save changes?: Text Field. Enter yto save any changes made to
this screen to NVRAM, or nto not save any changes. Changes
only take effect after a bridge reset.
Assigning Host Name / IP Address Pairs
You can assign symbolic names (host names) for devices that can
communicate with or from the bridge. If a device has an IP
address, a host name can be assigned to it. This host name can
then be used instead of the IP address to identify the device,
when using the bridge. It is not necessary to assign host names,
but they are a lot easier to remember than IP addresses. The IP
Host Table screen is used for assigning IP address / host name
pairs and is primarily used for Telnet.
Select HOST TABLE from the Network Protocol menu.
The IP Host Table screen appears, displaying two tables, IP
Addresses and Host Name, as shown in Figure 2-18. The Host
Name table lists the existing host names assigned to the
corresponding IP address in the IP Addresses table.
Enter IP address / host name pairs for devices that can access the
bridge. The host name must be unique for each device. For a
bridge, use the name defined in its System Information screen as
its host name.
Figure 2-18 IP Host Table
IP Address Configuration
IP Address: Text Field. Enter the IP address for the device. It must
be in decimal and of the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. Changes to this
field are only saved during a bridge reset, and take effect from
then on.
Host Name: Text Field. Enter the host name for the device.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset, and
take effect from then on.
The IP Host Table screen is updated with any new IP address / host
name pairs that are entered in the custom filtering screens.
Using PING To Test Connections
The PING (Packet InterNet Groper) program checks for a valid
connection to a network device. Any device with an IP address
can respond to a PING session. It tests network connections by
sending packets to a specified IP address and checking the
If you have just set up address information for the bridge, reset
the bridge to save the information and for it to take effect.
We recommend that you PING the LinkBuilder MSH Management
Module, in the same chassis as the bridge, to test that PING is
working correctly.
You could use PING if:
You can't connect to a remote device and are unsure if it is
There is a problem on the network and you need to check all the
nodes for response quickly.
If you get no response from a device, it could be because:
You are using the wrong IP address.
No one has assigned the IP address to the remote device or, if a
host name was used, the host name is not assigned to that IP
address in the bridge's host table. You may wish to contact
someone at the remote site.
The host is shut off or has crashed. You may wish to contact
someone at the remote site.
Your subnet mask is wrong.
The default gateway is wrong.
You have not assigned an IP address to the bridge.
IP Address Configuration
Select PING from the Applications menu.
The Ping Settings screen appears, as shown in Figure 2-19. Enter
the IP address or host name of the remote device and confirm the
packet size and timeout parameters (modify these only if
Figure 2-19 Ping Settings
Destination IP address: Text Field. Enter the IP address for the
remote device. It must be in decimal and of the form
Enter the host name for the remote device. This host name must
be in the host table of your bridge.
Packet Size: Text Field. The number of bytes in the packet,
excluding the header, that contains the echo request message.
Timeout: Text Field. The number of seconds PING waits for an
ICMP echo response message, before giving up and sending the
next ICMP echo request message.
The Ping screen appears, as shown in Figure 2-20, after the
information for the Ping Settings screen has been supplied. The
Ping screen immediately starts displaying status messages when
information is received.
When you've finished with the Ping screen, press [Enter] or
[Return] to exit from it.
Figure 2-20 Ping
Destination: Display Field. The IP address or host name of the
remote device being pinged.
Packet Size: Display Field. The number of bytes in the packet,
excluding the header, that contains the echo request message.
Timeout: Display Field. The number of seconds PING waits for an
ICMP echo response message, before giving up and sending the
next ICMP echo request message.
Packets Sent: Display Field. The number of ICMP echo request
messages that have been sent to the destination address.
IP Address Configuration
Packets Received: Display Field. The number of ICMP echo
response messages that have been received from the destination
Minimum: Display Field. The shortest amount of time (in
milliseconds) that elapsed between sending an ICMP echo request
and receiving an ICMP echo response.
Average: Display Field. The average amount of time (in
milliseconds) that elapsed between sending an ICMP echo request
and receiving an ICMP echo response.
Maximum: Display Field. The longest amount of time (in
milliseconds) that elapsed between sending an ICMP echo request
and receiving an ICMP echo response.
Telnet Log On To Another IP Device From The Bridge
The bridge has Telnet capabilities, allowing you to remotely log on
to an IP device. This is especially useful for logging on to other
LinkBuilder MSH 4 Port Bridge Modules. However, the bridge
does not always allow you to Telnet out. For information on when
you can Telnet, see Bridge Connections on page 2-30. You may
wish to Telnet to the LinkBuilder MSH Management Module.
Select APPLICATIONS from the Main Menu. Select TELNET from
the Applications menu, to start a Telnet session.
One of the following will happen:
If the Connections menu appears, the bridge has already
accepted a remote log on. You are not allowed to Telnet out from
the bridge.
If you are remotely logged on to the bridge, you can talk to a local
user (the user who has logged on to the bridge locally), if present,
by using the Chat screen (select CHAT W. LOCAL to display this
screen). When you have finished, select END CONNECTION.
If you are locally logged on to the bridge, you can talk to a remote
user (the user who has logged on to the bridge remotely), if
present, by using the Chat screen (select CHAT W. REMOTE to
display this screen). When you have finished, select END
IP Address Configuration
If the Remote Connect screen appears, as shown in Figure 2-21,
you are allowed to Telnet out from the bridge. Enter the host
name or IP address of the device you want to log on to. If you use
a host name, it must appear in the bridge's host table. If you use
an IP address, it must be in the decimal form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn.
Figure 2-21 Remote Connect
Talking To Another Bridge User
The bridge can accept two users, one local and one remote. If
both users are present, they can exchange messages via the Chat
The Chat screen, as shown in Figure 2-22, is intended for
exchanging uncomplicated information:
Warning the other user that you are about to reset the bridge or
change its configuration.
Exchanging telephone numbers so you can discuss any network
issues you may have.
The local user can get the Chat screen by selecting CHAT W.
REMOTE from the Connections menu. The remote user can get
the Chat screen by selecting CHAT W. LOCAL from the
Connections menu.
Figure 2-22 Chat
Message: Text Field. Enter your message for the other user. It
can be up to 50 characters long.
IP Address Configuration
Telnet Suspension
You can suspend your Telnet session from the bridge at any time.
You may want to do this if you want to return to the bridge but
stay connected to the remote device.
To suspend a remote session, press [Ctrl] + [ ] ]. You will be
returned to the Main Menu of the bridge. To resume a suspended
session, press [Ctrl] + [ ] ] again.
Telnet Log Off
To disconnect from the remote device, select END CONNECTION
from the Connections menu. The Terminate Connection screen
appears, displaying the IP address and host name of the remote
host you wish to disconnect from, as shown in Figure 2-23.
If you want to disconnect from the remote device, press [Enter] or
[Return]. If you do not want to disconnect from the remote
device, leave the screen.
Figure 2-23 Terminate Connection
SNMP Configuration
This section describes configuration of the SNMP agent on the
bridge. When the SNMP agent has been configured, SNMP
applications can obtain information from it about the bridge.
This section describes how to:
Configure the basic characteristics of each community and
globally enable or disable the Authentication Failure trap.
Enable traps for individual communities and specify the IP
addresses to which the traps should be sent.
The basic concepts of SNMP are explained in Spanning Tree
Algorithm And Protocol (STAP) on page 1-16.
Remember to reset the bridge after setting up the SNMP agent if
you want your configuration to be saved and take effect.
Community Administration
The bridge has a community. A community defines an
administrative relationship between a client (a device) and the
SNMP agent it wishes to communicate with.
On the bridge, for the community you must configure:
A community name used by the client and agent as a password
for communicating with each other and included in all messages
exchanged between them.
A MIB view defining the subset of MIB variables that can be
accessed by client requests containing the community name.
An access mode specifying whether client requests containing the
community name can perform read only (GET) operations, or read
and write (GET and SET) operations on MIB variables.
SNMP Configuration
An SNMP agent can send messages, traps, when exceptional
events occur. Traps include the name of the community involved
in the event. They are sent to an IP address that you define for
each community during configuration of the agent.
The main advantage of traps is that you do not have to constantly
monitor the bridge because it alerts you when any exceptional
events occur.
The bridge's SNMP agent supports the following bridge traps:
Authentication Failure
An SNMP client has tried to access the agent using a community
name the agent does not recognize, or requesting an action not
allowed for the community.
Cold Start
The agent is initializing itself. The values of MIB variables may
Interface Up
A port, previously not operational, is now operational.
Interface Down
A port, previously operational, is now not operational.
New Root
The bridge on which the agent is running has become the new
root of the Spanning Tree.
Topology Change
One of the configured bridge's configured ports has gone into or
out of the Forwarding state. This could be due to STAP or manual
Configuring Basic Community Characteristics
Select CONFIGURATION from the Main Menu and then
NETWORK PROTOCOL from the Configuration menu. Select
SNMP from the Network Protocol menu to get the Configure
SNMP menu.
Select COMMUNITIES from the Configure SNMP menu.
The SNMP Community Basic Configuration screen appears, as
shown in Figure 2-24. You use this screen for enabling or
disabling the authentication trap for the SNMP agent running on
the bridge. You would also use this screen for configuring the
community name, MIB view, and SNMP access mode for the
community that will access the SNMP agent.
Figure 2-24 SNMP Community Basic Configuration
SNMP Configuration
Authentication Failure Trap: Text Field (e/ d). Enable or disable
the authentication failure trap for the SNMP agent. Enter eto
enable, or enter dto disable. The default is disable.
If the trap is enabled, the agent generates a trap message
whenever a client tries to access it using a community name you
have not defined. The message is sent to the trap destination of
each community for which traps are enabled. Use the SNMP
Community Trap Configuration screen to enable all traps, and
define the destinations that are to receive messages reporting
If the trap is disabled, no authentication failure trap messages are
generated, regardless of whether or not traps have been enabled
on the SNMP Community Trap Configuration Screen.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset, and
take effect from then on.
Community Name: Text Field. A community name is a name by
which a client can access this agent. If the field is blank, you can
use it to add a community name. The name can contain from 1 to
32 characters.
Press [Space] to delete a community name. The default is blank.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset, and
take effect from then on.
Access: Text Field (r/o/ r/w). Enter the access mode for the
community's MIB view. The effect this has on operations
permissible for the community depends on the ACCESS: in the
MIB definition of the object.
Enter r/oto specify that the community can perform read
operations (GET and TRAP) on the value of a MIB object in the
MIB view, if the object's MIB ACCESS: is read-writeor
read-only. The value of an object whose ACCESS: is
write-onlyor not-accessiblecannot be read. No object
values can be written (SET).
Enter r/wto specify that the community can perform read and
write operations (GET, TRAP and SET) on the value of any object
in the MIB view, if the object's MIB ACCESS: is read-writeor
The default is r/o.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset, and
take effect from then on.
SNMP Configuration
Configuring Community Traps
Select COMMUNITY TRAPS from the Configure SNMP menu.
The SNMP Community Trap Configuration screen appears, as
shown in Figure 2-25, displaying the existing community name
(configured in the SNMP Community Basic Configuration screen).
You use this screen for configuring the community name,
enabling or disabling traps, defining the device to which the
agent is to send trap messages, and defining the UDP port to
which the agent is to send trap messages.
Figure 2-25 SNMP Community Trap Configuration
Community Name: Text Field. The name of the SNMP
community. If this field is blank, you can enter a new community
name. The name can be 1 to 32 alpha-numeric characters.
Press [Space] to delete a community name. To change a name,
type over the existing one.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset, and
take effect from then on.
IP Address / Host Name: Text Field. The host to which traps
pertaining to the community name are to be sent. Specify either
an IP address in the dotted decimal notation (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn),
or the name of the host that has been defined in the host table
(via the IP Host Table screen).
If you enter a host name defined in the host table, the
corresponding IP address is displayed preceding the name. This
occurs as soon as you enter or change a community name on
some other line on the screen.
If you enter a host name not defined in the host table, an error
message is displayed, "Illegal Internet Address".
If you enter an IP address that happens to be defined in the host
table (although this is not required), the corresponding host name
is displayed (in parenthesis) after the address. This occurs as soon
as you enter or change a community name on another line on the
The default is
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset, and
take effect from then on.
Port: Text Field. The UDP port on the host that is to receive trap
messages. You usually leave this as the default of 162, the
standard UDP port for SNMP communication. Changes to this
field are only saved during a bridge reset, and take effect from
then on.
SNMP Configuration
Enable: Text Field (y / n). Enter yto enable, or nto disable the
Authentication Failure, Cold Start, Interface Up, Interface Down,
New Root and Topology Change traps.
An Authentication Failure trap is generated when an SNMP client
has tried to access the agent using a community name the agent
does not recognize. The Authentication Failure trap must also be
enabled on the SNMP Community Basic Configuration screen. If it
is not enabled on both screens, no authentication failure traps are
A Cold Start trap is generated when the agent is initializing (or
reinitializing) itself and the values of MIB variables may change.
An Interface Up trap is generated when a port that was not
operational is now operational.
An Interface Down trap is generated when a port that was
operational is no longer operational.
A New Root trap is generated when the bridge on which the
agent is running has become the new root of the spanning tree.
A Topology Change trap is generated when one of the configured
ports on the bridge has gone into or out of the forwarding state.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset, and
take effect from then on.
This chapter describes how to set up the bridge's advanced
features. If you have not previously set up the bridge, read
Chapter 2.
Spanning Tree Configuration
The Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol (STAP) is explained in
the IEEE Computer Society's MAC Bridges P802.1D document.
You should not change any spanning tree parameters unless you
have significant knowledge and experience with the Spanning
Tree Algorithm and Protocol (STAP).
The spanning tree eliminates the duplication of packets and
provides fault tolerance for resilient networks. During
construction of the spanning tree, bridges co-operate by
exchanging information. This information is transmitted in
packets called Configuration Bridge Protocol Data Units
In order to establish a stable spanning tree topology, the STAP
bridges ’elect’ a root bridge. The root bridge takes charge of the
spanning tree topology and controls which bridges block packets
and which forward packets.
Once the topology is stable, all STAP bridges listen for special
’Hello’ C-BPDUs transmitted from the root bridge at regular
intervals (usually every two seconds). If a STAP bridge timer
expires before receiving a ‘Hello’ C-BPDU, it assumes that the root
bridge, or a link between itself and the root bridge, has gone
down. It initiates a reconfiguration of the spanning tree topology.
This section describes what spanning tree parameters can be
changed. The bridge defaults to the IEEE 802.1d Revision 9
recommended settings.
Spanning Tree Configuration
Spanning Tree Bridge Configuration
Select CONFIGURATION from the Main Menu. Select BRIDGES
from the Configuration menu. Select SPANNING TREE from the
Bridges menu.
The Spanning Tree screen appears, as shown in Figure 3-1. You
use this screen for editing the bridge's spanning tree information.
The screen is split and shows the spanning tree information for
You should not change these parameters unless you understand
the scope of the spanning tree as this may modify the topology of
your network.
You can use the Bridge Statistics screen to check spanning tree
bridge parameters. This screen is displayed, via the Monitoring
menu, by selecting BRIDGE STATISTICS from the Bridges menu.
Use the screen to verify port states and traffic. For more
information on the Bridge Statistics screen refer to Checking
Bridge Statistics on page 4-3.
Figure 3-1 Spanning Tree
ID: Display Field. The identification number for the bridge. The ID
number uniquely identifies each bridge. The number is a
combination of the lowest Ethernet device address on the bridge
and a hexadecimal representation of the PRIORITY field. The
Ethernet device address is hard-coded in the Ethernet chip and
cannot be changed.
Priority: Text Field. Enter the priority of the bridge. The priority
determines which bridge to use when two or more bridges are on
the same network. The highest priority bridge is the one set with
the lowest number. If two bridges have the same path cost to the
root bridge, the priority is used to determine which bridge to use.
The IEEE 802.1 spanning tree priority is a value between 0 and
65535. The default is 32768.
Changes to this field are saved and take effect immediately.
Maximum Age: Text Field. Enter the amount of time a bridge
retains spanning tree configuration information before discarding
All bridges in a spanning tree network need to receive
information about the configuration of the network. This
information is made available in the form of Configuration Bridge
Protocol Data Units (C-BPDUs) sent by the root bridge. If a bridge
does not receive valid C-BPDUs from a root bridge during the time
interval set by the MAXIMUM AGE field, it will assume that the
root bridge has failed and will establish a new network
configuration using itself as the new root bridge. This process
ensures that a root bridge always exists.
The maximum age must be between 6 and 40 seconds and
cannot be greater than the maximum age of the current root
bridge, shown on the right hand side of the screen. The default is
20seconds, as recommended by the IEEE 802.1d specification.
The maximum age must be larger than the hello time of every
bridge in the network.
Changes to this field are saved and take effect immediately.
Spanning Tree Configuration
Hello Time: Text Field. Enter the hello time for the bridge. The
hello time is the amount of time the bridge pauses between
sending spanning tree configuration C-BPDUs.
The hello time must be between 1 and 10 seconds and must be
lower than the maximum age. The default is 2 seconds.
Changes to this field are saved and take effect immediately.
Forward Delay: Text Field. Enter the forward delay for the
bridge. The forward delay is a two-step timer that prevents a
bridge from forwarding packets until changes, if any, to the
topology are reported.
In a typical cycle the bridge is in the listening state for the amount
of time set by the forward delay, waiting to hear spanning tree
configuration C-BPDUs. If no changes are reported, the bridge
moves into the learning state. While in the learning state, the
bridge waits another forward delay interval to see if any
configuration C-BPDUs are transmitted that would change the
topology. If no C-BPDUs are received, the bridge then moves to
the forwarding state. The forward delay timer must be set
between 4 and 30 seconds. The default is 15 seconds.
Changes to this field are saved and take effect immediately.
Ageing: Text Field. Enter the ageing time. The ageing time is the
amount of time a bridge allows each entry transmitted from a
source address to remain in the forwarding database. If the bridge
does not receive packets from a source address during the ageing
time interval, it discards packets from that source address and
relearns the network. The ageing time must be between 10 and
10000 seconds. The default is 300 seconds.
Changes to this field are saved and take effect immediately.
Spanning Tree Mode: Text Field. This field shows the current
entry (before the /) and the entry that will take effect after
resetting the bridge (after the /). Enter IEEEfor the IEEE 802.1d
version of the spanning tree, or enter offto disable the spanning
Spanning Tree Port Configuration
Select SPANNING PORT from the Bridges menu.
The Port Settings screen appears, as shown in Figure 3-2. You use
this screen for editing various port spanning tree information. The
screen is split and shows the spanning tree information for this
bridge (on the left) and the current root bridge (on the right). You
should not change these parameters unless you understand the
scope of the spanning tree as this may modify the topology of
your network.
screen will be shown. Change this field to display the port you
wish to change parameters for. The screen will automatically
display the next port after the previous one.
You can use the Bridge Port Statistics screen to check spanning
tree port parameters. This screen is displayed, via the Monitoring
menu, by selecting BRIDGE PORT STATS from the Bridges menu.
Use the screen to verify port states and traffic. For more
information on the Bridge Port Statistics screen refer to Checking
Port Activity on page 4-8.
Figure 3-2 Port Settings
Spanning Tree Configuration
Port: Text Field. Enter the name of the port who's spanning tree
parameters you want to change. Use 1, 2, 3or E.
ID: Display Field. The identification number for the port. The
port's ID is the same as the bridge's ID, which is a combination of
two numbers, the bridge priority and the Ethernet address of the
State: Display Field. The current status of the port. This value
changes depending on when you view it, or when you enable or
disable a port.
Blockedindicates the port is listening for spanning tree
information only. The port ignores all other information.
Listeningindicates the port is waiting to be placed in the
forwarding state.
Learningindicates the port is learning information collected
during the listening state. The forwarding database is built from
learned information.
Forwardingindicates the port is sending data.
MOS(Manually Out of Service) indicates the port is disabled and
receives no network traffic. Ports are enabled or disabled by the
Port ID: Display Field. The hexadecimal number that uniquely
identifies the port. This number is a combination of the port
priority and the physical number of the port in the bridge. This
number changes if you change the PRIORITY field.
Path Cost: Text Field. Enter the path cost. The path cost
represents the performance cost of sending information through
a port and measures the impact of sending packets through the
network. The path cost setting establishes a hierarchy among the
ports of the spanning tree topology. A high cost indicates a low
position in the topology. A low cost indicates a high position in
the topology. By setting a high path cost to a port, you discourage
high-volume traffic and eliminate slow data links.
The port path cost is based on the root path cost, when the port
is the root port of the bridge. The path cost must be a number
between 0 and 65535.
Changes to this field are saved and take effect immediately.
Priority: Text Field. Enter the priority of the port. When you
change this field you change the first two digits of the priority
number. The priority determines the port to use when two ports
have the same calculated path cost. The port with the lowest ID
number is the one that is used.
Changes to this field are saved and take effect immediately.
Port is enabled, Port is disabled. No Field. Press [E] to enable
the port, or [D] to disable the port. Changes to this field are saved
and take effect immediately.
Custom Filter Configuration
Custom Filter Configuration
You can control the traffic that flows through the bridge by using
the bridge's custom filters. For example, you can prevent
communication between specific devices, and allow only TCP/IP
communication between specific bridge ports. The basic concepts
of custom filtering are explained in Bridge Filters on page 1-20.
If you are unfamiliar with filtering, it is easy to produce
unexpected results. You should plan your filter sets carefully
before configuring custom filters.
This section describes how to set up the custom filters. The Filter
Options screen is used for saving and making custom filtering
effective. This is also explained in this section.
Setting Up A Host-to-Host Filter Set
Select CONFIGURATION from the Main Menu. Select BRIDGES
from the Configuration menu. Select BRIDGE FILTERS from the
Bridges menu.
The Bridge Filters menu lists each filter option. Selecting the
relevant filter will take you through to that filter's setup screen.
The Host-to-Host screen appears, as shown in Figure 3-3. You use
this screen for setting up host-to-host filter sets. The screen
displays the devices included in the filter set denoted in the SET
NUMBER field. Simply alter this field to work on a different filter
set. There are 32 host-to-host filter sets. Remember that filter set
number 1 is reserved for absolute exclusion.
For host-to-host filtering information, refer to Filter Sets on page
Figure 3-3 Host-to-Host
Custom Filter Configuration
Set Number: Text Field. Enter the number of the filter set you
want to set up. You can use any number from 1 to 32 but
remember that set number 1 is the absolute exclusion set. Press
[Return] to accept the set number.
Set Name: Text Field. This is optional. Enter a name for the filter
set. The set name helps you identify the set.
Set Type: Text Field. Ensure this is `inclusion' (for sets 2 to 32).
Set number 1 is the absolute exclusion set.
Host Name: Text Field. Enter the host name for the device you
want in your filter set. Each host name / host address pair must be
unique across all set tables. You cannot have more than one
name for the same host address, nor can you have the same
name for multiple addresses. The host name / host address pair
will be added to the bridge's host table if it does not already
Host Address: Text Field. Enter the host address for the device
you want in your filter set. The format is nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn
(hexadecimal). This will appear automatically if you entered a
known host name.
Add/Remove: Text Field (A/ R). To add the device that you've
entered, to the filter set, enter A. To remove a device from the
filter set, enter R. The device who's host name is in the HOST
NAME field, and host address is in the HOST ADDRESS field will
be added or removed from the filter set.
To add or remove the default host group, use DEFAULTfor the
host name. You do not need to enter a host address for the
default host.
Remove Set: Text Field. Enter yto remove all the members from
the set.
Saving Host-to-Host Filters
When you have set up your filter sets, you must use the Filter
Options screen to save them. Exit from the Host-to-Host screen
and select FILTER SWITCHES from the Bridge Filters menu. You
also use the Filter Options screen for enabling and disabling
Enter yfor the SAVE HTOH SETS INFO? field and the SAVE HOST
TABLE INFO? field.
Reset the bridge.
Custom Filter Configuration
Setting Up A Host-to-Port Filter Set
Select HOST-TO-PORT from the Bridge Filters menu.
this screen for setting up a port's host-to-port filter set. The
screen displays the hosts included in the filter set of the port
denoted in the PORT NAME field. Simply alter this field to work
on a different filter set. There are four host-to-port filter sets, one
for each port.
Enter all hosts that belong to the set.
For host-to-port filtering information, refer to Filter Sets on page
Figure 3-4 Host-to-Port
Port Name: Text Field. Enter the name of the port who's filter set
you want to set up. Use 1, 2, 3or E. Press [Return] to accept the
port name.
Set Name: Text Field. This is optional. Enter a name for the filter
set. The set name helps you identify the set. For example, you
may want to name a set finance.
Set Type: Text Field (inclusion/ exclusion). Enter the filter
set's type. You can define a filter set by inclusion or exclusion.
Enter inclusionto define the filter set as inclusion, or
exclusionto define the filter set as exclusion. The default is
For example, if you want to allow communication between a few
devices and a port, list the devices and define the set by inclusion.
If, however, you want to disallow communication between just a
few devices and a port, list the devices and define the set by
Host Name: Text Field. Enter the host name for the device you
want in your filter set. Each host name / host address pair must be
unique across all set tables. You cannot have more than one
name for the same host address, nor can you have the same
name for multiple addresses. The host name / host address pair
will be added to the bridge's host table if it does not already
Host Address: Text Field. Enter the host address for the device
you want in your filter set. The format is nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn
Do not enter broadcast or multicast addresses in this field. Use
Multicast-to-Port filtering to do this.
Add/Remove: Text Field (A/ R). To add the device that you've
entered, to the filter set, enter A. To remove a device from the
filter set, enter R. The device who's host name is in the HOST
NAME field, and host address is in the HOST ADDRESS field will
be added or removed from the filter set.
Remove Set: Text Field. Enter yto remove all the members from
the set.
Custom Filter Configuration
Saving Host-to-Port Filters
When you have set up your filter sets, you must use the Filter
Options screen to save them. Exit from the Host-to-Port screen
and select FILTER SWITCHES from the Bridge Filters menu. You
also use the Filter Options screen for enabling and disabling
Enter yfor the SAVE HTOP SETS INFO? field and the SAVE HOST
TABLE INFO? field.
Reset the bridge.
Setting Up A Port-to-Port Filter Set
Select PORT-TO-PORT from the Bridge Filters menu.
The Port-to-Port screen appears, as shown in Figure 3-5. You use
this screen for setting up a port's port-to-port filter set. The screen
displays the ports included in the filter set of the port denoted in
the SET PORT SYMBOLIC NAME field. Simply alter this field to
work on a different port's filter set. There are four port-to-port
filter sets, one for each port.
Remember that port-to-port filter sets are reciprocal. This means
that any changes made to a port's filter set will be mirrored by the
other ports' filter sets. For example, if you include port's 2 and E
in port 1's filter set, port 2's filter set will change to include port
1, and port E's filter set will also change to include port 1.
Figure 3-5 Port-to-Port
Set Port Symbolic Name: Text Field. Enter the name of the port
who's filter set you want to set up. Use 1, 2, 3or E. Press [Return]
to accept the port name.
Custom Filter Configuration
Set Name: Text Field. This is optional. Enter a name for the filter
set. The set name helps you identify the set. If you enter a name
that is already used for a port-to-port filter set, that filter set will
be displayed.
Ports Member: Text Field (1/ 0). Move to the field, under PORTS
MEMBER, next to the relevant port. Enter 1to include the port as
a member of the filter set, or 0to exclude the port as a member
of the filter set. The default is 1.
Saving Port-to-Port Filters
When you have set up your filter sets, you must use the Filter
Options screen to save them. Exit from the Port-to-Port screen
and select FILTER SWITCHES from the Bridge Filters menu. You
also use the Filter Options screen for enabling and disabling
Enter yfor the SAVE PTOP SETS INFO? field.
Reset the bridge.
Setting Up A Multicast-to-Port Filter Set
Select MULTICAST from the Bridge Filters menu.
The Multicast screen appears, as shown in Figure 3-6. You use this
screen for setting up a port's multicast-to-port filter set. The
screen displays the ports included in the filter set of the port
denoted in the SET PORT SYMBOLIC NAME field. Simply alter this
field to work on a different port's filter set. There are four
multicast-to-port filter sets, one for each port.
Remember that multicast-to-port filter sets are reciprocal. This
means that any changes made to a port's filter set will be
mirrored by the other ports' filter sets. For example, if you include
port's 2 and E in port 1's filter set, port 2's filter set will change to
include port 1, and port E's filter set will also change to include
port 1.
Figure 3-6 Multicast
Set Port Symbolic Name: Text Field. Enter the number of the
port who's filter set you want to set up. Use 1, 2, 3or E. Press
[Return] to accept the port name.
Custom Filter Configuration
Set Name: Text Field. This is optional. Enter a name for the filter
set. The set name helps you identify the set. If you enter a name
that is already used for a multicast-to-port filter set, that filter set
will be displayed.
Ports Member: Text Field (1/ 0). Move to the field, under PORTS
MEMBER, next to the relevant port. Enter 1to include the port as
a member of the filter set, or 0to exclude the port as a member
of the filter set. The default is 1.
Saving Multicast-to-Port Filters
When you have set up your filter sets, you must use the Filter
Options screen to save them. Exit from the Multicast-to-Port
screen and select FILTER SWITCHES from the Bridge Filters menu.
You also use the Filter Options screen for enabling and disabling
Enter yfor the SAVE MULT SETS INFO? field.
Reset the bridge.
Setting Up A Protocol Filter Set
Select PROTOCOL from the Bridge Filters menu.
The Protocol screen appears, as shown in Figure 3-7. You use this
screen for setting up a protocol filter set. The screen displays
protocol families (on the left) and individual protocols (on the
right), included in the filter set of the port denoted in the SET
PORT SYMBOLIC NAME field. Simply alter this field to work on a
different port's filter set. There are four protocol filter sets, one for
each port.
Ensure you enter the SET PORT SYMBOLIC NAME before you
proceed with setting up protocol filter sets.
Figure 3-7 Protocol Filters
Set Port Symbolic Name: Text Field. Enter the number of the
port who's filter set you want to set up. Use 1, 2, 3or E. Press
[Return] to accept the port name.
Custom Filter Configuration
permit/deny: Text Field (permit/ deny). Denote whether you
want the protocols listed as members of the filter set to be
forwarded (permitted) or filtered (denied). Enter permitto
forward all packets with protocols listed as members, or denyto
filter all packets with protocols listed as members. The default is
denywith no protocols listed as members.
MEMBER: Text Field (1/ 0). Move to the field, under MEMBER,
next to the relevant protocol family. Enter 1to include to protocol
family as a member of the filter set, or 0to exclude the protocol
family as a member of the filter set. The default is 0.
Help lists the protocol IDs of the members of each family.
ADDITIONAL PROTOCOLS: Text Field. Enter an individual
protocol's type to make it a member of the filter set. You can
have up to 16. The format is nnnn (hexadecimal). The individual
protocol filters are blank by default, 0000.
For 802.3 networks, the protocol type is a Link-level Service
Access Point (LSAP), a hexadecimal number between 1 and 255.
For 802.3 networks you can also enter SNAP types, which are the
same as Ethernet types. For Ethernet, the protocol type is the
value of the type field in the Ethernet frame, a two-byte
hexadecimal number.
Saving Protocol Filters
When you have set up your filter sets, you must use the Filter
Options screen to save them. Exit from the Protocol screen and
select FILTER SWITCHES from the Bridge Filters menu. You also
use the Filter Options screen for enabling and disabling filters.
Enter yfor the SAVE PROTOCOL INFO? field.
Reset the bridge.
Custom Filter Configuration
Setting Up A Bit Filter
Select BIT FILTERS from the Bridge Filters menu.
The Configure Bit Filters screen appears, as shown in Figure 3-8.
You use this screen for setting up bit filters, of which you can
have up to five input and five output bit filters. The screen
displays the bit filters' names (on the left) and a bit filter edit area
(on the right).
Bit filters selectively filter out traffic based on bit values occurring
in the first 64 bytes of each frame and can be of two types, input
and output. Input filters will test packets as they are received and
output filters will test packets as they are transmitted. When you
use the Configure Bit Filters screen to set up and edit bit filters,
you must choose the filter type first.
Figure 3-8 Configure Bit Filters
Function: Text Field (O/ I/ A/ Dn/ En/ n/ S/ H). Enter Oto
choose the output filter type, or Ito choose the input filter type.
Press [Return]. The NAME list will change to show existing filters
of the chosen type.
Enter Ato add a bit filter of the chosen filter type.
Enter Dnto delete filter entry n from the list. For example, D2will
delete the second entry.
Enter Ento edit filter entry n in the list.
Enter nto adjust the list to begin with entry n.
Enter Sto save the bit filters shown in the NAME list. This has the
same effect as using the Filter Options to save bit filtering
Enter Hto display help.
Name: Text Field. Enter the name of the filter. If you are editing
or deleting an existing filter, use its name. The other fields in the
bit filter edit area will reflect the bit filter's setup. You can enter
up to eight characters with no spaces.
Value (hex): Text Field. Enter the bit values of the filter's bit
pattern. The format is nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn (hexadecimal).
Mask (hex): Text Field. Enter the mask for the filter's bit pattern.
The format is nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn (hexadecimal). The mask
defines which of the bits in the VALUE pattern are to be included
in the bit pattern. A value of 1for any bit means that the bit in
this location (in VALUE) is to be part of the bit pattern. A value of
0means that the value of the bit in this location doesn't matter.
For example, if VALUE is 81-37-00-00-00-00and mask is
FF-FF-00-00-00-00, the bit pattern is 81-37.
Custom Filter Configuration
Byte Offset: Text Field. Defines the location of the beginning of
VALUE as the number of bytes from the beginning of the frame. It
can be a number from 0 to 58.
For example, a byte offset of 12 lines up VALUE with the Ethernet
type field, as shown in Figure 3-9.
Destination Source Type Data (including other headers)
Figure 3-9 Ethernet Header Showing Byte Offsets
Action: Text Field (filter/ pass). The action the filter set will
take with relevant packets. Enter filterto filter the packets, or
passto forward the packets.
Apply Action to: Text Field (same/ different). The set of
packets the bridge will take action upon. Enter sameto refer to
packets matching the bit pattern, or differentto refer to the
packets not matching the bit pattern.
Set Ports: Text Field (+n/ +n-n/ -n/ -n-n). The ports to which
the filter applies. The ports are numbered from 1to 4(4refers to
the external port). An Xunder the port number means that the
filter applies to that port.
To include a port, enter +n, where n is the port number (for
example, +4includes port 4).
To include a range of ports, enter +n-n, where n-n is the range
(for example, +2-4includes ports 2 to 4).
To exclude a port, enter -n, where n is the port number (for
example, -4excludes port 4).
To exclude a range of ports, enter -n-n, where n-n is the range
(for example, -2-4excludes ports 2 to 4).
Saving Bit Filters
When you have set up your bit filters, you can use the Configure
Bit Filters screen or the Filter Options screen to save them.
To save bit filters with the Configure Bit Filters screen, enter Sfor
the FUNCTION: field.
To save bit filters with the Filter Options screen, enter yfor the
Reset the bridge.
Custom Filter Configuration
The Host Filtering Table
It can be confusing to know which host-to-host and host-to-port
filter sets devices are in. All devices entered into these filter sets
are added to the bridge's host filtering table. The Host Filter Info
screen is a very useful screen which uses this host filtering table to
show which sets devices are in. You can also use it to change the
contents of the filter sets.
Select HOST FILTER INFO from the Bridge Filters menu.
The Host Filter Info screen appears, as shown in Figure 3-10. The
screen lists all the host-to-host and host-to-port filter sets. Next to
each set is a number, 0or 1. If the device entered in the HOST
NAME field is a member of any of the filter sets, a 1will be shown
next to it. A 0will be shown next to the sets the device is not a
member of.
Figure 3-10 Host Filter Info
Host Name: Text Field. Enter the device's host name. The screen
changes to show the device's set membership.
Host Address: Text Field. Enter the address of the device. If the
host name was recognized, the address will appear automatically.
Table Size: Display Field. The number of devices in the host
filtering table (including the default host).
Add htoh: Text Field. Enter the number of the host-to-host set
you want to add the device to. Enter 0if you do not want to add
the device to any host-to-host set.
Remove htoh: Text Field. Enter the number of the host-to-host
set you want to remove the device from. Enter 0if you do not
want to remove the device from any host-to-host set.
Add htop: Text Field. Enter the number of the host-to-port set
you want to add the device to. Enter 0if you do not want to add
the device to any host-to-port set.
Remove htop: Text Field. Enter the number of the host-to-port
set you want to remove the device from. Enter 0if you do not
want to remove the device from any host-to-port set.
Add/Remove Host: Text Field (A / R). Enter Aif you want to
make the add and remove changes to the host filtering table (and
to the filter sets). Enter Rif you want to remove the device from
the host filtering table (and from the filter sets).
Custom Filter Configuration
Saving Host Filtering Table And Filter Set Changes
Use the Filter Options screen to save any changes made. Exit from
the Host Filter Info screen and select FILTER SWITCHES from the
Bridge Filters menu. You also use the Filter Options screen for
enabling and disabling filters.
To save changes to the host-to-host filter sets, enter yfor the
To save changes to the host-to-port filter sets, enter yfor the
Reset the bridge.
Saving And Turning Filters On And Off
You will need to turn bridge filters on for them to take effect. You
can turn them all on individually or all at once.
Select FILTER SWITCHES from the Bridge Filters menu.
The Filter Options screen appears, as shown in Figure 3-11. You
use this screen for saving filters and enabling / disabling them.
This screen is used for saving custom filtering information. Each
custom filtering description, within this chapter, describes what
you need to do.
Figure 3-11 Filter Options
To enable filters:
1 Next to the filters you want to turn on, enter on. Next to the
filters you don't want to turn on, enter off.
2 Enter onfor the FILTERING ON/OFF field.
3 Reset the bridge.
Custom Filter Configuration
To disable all filters:
1 Enter offfor the FILTERING ON/OFF field.
2 Reset the bridge.
In all cases, resetting the bridge causes the desired filtering to
take effect. Any changes to filter sets that are in operation, take
effect immediately.
This chapter describes simple checks you can make at regular
intervals to ensure the bridge and network are working as you
intend. If you want information on other monitoring screens,
refer to Chapter 5.
Monitoring the bridge and network is a good way of ensuring
that the bridge and network are working as you intend. It is a
good idea to have a regular checklist of monitoring screens. As
you become familiar with your configuration, you can develop
your own schedule of what you check and when.
Checking Bridge Statistics
Checking Bridge Statistics
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select BRIDGES from
the Monitoring menu. Select BRIDGE STATISTICS from the Bridges
The Bridge Statistics screen appears, as shown in Figure 4-1. You
use this screen for monitoring the various port and spanning tree
parameters. These statistics display the state of the ports and the
traffic on the bridge. This screen is useful as a problem solving
The help screen for this screen displays port states that you will
not see in this version of the product.
Figure 4-1 Bridge Statistics
Averaging: Display Field. This field displays whether the
averaging feature has been turned onor off. If it is on, the
number of packets or bytes displayed on this screen reflect
averages per second. If it is off, the screen displays the numbers
of packets or bytes accumulated since power-up. This feature is
set on the System Information screen. The default is on.
Port State: Display Field. Displays the ports and their present
state. The possible states are MOS, Forwarding, Blocking,
Listeningand Learning.
The external port may go into a disconnected state (DCONN) when
a segment has not been attached, or a transceiver module is not
MOS(Manually Out of Service) means that the port has been
manually disabled by a bridge administrator. No network traffic
passes through it.
Forwardingmeans that the port is bridging packets and
spanning tree calculations. All root ports and designated ports are
in forwarding state, and these are the only ports that are ever in
the forwarding state. If one bridge receives information from
another bridge indicating that one of its ports should not be a
root bridge or a designated port, that port is placed in the
blocked state.
Blockingmeans that the port does not forward packets but is
included in the spanning tree calculations. Ports enter the
blocking state by a network administrator who enables a disabled
port, or when spanning tree determines that the port creates an
active loop in the network.
Listeningmeans that the port is preparing to enter the active
topology. At this point the port is not used for bridging packets,
but C-BPDUs are received and transmitted on it, and it is included
in the spanning tree calculations. If, after a predetermined
amount of time, no information has been received indicating that
the port should be blocked, the port passes into the learning
Checking Bridge Statistics
Learningmeans that the port is one step closer to bridging
packets. Since the active topology may still be changing, a port in
this state receives packets but does not bridge them. However,
because the active topology is more stable than when the port is
in the listening state, the port participates in the learning process
of its bridge. In the learning process, the bridge associates the
source address of each packet it receives with the identifier of the
port on which it received the packet.
Pkts: Display Field. The number of packets received by the
Bytes: Display Field. The number of bytes received by the bridge.
Errors: Display Field. The number of packets with errors, received
by the bridge.
Overruns: Display Field. Due to exceptional loading conditions,
the bridge has become overloaded and packets have been lost.
Pkts: Display Field. The number of packets transmitted by the
Bytes: Display Field. The number of bytes transmitted by the
Errors: Display Field. The number of packets with errors,
transmitted by the bridge.
Filter: Display Field. The number of packets filtered by the
Fwd: Display Field. The number of packets forwarded by the
bridge. Also counts flooded packets.
Flood: Display Field. The number of packets flooded by the
bridge, regardless of whether they are filtered by ports.
Queued: Display Field. This indicates that buffers allocated to
bridge ports have been full. Receptions from or transmissions out
of them have therefore been queued.
Discards: Display Field. The number of packets discarded by the
Checking Bridge Statistics
There are three major observations you can make from the Bridge
Statistics screen:
Note the status of each port.
You can check the status of each port to see if it is abnormal.
Note the overall traffic.
Occasional errors and overruns are normal in busy networks but
you should investigate unusually high numbers in these fields.
Familiarize yourself with normal received and transmitted traffic
volumes for your configuration. This activity is called baselining
and will help you spot unusual activity more quickly.
Compare the forwarded traffic against other received and
transmitted traffic.
Bridges are used for restricting traffic between network segments.
If your bridge is forwarding an unusually large amount of traffic,
you may need to rearrange some of the nodes. Nodes that
communicate frequently should, if possible, be on the same
network segment.
Checking Port Activity
You can monitor individual bridge port activity for more specific
traffic information if you suspect a problem with a port.
Select BRIDGE PORT STATS from the Bridges menu.
The Bridge Port Statistics screen appears, as shown in Figure 4-2.
You use this screen for viewing statistics on packets received,
transmitted and filtered by a port.
The help screen for this screen displays port states that you will
not see in this version of the product.
Figure 4-2 Bridge Port Statistics
Port: Text Field. Enter the name of the port who's statistics you
want to view. Use 1, 2, 3or E.
Checking Port Activity
Averaging: Display Field. This field displays whether the
averaging feature has been turned onor off. If it is on, the
number of packets or bytes displayed on this screen reflect
averages per second. If it is off, the screen displays the numbers
of packets or bytes accumulated since power-up.
This feature is set on the System Information screen. The default is
Port State: Display Field. Displays the ports and their present
state. The possible states are MOS, Forwarding, Blocking,
Listeningand Learning.
The external port may go into a disconnected state (DCONN) when
a segment has not been attached, or a transceiver module is not
MOS(Manually Out of Service) means that the port has been
manually disabled by a bridge administrator. No network traffic
passes through it.
Forwardingmeans that the port is bridging packets and
spanning tree calculations. All root ports and designated ports are
in forwarding state, and these are the only ports that are ever in
the forwarding state. If one bridge receives information from
another bridge indicating that one of its ports should not be a
root bridge or a designated port, that port is placed in the
blocked state.
Blockingmeans that the port does not forward packets but is
included in the spanning tree calculations. Ports enter the
blocking state by a network administrator who enables a disabled
port, or when spanning tree determines that the port creates an
active loop in the network.
Listeningmeans that the port is preparing to enter the active
topology. At this point the port is not used for bridging packets,
but C-BPDUs are received and transmitted on it, and it is included
in the spanning tree calculations. If, after a predetermined
amount of time, no information has been received indicating that
the port should be blocked, the port passes into the learning
Learningmeans that the port is one step closer to bridging
packets. Since the active topology may still be changing, a port in
this state receives packets but does not bridge them. However,
because the active topology is more stable than when the port is
in the listening state, the port participates in the learning process
of its bridge. In the learning process, the bridge associates the
source address of each packet it receives with the identifier of the
port on which it received the packet.
Pkts: Display Field. The number of packets received by the port.
Bytes: Display Field. The number of bytes received by the port.
Errors: Display Field. The number of packets with errors, received
by the port.
Overruns: Display Field. Due to exceptional loading conditions,
the bridge has become overloaded and packets have been lost.
Pkts: Display Field. The number of packets transmitted by the
Bytes: Display Field. The number of bytes transmitted by the
Errors: Display Field. The number of packets with errors,
transmitted by the port.
Checking Port Activity
Filter: Display Field. The number of packets filtered by the port.
Fwd: Display Field. The number of packets forwarded by the
port. Also counts flooded packets.
Flood: Display Field. The number of packets flooded by the port,
regardless of whether they are filtered by ports.
Queued: Display Field. This indicates that the buffer allocated to
the bridge port has been full. Receptions from or transmissions
out of it have therefore been queued.
Discards: Display Field. The number of packets discarded by the
Viewing Ethernet Statistics
You can use the Ethernet Statistics screen to check for suspected
hardware problems on a port.
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select PHYSICAL
INTERFACES from the Monitoring menu. Select ETHER STATISTICS
from the Physical Interfaces menu.
The Ethernet Statistics screen appears, as shown in Figure 4-3.
You use this screen for viewing statistics of individual bridge
ports. These statistics are useful for measuring performance and
as a problem solving aid.
Figure 4-3 Ethernet Statistics
Port: Text Field. Enter the name of the port who's statistics you
want to view. Use 1, 2, 3or E.
Interface: Display Field. The Ethernet address of the port.
Viewing Ethernet Statistics
Bytes: Display Field. The number of bytes received by the port.
Packets: Display Field. The number of packets received by the
Multicasts: Display Field. The number of multicast packets
received by the port.
Broadcasts: Display Field. The number of broadcast packets
received by the port.
Flooded: Display Field. The number of packets ’flooded’ by the
port. When the destination address is unknown, packets are
forwarded to all but the receiving port.
Filtered: Display Field. The number of packets filtered by the
Discarded: Display Field. The number of packets due to be
transmitted by the port that are discarded due to exceptional
Errors: Display Field. The total number of errors on the receive
port. There is always a minimum of error.
Overruns: Display Field. Due to exceptional loading conditions,
the bridge has become overloaded and packets have been lost.
There is always a minimum of error.
Bad CRC: Display Field. The number of packets received with a
bad checksum by the port.
Framing: Display Field. The number of packets received with
framing errors by the port.
Jumbo-Gram: Display Field. The number of oversized packets
(packets that have more than 1518 characters) received by the
Overflow: Display Field. Due to exceptional loading conditions,
the bridge has become overloaded and packets have been lost.
Buffer: Display Field. Due to exceptional loading conditions, the
bridge has become overloaded and packets have been lost.
Bytes: Display Field. The number of bytes transmitted by the
Packets: Display Field. The number of packets transmitted by the
Multicasts: Display Field. The number of multicast packets
transmitted by the port.
Broadcasts: Display Field. The number of broadcast packets
transmitted by the port.
Flooded: Display Field. The number of packets flooded by the
Local Origin: Display Field. Frames that originated within the
Queued: Display Field. This indicates that the transmit buffers
associated with this port have become full and frames to be
transmitted have been queued elsewhere.
Errors: Display Field. The total number of transmit errors on this
Collisions: Display Field. The total number of collision types on
this port.
M/L/E: Display Field. The classification of the collision types. Mis
multiple, Lis late and Eis excess.
Viewing Ethernet Statistics
Deferrals: Display Field. The total number of deferrals on this
Carrier Loss: Display Field. During a transmission, carrier loss
was detected.
Underflow: Display Field. Due to exceptional loading conditions,
the bridge has become overloaded and packets have been lost.
Buffer: Display Field. Due to exceptional loading conditions, the
bridge has become overloaded and packets have been lost.
Checking User Access
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select SYSTEM from
the Monitoring menu. Select LOGIN HISTORY from the System
The Login History screen appears, as shown in Figure 4-4. You use
this screen to view details of logins since the bridge was last reset.
This is useful for detecting attempted security breaches.
The screen displays entries for the ten most recent logins. Each
entry contains the operator ID of the person logging in, and tells
whether the login was local or remote. If the login was from a
remote node, the entry also contains the node's IP address.
Figure 4-4 Login History
User: Display Field. The operator ID of the person who logged in.
Local/Remote: Display Field. Indicates whether the user logged
in locally (shown by L) or remotely (shown by R). For remote
logins, the screen also displays the IP address of the remote node
(in brackets).
Checking User Access
Number of unsuccessful logins: Display Field. The number of
logins since the last bridge reset. An unsuccessful login can result
from an incorrect entry of an operator ID or password.
General Help
Select GENERAL HELP from the Main Menu.
The General Help screen appears, providing information on how
to control the VT100 bridge management screens.
When you are looking at a screen or menu, you can obtain help
by typing ?at the prompt. Some screens have their own, more
specific, help screens which will appear instead of the General
Help screen.
Downloading Software Upgrades
Select CONFIGURATION from the Main Menu. Select SYSTEM
from the Configuration menu. Select BOOT/LOADER INFO from
the System menu.
The Boot/Loader Info screen appears, as shown in Figure 5-1. You
use this screen for downloading any upgrades to the bridge's
Ensure the bridge has an IP address before attempting this
Figure 5-1 Boot/Loader Info
File Name: Text Field. Enter the name of the file to be
downloaded onto the bridge.
Server IP Address: Text Field. Enter the IP address of the server
where the file is located.
Gateway IP Address: Text Field. If you're on a routed network,
you will need to enter the IP address of a suitable gateway
through which the server can be accessed.
Download new software after reboot: Text Field. Enter yes
to download the new software. Reset the bridge to start the
procedure. Enter noto return to the FILE NAME field. To leave this
screen, back out as normal. The default is no.
After agreeing to download new software, one of the following
will happen when the bridge is reset:
Software downloads
The Boot Block User Interface appears, as shown in Figure 5-2,
and the software downloads automatically. When complete, the
Operator Login screen appears.
Figure 5-2 Boot Block User Interface
Software does not download
The Boot Block User Interface appears, as shown in Figure 5-2,
prompting you to change download information. You can do one
of two things:
Change the download information
Enter 1to update download parameters. The screen for
changing download information appears, as shown in Figure
5-3. Enter the correct information and save the changes (enter
5). Return to the Boot Block User Interface and enter 2. The
software downloads automatically and the Operator Login
screen appears, when complete.
Figure 5-3 Changing Download Parameters
Stay with the current software
Enter 3to stop the download and return to normal bridge
operation. The bridge resets itself and the Operator Login
screen appears
The Permanent Database
Upto 1000 entries in the filtering database can be made
permanent. Permanent entries are non-volatile and will not age.
Entries can be added, deleted or transferred.
Add Permanent Entry
Select CONFIGURATION from the Main Menu. Select BRIDGES
from the Configuration menu. Select PERMANENT DATABASE
from the Bridges menu. Select ADD ENTRY from the Permanent
Database menu.
The Add Permanent Entry screen appears, as shown in Figure 5-4.
You use this screen for adding permanent entries to the filtering
Figure 5-4 Add Permanent Entry
Ethernet Address: Text Field. The device address you want to
make permanent.
Changes to this field are saved immediately. Reset the bridge for
the change to take effect.
Port Name: Text Field. The port you want to make the device
permanent for.
Changes to this field are saved immediately. Reset the bridge for
the change to take effect.
Total Entries: Display Field. The total number of permanent
entries in the filtering database.
Delete Permanent Entry
Select CONFIGURATION from the Main Menu. Select BRIDGES
from the Configuration menu. Select PERMANENT DATABASE
from the Bridges menu. Select DELETE ENTRY from the
Permanent Database menu.
The Delete Permanent Entry screen appears, as shown in Figure
5-5. You use this screen for deleting permanent entries from the
filtering database.
Figure 5-5 Delete Permanent Entry
Ethernet Address: Text Field. The permanent entry you want to
make non-permanent.
Changes to this field are saved immediately. Reset the bridge for
the change to take effect.
Total Entries: Display Field. The total number of permanent
entries in the filtering database.
Transfer Permanent Entries
Select CONFIGURATION from the Main Menu. Select BRIDGES
from the Configuration menu. Select PERMANENT DATABASE
from the Bridges menu. Select TRANSFER ENTRIES from the
Permanent Database menu.
The Transfer Permanent Entries screen appears, as shown in
Figure 5-6. You use this screen for transferring learnt addresses
from the filtering database to the permanent database. The
permanent database can hold up to 1000 entries. The number of
entries transferred depends on the number of vacant entries in
the permanent database.
Figure 5-6 Transfer Permanent Entries
Enter yto confirm the transfer. Leave the screen if you do not
want to transfer the entries.
Editing ARP Information
ARP Parameters
Select CONFIGURATION from the Main Menu. Select NETWORK
PROTOCOL from the Configuration menu. Select ARP from the
Network Protocol menu. Select PARAMETERS from the ARP
The ARP Parameters screen appears, as shown in Figure 5-7. You
use this screen for configuring the way in which the bridge
manages the local ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) tables.
The bridge uses ARP to obtain from the network the physical
address that corresponds to a specific IP address. It stores the
learned IP/physical address pairs in ARP tables. This screen is
intended for use by Product Support Engineering personnel only.
Figure 5-7 ARP Parameters
Add ARP Entry
Select CONFIGURATION from the Main Menu. Select NETWORK
PROTOCOL from the Configuration menu. Select ARP from the
Network Protocol menu. Select ADD ENTRY from the ARP menu.
The Add ARP Entry screen appears, as shown in Figure 5-8. This
screen is used for manually adding entries to the ARP tables and is
intended for use by Product Support Engineering personnel only.
Figure 5-8 Add ARP Entry
Delete ARP Entry
Select CONFIGURATION from the Main Menu. Select NETWORK
PROTOCOL from the Configuration menu. Select ARP from the
Network Protocol menu. Select DELETE ENTRY from the ARP
The Delete ARP Entry screen appears, as shown in Figure 5-9. This
screen is used for manually deleting entries from the ARP tables
and is intended for use by Product Support Engineering personnel
Figure 5-9 Delete ARP Entry
Changing TCP Characteristics
Select CONFIGURATION from the Main Menu. Select NETWORK
PROTOCOL from the Configuration menu. Select TCP from the
Network Protocol menu.
The TCP Protocol Settings screen appears, as shown in Figure
5-10. You use this screen for changing operational characteristics
of the bridge's TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) software. TCP
supports the operation of Telnet, which allows users to log into
remote devices from the bridge.
Figure 5-10 TCP Protocol Settings
Minutes between keepalive probes: Text Field. A keepalive
probe is a packet that the TCP software sends to the remote
system to request the status of a connection. If the remote system
fails to respond, the local system ends the connection. The range
should be between 0and 65536. The default is 6minutes.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset, and
take effect from then on.
Changing Telnet Characteristics
Select CONFIGURATION from the Main Menu. Select NETWORK
PROTOCOL from the Configuration menu. Select TELNET from
the Network Protocol menu.
The Telnet Protocol Settings screen appears, as shown in Figure
5-11. You use this screen for changing operational characteristics
of the bridge's Telnet software. Telnet allows users to log into
remote devices from the bridge.
Figure 5-11 Telnet Protocol Settings
Telnet Port: Text Field. Lets you reassign the Telnet port number
to a value other than the default value of 23. This shouldn't
normally need to be changed.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset, and
take effect from then on.
Negotiate display options: Text Field. Causes the local system
to display a transcription of the negotiation of virtual terminal
options. This negotiation takes place regardless of the value of
this parameter, which controls the display of the transcription
only. This intended for use by Product Support Engineering
personnel only.
Enter yesto display negotiations, or noto not display
negotiations. The default is no.
Changes to this field are only saved during a bridge reset, and
take effect from then on.
Port Queuing
Select CONFIGURATION from the Main Menu. Select SOFTWARE
QUEUES from the Configuration menu.
The Software Queues screen appears, as shown in Figure 5-12.
Do not change the default values of 14(for MAX SIZE) and 10
(for MAX LIFE).
Figure 5-12 Software Queues
Viewing General Bridge Information
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select SYSTEM from
the Monitoring menu. Select SYSTEM INFO from the System
The General System Information screen appears, as shown in
Figure 5-13. You use this screen for viewing general bridge
information and statistics.
Figure 5-13 General System Information
System Name: Display Field. The name by which the bridge is
known. This is not it's host name.
System Location: Display Field. The physical location of the
System Contact: Display Field. The name of the system
administrator or person responsible for the bridge.
System Up Time: Display Field. The days, hours, minutes and
seconds since the bridge was initialized.
Available Buffers: Display Field. The number of buffers
currently free in the bridge. This number changes over time.
System Type: Display Field. The type of bridge. This entry is
automatically set.
Serial Number: Display Field. The serial number of the bridge,
as recorded in the hardware.
Instruction Ram Size: Display Field. The number of bytes of
instruction RAM in the bridge. This number only changes if the
motherboard changes.
Buffer Ram Size: Display Field. The number of bytes of buffer
RAM in the bridge. This number only changes if the motherboard
Fast Data Ram Size: Display Field. The number of bytes of data
RAM in the bridge. This number only changes if the motherboard
Viewing Node Table Information
Viewing Node Table Information
Node Table By Address
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select BRIDGES from
the Monitoring menu. Select NODE TABLE/ADDRESS from the
Bridges menu.
The Node Table By Address screen appears, as shown in Figure
5-14. You use this screen for monitoring traffic by displaying
information from the bridge's forwarding database. This screen
displays running data on a selected Ethernet address and the port
which most recently received a packet from that address.
Figure 5-14 Note Table By Address
Ethernet Address: Text Field. Enter the address you want to
monitor, in hexadecimal (nnn-nnn-nnn-nnn).
Port: Display Field. The port that most recently received a packet
from that specified address.
Node Table By Hash Bucket
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select BRIDGES from
the Monitoring menu. Select NODE TABLE/HASH from the Bridges
The Node Table By Hash Bucket screen appears, as shown in
Figure 5-15. This screen shows the bridge's filtering database,
with the permanent and learnt devices. This screen displays a
subset of the hash values used by the database.
There are approximately 20 permanent entries (16 fixed addresses
and the 4 ports' MAC addresses, required for bridge operations).
The bridge applies a hashing algorithm to each Ethernet address
in the forwarding database to produce a hash value between 0
and 511. The algorithm groups multiple Ethernet addresses under
a single hash number, called a hash bucket, reducing the time it
takes to look up an address in the database.
To empty the filtering database of non-permanent entries, reset
the bridge. Use the permanent database screens for adding and
removing permanent entries.
Figure 5-15 Node Table By Hash Bucket
Viewing Node Table Information
Total Entries: Display Field. The total number of entries in the
filtering database. You can have 4953entries (additional to the
permanent entries).
Starting Hash Value: Text Field. The first value of the subset
you want to display. Enter a number from 0to 511. The default is
Ageing Timer: Display Field. The number of seconds left in the
current ageing time interval. The ageing timer keeps the bridge's
forwarding database current. When the ageing timer reaches
zero, the bridge discards all table entries that were not verified
during the last ageing time interval. For an entry to be verified for
an address, the bridge must receive a frame from that address on
the port specified in the entry.
Hash: Display Field. A subset of the individual hash values from
the forwarding database. The hash column starts with the
starting value specified in the STARTING HASH VALUE field.
Ether Addr: Display Field. The Ethernet address that corresponds
to the value in the HASH field.
Port: Display Field. The port that last received a packet from the
corresponding Ethernet address. pis appended to entries
containing the address of a port. perm identifies an address that
will never be discarded from the database, such as the address of
a bridge port. videntifies entries that have been made permanent
by a user, using the permanent database screens. After a port
number, a +or -is shown, indicating the ageing time status of
the port.
+indicates that the packet with the corresponding source address
has arrived at the port during the current ageing time interval.
When the ageing time interval expires, this entry is set to -and
the address remains in the forwarding database.
-indicates that the address has not yet appeared at the port as a
ageing time interval expires, entries set as -are discarded.
Viewing The Hardware Configuration
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select PHYS
INTERFACES from the Monitoring menu. Select HARDWARE
STATUS from the Phys Interfaces menu.
The Hardware Configuration screen appears, as shown in Figure
5-16. You use this screen for viewing the hardware configuration
of the bridge. This screen displays the status of each LAN address
in the bridge.
Figure 5-16 Hardware Configuration
LAN Address: Display Field. The LAN address of the port.
Status: Display Field. The current state of the LAN address.
Module Type: Display Field. Indicates the transceiver module
type or, if one is not present, displays Link BAD.
Viewing Node Table Information
Viewing Socket Statistics
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select NETWORK
PROTOCOL from the Monitoring menu. Select SOCKET
STATISTICS from the Network Protocol menu.
The Socket Statistics screen appears, as shown in Figure 5-17. You
use this screen for checking the status of active socket addresses
being used by the bridge.
A socket is an address of an application that is using the services
of a transport protocol, either UDP or TCP. Some socket addresses
are permanently assigned to TCP socket 23. These are called
well-known sockets. Other sockets are assigned dynamically.
Figure 5-17 Socket Statistics
Proto: Display Field. The type of protocol in use at the local
address displayed in the local address column.
Recv-Q: Display Field. The number of bytes of data that have
been received and are in the socket buffer waiting to be
Send-Q: Display Field. The number of bytes of data that are in
the socket buffer ready to be sent.
Local Address: Display Field. The IP address and socket number
of the local interface (separated by a period). Asterisks represent
addresses that are not yet determined. For example, the TCP
address *.23represents the Telnet socket for any local IP address.
The UDP address *.161represents the SNMP socket for any local
IP address.
Foreign Address: Display Field. The IP address and socket
number of the remote entity (separated by a period). Asterisks
represent addresses and socket numbers that are not yet
State: Display Field. The current state of TCP sockets. The states
CLOSEDwhich means that the socket is not being used.
LISTENwhich means that the socket is listening for incoming
SYN_SENTwhich means that the socket is trying to establish a
SYN_RECEIVEDwhich means that the synchronization of the
connection is in progress.
ESTABLISHEDwhich means that the connection is established.
CLOSE_WAITwhich means that the remote connection has shut
down and the socket is waiting to close.
Viewing Node Table Information
FIN_WAIT_1which means that the socket is closed and the
connection is being closed.
CLOSINGwhich means that the local socket has closed and is
awaiting remote shutdown acknowledgement.
LAST_ACKwhich means that the remote socket has shut down
and is awaiting acknowledgement.
FIN_WAIT_2which means that the local socket is closed and is
waiting for remote shutdown.
TIME_WAITwhich means that the local socket is closed and is
waiting for remote shutdown re-transmission.
Viewing UDP Statistics
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select NETWORK
PROTOCOL from the Monitoring menu. Select UDP STATISTICS
from the Network Protocol menu.
The UDP Statistics screen appears, as shown in Figure 5-18. You
use this screen for viewing statistics for the bridge's UDP (User
Datagram Protocol) activity.
UDP is a transport-layer protocol of the Internet Protocol suite.
SNMP uses UDP as its transport protocol. Consequently, the data
displayed on this screen, such as the number of UDP packets
discarded because of headed errors, can be of interest if you are
using the SNMP agent.
All statistic values displayed in this screen reset to zero when the
bridge is reset.
Figure 5-18 UDP Statistics
Output Packets: Display Field. The total number of UDP packets
transmitted by the system. (udpOutDatagramsin the MIB.)
Viewing UDP Statistics
Input Packets: Display Field. The total number of UDP packets
received by the system. (udpInDatagramsin the MIB.)
No Receive Port: Display Field. The number of UDP packets
discarded by the system because there was no application at the
destination protocol port. (udpNoPortsin the MIB.)
Unchecksummed: Display Field. The number of UDP packets
received by the system without a checksum in the header (i.e.
with a checksum of 0). This is permissible with UDP, but not
advisable. (cUdpNoChecksumin the MIB.)
Header Error: Display Field. The number of UDP packets
discarded by the system because of a header error other than
incorrect checksum. (cUdpHdrDrops, a component of
udpInErrorsin the MIB.)
Incorrect Checksum: Display Field. The number of UDP packets
discarded by the system because of an incorrect checksum.
(cUdpBadCheckSum, a component of udpInErrorsin the MIB.)
Bad Length: Display Field. The number of UDP packets
discarded by the system because of a problem with the packet
length. For example, the length in the header was longer than the
number of bytes of data. (cUdpBadLength, a component of
udpInErrorsin the MIB.)
Other Error: Display Field. The number of UDP packets
discarded by the system because of an error other than one of the
preceding. Typically, ’other’ errors are caused by problems internal
to the software on the bridge. (cUdpOtherErrors, a
component of udpInErrorsin the MIB.)
Viewing TCP Information
TCP Data Statistics
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select NETWORK
PROTOCOL from the Monitoring menu. Select TCP STATISTICS
from the Network Protocol menu.
The TCP Data Statistics screen appears, as shown in Figure 5-19.
You use this screen for viewing statistics on a bridge's TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol) activity. TCP is a transport-layer
protocol of the Internet Protocol suite. Telnet uses TCP as its
transport protocol. This screen is only of use in rare cases
involving Telnet.
This screen is followed by the TCP Connection Statistics screen.
Figure 5-19 TCP Data Statistics
Packets Received
Packets Received: Display Field. The number of packets
acks: Display Field. The number of frames received where the
TCP ACK bit was set.
Viewing UDP Statistics
duplicate acks: Display Field. The number of frames received
where the TCP ACK bit was set and the Acknowledgement
number was the same as the previously received ACK.
acks for unsent data: Display Field. The number of frames
received where the TCP ACK bit was set and the
Acknowledgement number is greater than the last byte number
in the datastream sent so far.
pkts rcvd in-sequence: Display Field. The number of packets
received where the sequence numbers follow one another.
dupl pkts: Display Field. The number of packets received where
the sequence number is the same.
pkts w. some dup. data: Display Field. The number of packets
received where some of the data is a repetition of data already
sent, but the remaining data in the packet is new.
pkts rcvd out-of-order: Display Field. The number of packets
received where the sequence number has not followed on from
previous packets.
pkts of data after window: Display Field. The number of
packets received containing data after the window size has
reached zero.
window probes: Display Field. The number of packets sent by
the data sender containing the last byte of data in order to
ascertain if it can send any more data.
window update pkts: Display Field. The number of packets
received containing no data but updating the window size.
pkts rcvd after close: Display Field. The number of packets
received after a FIN has been received for the session.
discarded for bad checksum: Display Field. The number of
packets received where the TCP checksum was invalid.
discarded for bad header offset fields: Display Field. The
number of packets received that were discarded because the
header offset is invalid.
discarded because pkt too short: Display Field. The number of
frames received and discarded because the data section ends
before the length specified by the TCP LENGTH field.
Packets Sent
Packets Sent: Display Field. The number of TCP packets sent.
data pkts: Display Field. The number of TCP packets sent
containing data.
data pkts retransmit: Display Field.The number of TCP packets
containing data that were retransmitted.
ack-only pkts: Display Field. The number of TCP packets sent
where the ACK flag was set and no data.
URG only pkts: Display Field. The number of TCP packets sent
containing no data but with the URGENT flag set.
window probe pkts: Display Field. The number of TCP window
probe packets sent.
window update pkts: Display Field. The number of TCP
packets sent containing no data but a new window size.
control pkts: Display Field. The number of TCP control packets
sent (packets containing no data such as SYN, FIN RST).
Viewing UDP Statistics
TCP Connection Statistics
The TCP Connection Statistics screen appears, as shown in Figure
5-20, after the TCP Data Statistics screen. You use this screen for
viewing statistics on a bridge's TCP (Transmission Control
Protocol) activity. TCP is a transport-layer protocol of the Internet
Protocol suite. Telnet uses TCP as its transport protocol. This
screen is only of use in rare cases involving Telnet.
Figure 5-20 TCP Connection Statistics
connection requests: Display Field. The number of connection
requests (the number of SYN packets received).
connection accepts: Display Field. The number of connections
accepted (the number of SYN-ACKs transmitted).
connections established: Display Field. The number of
connections where an ACK was received to a transmitted
connections closed: Display Field. The number of connections
closed by receiving/transmitting a FIN.
embryonic connections closed: Display Field. The number of
connections where a FIN followed a SYN SYN-ACK sequence
without an ACK to the SYN-ACK.
segments updated rtt: Display Field. The `segment updated rtt'
retransmit timeouts: Display Field. The number of times the
retransmit timer has fired resulting in retransmission of the
previous packet.
connections dropped by retransmit timeout: Display Field.
The number of times a connection has been closed because the
maximum number of retransmit timeouts has been exceeded for
the connection.
persist timeouts: Display Field. The ’persist timeouts’ counter.
keepalive timeouts: Display Field. The number of times the
keepalive timer has expired resulting in the transmission of a
keepalive frame.
keepalive probes sent: Display Field. The number of keepalive
packets transmitted.
connections dropped by keepalive: Display Field. The number
of connections terminated because the maximum number of
keepalive frames have been exceeded on a connection.
Viewing UDP Statistics
Viewing IP Statistics
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select NETWORK
PROTOCOL from the Monitoring menu. Select IP STATISTICS from
the Network Protocol menu.
The IP Statistics screen appears, as shown in Figure 5-21. You use
this screen for viewing a statistical summary for all IP activity on
the bridge.
All statistic values displayed in this screen reset to zero when the
bridge is reset.
Figure 5-21 IP Statistics
total packets received
total packets received: Display Field. The number of IP packets
received by the bridge. This includes only packets addressed to
the bridge, destined for an upper-layer destination on the bridge
(such as Telnet).
bad header checksums: Display Field. The number of TCP
packets containing an invalid TCP checksum in the TCP header.
with size smaller than minimum: Display Field. The number of
TCP packets received where the size of the packet is too small.
with data size < data length: Display Field. The number of
TCP packets received where the actual data is smaller than that
specified in the TCP header.
header length < data size: Display Field. The number of TCP
packets received where the length specified in the header is
smaller than the data received.
with data length < header length: Display Field. The number
of TCP packets received where the length of the data is smaller
than that specified in the TCP header.
fragments received
fragments received: Display Field. The number of IP fragments
received. Before an IP packet is forwarded, it must sometimes be
divided into smaller pieces (called fragments), which are
transmitted as individual packets. The destination host stores the
fragments until it has received them all, then it reassembles the
original message.
fragments dropped (dup or no space): Display Field. The
number of fragments the bridge discarded because they were
duplicates, or because there was no memory available in which to
store them.
This refers only to fragments for which the bridge is the final
fragments dropped after timeout: Display Field. The number
of fragments the bridge discarded because the amount of time
allowed to collect all of a message's fragments has expired.
This refers only to fragments for which the bridge is the final
Viewing UDP Statistics
packets were fragmented on transmit: Display Field. The
number of fragments the bridge transmitted. The FRAGMENTS
CREATED subcount (in brackets) shows the number of fragments
this bridge created, as opposed to those that it simply forwarded.
packets forwarded: Display Field. The number of packets the
bridge has forwarded.
packets not forwardable: Display Field. The number of packets
the bridge was unable to forward.
packets redirects sent: Display Field. The number of packets
for which the bridge sent redirects. When a bridge receives a
packet that it knows could have gone by a better route, it sends a
redirect packet to the originating host informing it of the better
network broadcasts received for local networks: Display
Field. The number of network broadcasts received that were
destined for networks to which the bridge is directly attached.
network broadcasts forwarded by media broadcast:
Display Field. The number of network broadcasts received that the
bridge sent to the physical broadcast address on the specified
network broadcasts partially processed: Display Field. The
number of network broadcasts received for which the bridge was
unable to complete the physical broadcasting.
Viewing ICMP Packet Statistics
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select NETWORK
PROTOCOL from the Monitoring menu. Select ICMP STATISTICS
from the Network Protocol menu.
The ICMP Packet Statistics screen appears, as shown in Figure
5-22. You use this screen for viewing statistics on the bridge's
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) activity.
ICMP supports several IP activities, including flow control.
All statistic values displayed in this screen reset to zero when the
bridge is reset.
Figure 5-22 ICMP Packet Statistics
echo reply: Display Field. The number of ’echo reply’ messages
sent (output) and received (input). The ’echo reply’ message
acknowledges an ’echo request’.
Viewing UDP Statistics
destination unreachable: Display Field. The number of
’destination unreachable’ messages sent (output) and received
(input). When a node receives an IP packet that it cannot forward
to its destination, it sends a ’destination unreachable’ message to
the sending node.
source quench: Display Field. The number of ’source quench’
messages sent (output) and received (input). A ’source quench’ is
a flow control message that requests a reduction in the rate of
datagram transmission.
routing redirect: Display Field. The number of ’redirect’
messages sent (output) and received (input). When a node
receives a packet to be forwarded which should have been sent
by a different route, it sends an ICMP ’redirect’ message to the
sending node.
echo: Display Field. The number of ’echo request’ messages sent
(output) and received (input). ’Echo request’ works in conjunction
with the ’echo reply’.
time exceeded: Display Field. The number of ’time exceeded’
messages sent (output) and received (input). The ’time exceeded’
message tells a node that a packet it sent was discarded before
reaching its destination, because its ’time-to-live’ timer expired.
parameter problem: Display Field. The number of ’parameter
problem’ messages sent (output) and received (input). A
’parameter problem’ message tells a node that a packet it sent
was discarded, because it contained an error in an IP header
time stamp request: Display Field. The number of ’time stamp’
messages sent (output) and received (input). A ’time stamp’
message is a request for the value of the receiving node's system
time stamp reply: Display Field. The number of ’time stamp
reply’ messages sent (output) and received (input). ’Time stamp
reply’ is an answer to a ’time stamp’ request. Time information in
the ’time stamp reply’ allows the requesting host to estimate the
differences between local and remote clocks. This headings
displays the reply form of the original ’time stamp’.
information request: Display Field. The number of ’information
request’ messages sent (output) and received (input). ’Information
request’ messages are considered obsolete but were intended to
allow hosts to discover their internet addresses at startup.
information request reply: Display Field. The number of
’information reply’ messages sent (output) and received (input).
’Information reply’ messages are considered obsolete.
address mask request: Display Field. The number of ’address
mask request’ messages sent (output) and received (input).
’Address mask request’ messages ask for the subnet mask for the
address mask reply: Display Field. The number of ’address
mask reply’ messages sent (output) and received (input). ’Address
mask reply’ messages respond to ’address mask requests’.
Viewing UDP Statistics
Viewing SNMP Information
SNMP Statistics
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select NETWORK
PROTOCOL from the Monitoring menu. Select SNMP STATISTICS
from the Network Protocol menu.
The SNMP Statistics screen appears, as shown in Figure 5-23. You
use this screen for viewing statistics on the SNMP (Simple
Network Management Protocol) activity of the bridge.
This screen is followed by the SNMP Authentication Statistics
All statistic values displayed in this screen reset to zero when the
bridge is reset.
Figure 5-23 SNMP Statistics
In Packets
In Packets: Display Field. The total number of SNMP requests
received by the SNMP agent on the bridge.
Get Requests: Display Field. The number of GET requests
received by the SNMP agent.
Get Next Requests: Display Field. The number of GET-NEXT
requests received by the SNMP agent.
Total Requested Variables: Display Field. The number of MIB
variables retrieved by the SNMP agent as the result of GET and
GET-NEXT requests.
Set Requests: Display Field. The number of SET requests
received by the SNMP agent.
Total Set Variables: Display Field. The number of variables
received by the SNMP agent as the result of the SET requests.
ASN.1 Parse Errors: Display Field. The number of SNMP
requests discarded because they contained an ASN.1 encoding
Out Packets
Out Packets: Display Field. The total number of SNMP messages
sent by the SNMP agent.
Out Too Big Errors: Display Field. The number of messages sent
by the agent that contained the value ’tooBig’ in the error-status
field. These messages respond to client requests that are either
too long to be held in the system's buffers, or require a response
from the agent that would be too long.
Out No Such Names: Display Field. The number of messages
sent by the agent that contained the value ’noSuchName’ in the
error-status field. These messages respond to client requests that
contain variable names (OBJECT-IDENTIFIERS) the agent does not
Viewing UDP Statistics
Out Bad Values: Display Field. The number of messages sent by
the agent that contained the value ’badValue’ in the error-status
field. These messages respond to requests that contain invalid
Out General Errors: Display Field. The number of messages
sent by the agent that contained the value ’genErr’ in the
error-status field. These messages respond to requests that
contain errors not covered by any other error-status value.
Read-Only Errors: Display Field. The number of requests that
generated a read-only error.
Out Get Responses: Display Field. The number of GET requests
to which the agent has responded.
Out Traps: Display Field. The number of traps sent by the agent.
SNMP Status: Display Field. An internal status indicator.
SNMP Authentication Statistics
The SNMP Authentication Statistics screen appears, as shown in
Figure 5-24, after the SNMP Statistics screen. You use this screen
for viewing access errors detected by the bridge's SNMP agent.
All statistic values displayed in this screen reset to zero when the
bridge is reset.
Figure 5-24 SNMP Authentification Statistics
Community Administration: Display Field. The number and
type of community authentication checks performed by SNMP.
Bad Version: Display Field. The number of requests discarded by
the agent because they specified an unsupported version of
Bad Community Name: Display Field. The number of requests
discarded because they contained a community name unknown
to the bridge SNMP agent.
Bad Community Use: Display Field. The number of SNMP
messages discarded because they requested an operation not
allowed for the community.
Viewing UDP Statistics
Viewing ARP Tables
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select NETWORK
PROTOCOL from the Monitoring menu. Select ARP TABLES from
the Network Protocol menu.
The ARP Tables screen appears, as shown in Figure 5-25. You use
this screen for viewing the ARP table.
The ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) defines a standard for
mapping 32-bit IP addresses to 48-bit physical (MAC) Ethernet
addresses and communicating this mapping to the network node
that requested the information.
Each node that implements ARP maintains a table of recently
resolved IP addresses and their corresponding Ethernet addresses.
When one node prepares to send an IP packet to another, it
checks the ARP table for the physical address of the node's IP
address. If it is not present, the sending node uses ARP to resolve
the address and enters it in the ARP table.
Figure 5-25 ARP Tables
Goto Line Number: Text Field. Enter the line number to go to a
specific line.
Line: Display Field. The line number of the entry.
IP Address: Display Field. The 32-bit internet address of a
remote node.
Ethernet Address: Display Field. The 48-bit physical (MAC)
address of the remote node whose IP address is displayed in the IP
ADDRESS field.
Min: Display Field. The number of minutes since this entry in the
table was updated. When this value reaches 20, the entry is
removed from the table.
Interface: Display Field. The name of the interface through
which the node is attached to the bridge.
Flags: Display Field. The entry trailersin this field indicates
that the header and data fields in the address were reversed.
Viewing UDP Statistics
Viewing Diagnostic Information
Error Log
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select DIAGNOSTICS
from the Monitoring menu. Select ERROR LOG from the
Diagnostics menu.
The Error Log screen is shown in Figure 5-26. You use this screen
for viewing start-up errors and logged errors. When a bridge is
booted up, it runs through a series of diagnostics that, if faulty,
are recorded in this screen.
Any errors recorded here that impede the boot-up process
indicate a problem that should be reported.
Figure 5-26 Error Log
Press Any Key and <Return> for More Errors: Text Field.
Press a key and press [Return] to view more logged hardware
errors. Use this when the first Error Log screen is full.
Approximately two full screens of logged errors will display. When
both screens are full of logged errors, newly logged errors begin
to appear at the top of the first screen. The error log operates on
a first-in first-out (FIFO) basis.
Interactive Diags
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select DIAGNOSTICS
from the Monitoring menu. Select INTERACTIVE DIAGS from the
Diagnostics menu.
The Interactive Diags screen appears, as shown in Figure 5-27.
You use this screen for selecting the type of hardware diagnostics
you wish to view. You can set up four fields, each with three
options; yes, no, or periodically.
Yes(y) always records data with errors. No(n) never records data
with errors. Periodically(p) records data with errors every 5
seconds. Periodical error logging may degrade bridge
Figure 5-27 Interactive Diags
Code Checksum: Text Field. This records the code checksum.
The code checksum test performs a 32-bit cyclical redundancy
check (CRC) which verifies that the code is not corrupted.
CPU ID PROM Checksum: Text Field. This verifies the ID PROM
of the CPU.
Viewing UDP Statistics
Buffer Mem Check: Text Field. This verifies the memory buffers.
Each time the test is performed, it will randomly allocate a buffer
of memory to verify.
Clear Error Log
Select MONITORING from the Main Menu. Select DIAGNOSTICS
from the Monitoring menu. Select CLEAR ERROR LOG from the
Diagnostics menu.
The Clear Error Log screen appears, as shown in Figure 5-28. You
use this screen for clearing the accumulated data recorded in the
error log. The error log displays start-up errors and is saved
independently of other data on the bridge. Clearing the error log
will have no impact on the operation of the bridge.
Use the Error Log screen to view the error log.
Figure 5-28 Clear Error Log
Enter y/n <n>: Text Field. Enter yto clear the error log, or nto
not clear the error log.
Spot Checks
This chapter explains how to check for problems and solve them.
It is good practice to carry out regular checks of your LinkBuilder
MSH equipment.
Check the following:
Press the LAMP TEST button, on the LinkBuilder MSH's Display
Panel. All yellow LEDs should light continuously and all bi-color
LEDs should flash red/green alternately.
Check that all external cabling connections are secure and that no
cables are pulled taut. All AUI cables should be secured by the
fitted slide locks.
Check that all modules are secured in position and that their
ejectors are locked. All modules should be flush with each other.
If individual LEDs do not respond to the lamp test, then the LEDs
are at fault. However, if all a module's LEDs do not respond, and
all other checks are satisfied, then there is a fault with either the
module or the LinkBuilder MSH chassis. In both cases, see What
To Do Next on page 6-10 for further action.
Using The LEDs For Fault Diagnosis
Using The LEDs For Fault Diagnosis
The LEDs on the front of the module indicate bridge activity and
PWR (Power)
Green on - Normal: power present, self-test completed
successfully and bridge operating normally.
Green flashing - Self-test is in progress (this lasts about one
Red on - Fault: a fault has occurred during power-up self-test or in
operation. You should contact your supplier immediately for
TXn or TX (Transmit)
Yellow flashing - Flashes every time a frame is transmitted from
port n or external port.
RXn or RX (Receive)
Yellow flashing - Flashes every time a frame is received by port n
or external port.
ENn or EN (Enabled)
Yellow on - Port n or external port is enabled, listening or
Yellow flashing - Port n or external port is enabled and blocking.
Off - Port n or external port is disabled.
Correcting Problems
By working through this section, you should be able to isolate
faults or find some possible causes and recommended actions.
Network Problems
Symptom: Network communication problems.
Check the cabling in your network and that it meets the IEEE
standard for cabling.
Find out whether any other devices on your network are also
having communication problems.
PING Or Telnet Problems
Symptom: Cannot PING or Telnet another bridge after entering an
IP address.
The unit must be reset for an IP address change to take effect.
Check that the IP address is correct for that bridge.
Check that the IP address is unique.
Check that the subnet mask is correct.
Check that the default gateway address is correct.
Check that your address, port, or IP protocol is not being filtered
by the other bridge. If you are unsure, turn off its filters.
Check the port is forwarding traffic.
Check the received packets field (RCVD PKTS/SEC) on the Bridge
Port Statistics screen, for the other bridge.
Correcting Problems
If no other action works, there may be a problem with the other
bridge's configuration. Erase the other bridge's parameters.
Remember, this will erase all configurations ever made to it.
Re-enter it's IP address and reset it.
Port Problems
Symptom: One of the bridge ports is unexpectedly blocking.
Check that you do not have a redundant link, causing the port to
Try turning off Spanning Tree. If there is a redundant link in the
network, this will cause an active loop resulting in further
network problems.
Remove the bridge module from the LinkBuilder MSH chassis, and
reinstall it. It is unlikely that any problems will result from this
operation. For more information on possible problems, see
Removing And Replacing Equipment on page 6-8.
Performance Problems
Symptom: Bridge performance is slow.
Check the Bridge Statistics and Ethernet Statistics screens for
excessive CRC errors.
Check external port's connection.
Excessive use of custom filtering - disable unnecessary custom
Time taken updating monitoring screens - return to the Main
Menu whenever possible.
Collision Problems
Symptom: Excessive collisions on an Ethernet port.
Check that your network is not too long or too large.
Check that there are not too many repeaters on your network.
Check that there are not too many users on a single Ethernet.
STAP Problems
Symptom: Spanning Tree problems.
Return all Spanning Tree settings to their default settings.
Filter Problems
Symptom: Filters not working properly.
Check that the main filtering switch has been turned on (see the
FILTERING ON/OFF/FAST field on the Filter Options screen).
If you want individual filters to take effect, check that they have
been turned on.
Check that there are no filter clashes or overrides.
Correcting Problems
SNMP Problems
Symptom: Cannot establish communication via SNMP.
Check that you have an IP address entered. If you cannot PING or
Telnet the bridge, check the IP address and default gateway
Check that SNMP is properly configured.
If you have not reset the bridge since enabling SNMP, do so.
Operation Problems
Symptom: The bridge does not respond to the keyboard, or
freezes in operation.
Press [Ctrl] + [P] to return to the management module, and reset
the MSH chassis slot that the bridge is in (slot reset).
Remove and install the bridge into the LinkBuilder MSH chassis.
Removing And Replacing Equipment
Inserting additional modules or a second Power Supply Unit into
an active LinkBuilder MSH, known as hot insertion, should not
cause any damage to your equipment. However, the following
points should be noted:
Packets of data passing through the unit at the time of insertion
can be corrupted.
Inserting a second Power Supply Unit can cause a dip in the logic
supply which would reset all modules.
The removal of modules or Power Supply Units that have failed
should not generally interrupt the operation of the LinkBuilder
If you hot insert a module or Power Supply Unit into the
LinkBuilder MSH chassis, it may cause problems with the
Management Module or 4 Port Bridge Module. In the unlikely
event of the software becoming corrupted after hot insertion, we
recommend that you press RESET and ENTER on the LinkBuilder
MSH's display panel.
We recommend that you have one spare module or Power Supply
Unit for every ten in use. In the unlikely event that you should
have problems with the LinkBuilder MSH, you should swap the
faulty item with a spare. This allows you to continue operation
and may also help in singling out a fault, if the replacement solves
the problem.
It is advisable to hold spare replaceable components, such as
fuses and Transceiver Modules, even though they are unlikely to
fail. The bridge module has one replaceable fuse, see Figure 6-1.
Fuse................................ 12V 2A anti-surge (20mm cartridge)
Only fuses of the same manufacturer, type and rating should be
used with the module.
Figure 6-1 The Location of the Fuse
What To Do Next
If any of your LinkBuilder MSH equipment fails to operate
correctly, contact your supplier with the following information
before returning the equipment:
Serial Number
Revision Number
A brief description of the fault
For modules, the Serial Number and Revision Number are printed
on the circuit board. The reference guides that accompany these
modules show the location of these numbers. For the LinkBuilder
MSH chassis, both numbers are on a label attached to one of its
When returning equipment to your supplier make sure it is
suitably packed for transit. When returning the LinkBuilder MSH
chassis, remove all modules.
Please make sure that you have carried out the recommended
checks and observations in the rest of this chapter.
The LinkBuilder MSH 4 Port Ethernet Bridge Module has a link,
LK1, for resetting its configuration to default values, see Figure
Figure A-1 The Location Of The Link
WARNING: This method of resetting the module has the same
effect as initializing NVRAM via the VT100 management
interface. All changes ever made to the bridge will be reset to
default settings.
We recommend that the link method is only used when VT100
management is not possible, for example, when you've forgotten
your password, as this method involves physically removing and
installing the module twice. For information on resetting the
module via VT100, see Erasing All Changes on page 2-27.
To reset the bridge module:
1 Remove the module from the LinkBuilder MSH chassis.
2 Change the link to the reset position, see Figure A-2.
Figure A-2 The Link In The Reset Position
3 Install the module into the LinkBuilder MSH chassis.
4 When the module has finished its self-test (self-test is indicated by
the PWR LED flashing), remove it from the LinkBuilder MSH
5 Change the link to the normal position, see Figure A-3.
Figure A-3 The Link In The Normal Position
6 Install the module into the LinkBuilder MSH chassis. The module is
now reset to its default settings.
The LinkBuilder MSH 4 Port Ethernet Bridge Module conforms to
the following standards:
IEEE 802.3, ISO DIS 8802/3
EN 60950 (BS 7002)
UL 1950
CSA 222 #950
Vfg 243 ’B’
EN 55022 A
FCC 20780 15J Level A
IEC 801 part 2, 3, 4 and 5
EN 55101 part 5
IEC 68
3Com provides easy access to technical support information
through a variety of services. This appendix describes these
On-line Technical Services
3Com offers worldwide product support seven days a week, 24
hours a day, through the following on-line systems:
3Com Bulletin Board Service
Ask3ComSM on CompuServe
3ComFactsSM Automated Fax Service
3Com Bulletin Board Service (3ComBBS)
3ComBBS contains patches, software, and drivers for all 3Com
products, as well as technical articles. This service is available via
modem seven days a week, 24 hours a day. To reach the service,
set your modem to 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. Call the
telephone number nearest you:
Baud Rate
Telephone Number
(61) (2) 955 2073
up to 14400 baud
up to 14400baud
(33) (1) 69 86 69 54
up to 9600 baud
up to 9600 baud
(49) (89) 627 32 188
(49) (89) 627 32 189
Hong Kong
up to 9600 baud
up to 9600 baud
(852) 537 5601
Italy (fee required)
(39) (2) 273 00680
Baud Rate
Telephone Number
(81) (3) 3243 9245
(65) 534 5693
up to 14400 baud
up to 9600 baud
up to 14400 baud
up to 14400 baud
up to 14400 baud
(886) (2) 577 6160
(44) (442) 278278
(1) (408) 980 8204
Ask3Com on CompuServe
Ask3Com is a CompuServe-based service containing patches,
software, drivers, and technical articles about all 3Com products,
as well as an interactive forum for technical questions. To use
Ask3Com, you need a CompuServe account.
To use Ask3Com:
1 Log on to CompuServe.
2 Enter go threecom
3 Press [Enter] to see the Ask3Com main menu.
3ComFacts Automated Fax Service
3Com Corporation’s interactive fax service, 3ComFactsSM, provides
data sheets, technical articles, diagrams, and troubleshooting
instructions on 3Com products 24 hours a day, seven days a
week. Within this service, you may choose to access CardFactsSM
for adapter information, or NetFactsSM for network system
product information.
CardFacts provides adapter installation diagrams, configuration
drawings, troubleshooting instruction, and technical articles.
Document 9999 provides you with an index of adapter
3Com Documentation on CD-ROM
NetFacts provides data sheets and technical articles on 3Com
Corporation’s hub, bridge, router, terminal server, and software
Document 8888 provides you with an index of system product
Call 3ComFacts using your touchtone telephone. International
access numbers are:
Hong Kong
Fax Number
(852) 537 5610
(44) (442) 278279
(1) (408) 727 7021
Local access numbers are available within the following countries:
Fax Number
800 123853
800 17319
Fax Number
1678 99085
Netherlands 06 0228049
98 001 4444
05 90 81 58
0130 8180 63
05 01 1062
020 792954
0800 626403
3Com Documentation on CD-ROM
An extensive library of 3Com product documentation is available
in CD-ROM format through Support On-Site for Networks
subscription service. This multivendor CD-ROM service, offered by
Computer Library™, a division of Ziff Communication, contains
technical information and documentation from major data
networking hardware and software manufacturers. Stand-alone
and concurrent user subscriptions are available. For more
information, call Computer Library at the following numbers:
Telephone Number
Fax Number
U.S. and Canada
(800) 827 7889, ext. 515
(212) 503 4400, ext. 515
(212) 503 4487
(212) 503 4487
Outside the U.S. and
Support from Your Network Supplier
If additional assistance is required, contact your network supplier.
Many suppliers are authorized 3Com service partners who are
qualified to provide a variety of services, including network
planning, installation, hardware maintenance, application
training, and support services.
When you contact your network supplier for assistance, have the
following information ready:
Diagnostic error messages
A list of system hardware and software, including revision levels
Details about recent configuration changes, if applicable
If you are unable to contact your network supplier, see the
following section on how to contact 3Com.
Support from 3Com
If you are unable to receive support from your network supplier,
technical support contracts are available from 3Com.
In the U.S. and Canada, call (800) 876-3266 for customer service.
If you are outside the U.S. and Canada, contact your local 3Com
sales office to find your authorized service provider.
Returning Products for Repair
Telephone Number
Australia (Sydney) (61) (2) 959 3020
(Melbourne) (61) (3) 653 9515
(525) 531 0591
South Africa
(31) (3) 402 55033
(65) 538 9368
(32) (2) 7164880
(55) (11) 241 1571
(905) 882 9964
(27) (11) 803 7404
(34) (1) 3831700
(46) (8) 632 91 00
(886) (2) 577 4352
(971) (4) 311303
(33) (1) 69 86 68 00
(49) (89) 6 27 32 0
(852) 868 9111
Hong Kong
United Arab
(39) (2) 273 02041
(81) (3) 3243 9234
(44) (628) 897000
(1) (408) 492 1790
Returning Products for Repair
A product sent directly to 3Com for repair must first be assigned a
Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number. A product sent to
3Com without an RMA number will be returned to the sender
unopened, at the sender’s expense.
To obtain an RMA number, call or fax:
Telephone Number
(800) 876 3266, option 2
(44) (44) 2 278000
Fax Number
U.S and Canada
(408) 764 7120
(44) (442) 236824
(1) (408) 764 7290
Outside Europe, U.S. and Canada (1) (408) 492 1790
3ComBBS C-1
3ComFacts C-2
management 1-7
access, user 4-16
active loops 1-16
adding bridge information 2-24
adding permanent entries 5-6
ageing 1-15
ageing time 1-15
ARP 5-10, 5-43
standard filtering 1-12
topology 1-10
Bridge Port Statistics screen 4-8
add entry 5-11
delete entry 5-12
parameters 5-10
ARP Pararmeters screen 5-10
Ask3Com C-2
assigning IP address / host name
pairs 2-36
Authentication Failure trap 2-47
erasing 2-28
basic community characteristics 2-48
bit filtering 1-28
erasing all 2-27
making effective 2-26
saving 2-26
saving and making effective 3-26
setting up 3-23
Boot/Loader Info screen 5-3
bridge connections 2-30
bridge control keys
standard 2-8
host filtering table 3-27
TCP characteristics 5-13
Telnet characteristics 5-14
Chat screen 2-44
chatting to another bridge user 2-44
bridge filtering
custom 1-20, 3-9
standard 1-12
bridge statistics 4-3
for valid network connection 2-38
LEDs, cabling and modules 6-2
port activity 4-8
user access 4-16
Cold Start trap 2-47
communication, with another bridge
user 2-44
port-to-port filtering 3-17
establishing operator accounts 2-18
Ethernet Statistics screen 4-12
exchanging information 2-44
IP address 2-29
port queuing 5-16
SNMP 2-46
STAP 3-2
Configure Bit Filters screen 3-23
custom filtering 1-20
bit 1-28, 3-23
configuration 3-9
host-to-host 1-23, 3-10
host-to-port 1-24, 3-13
multicast-to-port 1-27, 3-18
order 1-29
port-to-port 1-26, 3-16
problems 6-6
saving 3-30
custom 3-9
standard 1-12
filtering table 3-27
flooding 1-12
forwarding 1-12
fuse replacement 6-9
database, permanent 5-6
default gateway 2-33
Delete ARP Entry screen 5-12
Delete Permanent Entry screen 5-8
deleting permanent entries 5-8
diagnostic information 5-45
diagnostics, interactive 5-46
downloading software upgrades 5-3
general bridge information 5-17
General Help screen 5-2
General System Information screen 5-17
local bridge connection 2-30
hash bucket 5-20
logging on
help 5-2
host filtering table 3-27
saving changes 3-29
host names, assigning 2-36
host table 2-36
saving and making effective 3-12
setting up 3-10
saving and making effective 3-15
setting up 3-13
making changes effective 2-26
management interface 2-3
monitoring observations 4-7
Multicast screen 3-18
multicast-to-port filtering 1-27
ICMP Packet Statistics screen 5-36
Initialize NOVRAM screen 2-27
initializing NVRAM 2-27, A-1
installation 1-31
installation and removal 1-31
Interactive Diags screen 5-46
IP address configuration 2-29
Node Table By Address screen 5-19
Node Table By Hash Bucket screen 5-20
node table information 5-19
learning 1-12
learning, filtering and forwarding 1-12
LEDs 1-5
fault diagnosis 6-3
link settings A-1
initializing 2-27
saving to 2-26
LinkBuilder MSH 1-2
Address Table screen 2-16
logging on 2-12
observations, monitoring 4-7
operation problems 6-7
Logon screen 2-13
Main Banner screen 2-12
operator accounts
editing 2-22
setting up 2-18
remote bridge connection 2-30
Operator Accounts screen 2-20
packet statistics 5-36
permanent entries
adding 5-6
deleting 5-8
transferring 5-9
PING 2-38
problems 6-4
Ping screen 2-40
port problems 6-5
Port Queuing 5-16
saving and making effective 3-17
setting up 3-16
host-to-host filtering 3-12
collision 6-6
network 6-4
operation 6-7
performance 6-5
PING 6-4
port 6-5
removing and replacing
equipment 6-8
SNMP 6-7
STAP 6-6
ARP Tables 5-43
Chat 2-44
Clear Error Log 5-47
Configure Bit Filters 3-23
Delete ARP Entry 5-12
Delete Permanent Entry 5-8
Edit User Accounts 2-22
Error Log 5-45
Telnet 6-4
protocol filtering 1-27
saving and making effective 3-22
setting up 3-20
Protocol screen 3-20
Ethernet Statistics 4-12
Filter Options 3-30
General Help 5-2
General System Information 5-17
Hardware Configuration 5-22
Queuing 5-16
Host-to-Host 3-10
Host-to-Port 3-13
ICMP Packet Statistics 5-36
IP Addresses 2-31
IP Statistics 5-33
LinkBuilder MSH Logon 2-13
LinkBuilder MSH Service
Selection 2-15
Multicast 3-18
Node Table By Address 5-19
Operator Accounts 2-20
Ping 2-40
Port Settings 3-6
subnet mask 2-31
simple bridge configuration 2-11
Port-to-Port 3-16
Protocol 3-20
SNMP Basic Community
Configuration 2-48
Configuration 2-51
viewing information 5-39
Software Queues 5-16
Spanning Tree 3-3
SNMP Statistics screen 5-39
Socket Statistics screen 5-23
software initialize 2-27
Software Queues screen 5-16
software upgrades, downloading 5-3
spanning tree
configuration 3-2
construction 1-17
port configuration 3-6
Spanning Tree screen 3-3
spares 6-9
Static Routes 2-33
System Information 2-24
TCP Connection Statistics 5-31
TCP Data Statistics 5-28
TCP Protocol Settings 5-13
Telnet Protocol Settings 5-14
Terminate Connection 2-45
Transfer Permanent Entries 5-9
UDP Statistics 5-26
screen layout 2-4
setting up
spot checks 6-2
standards B-1
STAP 1-16
problems 6-6
root bridge 1-17
static routes 2-33
configuring 2-33
subnet mask 2-31
System Information screen 2-24
ICMP packet statistics 5-36
node table information 5-19
socket statistics 5-23
TCP information 5-28
changing characteristics 5-13
viewing information 5-28
TCP Data Statistics screen 5-28
TCP Protocol Settings screen 5-13
technical support C-1
viewing Ethernet statistics 4-12
bridge control keys 2-8
bridge menu map 2-6
bridge screen layout 2-4
Telnet 2-30, 5-14
out from the bridge 2-42
problems 6-4
starting a session 2-42
suspending a session 2-45
to the bridge 2-30
topology 1-10
Topology Change trap 2-47
transceiver module 1-6
Transfer Permanent Entries screen 5-9
transferring permanent entries 5-9
traps 2-47
UDP Statistics screen 5-26
upgrades, downloading 5-3
using PING 2-38
using the LEDs for fault diagnosis 6-3
FCC Statement
This equipment has been tested with a class A computing device
and has been found to comply with part 15 of FCC Rules.
Operation in a residential area may cause unacceptable
interference to radio and TV receptions requiring the operator to
take whatever steps are necessary to correct the interference.
CSA Statement
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio
noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the
interference-causing equipment standard entitled “Digital
Apparatus”, ICES-003 of the Department of Communications.
Cet appareil numérique respecte les limites de bruits
radioélectriques applicables aux appareils numériques de Classe A
prescrites dans la norme sur le matériel brouilleur: “Appareils
Numériques”, NMB-003 édictée par le ministre des
Information To The User
If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference
by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient the receiving antenna.
Relocate the equipment with respect to the receiver.
Move the equipment away from the receiver.
Plug the equipment into a different outlet so that equipment and
receiver are on different branch circuits.
If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/television technician for additional suggestions. The user
may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal
Communications Commission helpful:
How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems
This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC 20402, Stock No. 004-000-00345-4.
In order to meet FCC emissions limits, this equipment must be
used only with cables which comply with IEEE 802.3.
HARDWARE: 3Com warrants its hardware products to be free from defects in workmanship and
materials, under normal use and service, for the following lengths of time from the date of purchase
from 3Com or its Authorized Reseller:
Internetworking products
Network adapters
One year
Ethernet stackable hubs and Unmanaged Ethernet fixed port repeaters
(One year if
not registered)
*Power supply and fans in these stackable hubs and unmanaged repeaters One Year
Other hardware products
Spare parts and spares kits
One Year
90 days
If a product does not operate as warranted during the applicable the warranty period, 3Com shall, at its
expense, correct any such defect by repairing the defective product or part or, at its option, by delivering
to Customer an equivalent product or part to replace the defective item. All products that are replaced
will become the property of 3Com. Replacement products may be new or reconditioned. Any replaced
or repaired product or part has a ninety (90) day warranty or the remainder of the initial warranty
period, whichever is longer.
3Com shall not be responsible for any software, firmware, information, or memory data of Customer
contained in, stored on, or integrated with any products returned to 3Com pursuant to any warranty.
SOFTWARE: 3Com warrants that the software programs licensed from it will perform in substantial
conformance to the program specifications therefor for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of
purchase from 3Com or its Authorized Reseller. 3Com warrants the magnetic media containing
software against failure during the warranty period. No updates are provided. 3Com's sole obligation
hereunder shall be (at 3Com's discretion) to refund the purchase price paid by Customer for any
defective software products, or to replace any defective media with software which substantially
conforms to 3Com's applicable published specifications. Customer assumes responsibility for the
selection of the appropriate applications program and associated reference materials. 3Com makes no
warranty that its software products will work in combination with any hardware or applications
software products provided by third parties, that the operation of the software products will be
uninterrupted or error free, or that all defects in the software products will be corrected. For any third
party products listed in the 3Com software product documentation or specifications as being
compatible, 3Com will make reasonable efforts to provide compatibility, except where the
non-compatibility is caused by a “bug” or defect in the third party's product.
STANDARD WARRANTY SERVICE: Standard warranty service for hardware products may be
obtained by delivering the defective product, accompanied by a copy of the dated proof of purchase, to
3Com's Corporate Service Center or to an Authorized 3Com Service Center during the applicable
warranty period. Standard warranty service for software products may be obtained by telephoning
3Com's Corporate Service Center or an Authorized 3Com Service Center, within the warranty period.
Products returned to 3Com's Corporate Service Center must be pre-authorized by 3Com with a Return
Material Authorization (RMA) number marked on the outside of the package, and sent prepaid, insured,
and packaged appropriately for safe shipment. The repaired or replaced item will be shipped to
Customer, at 3Com's expense, not later than thirty (30) days after receipt by 3Com.
WARRANTIES EXCLUSIVE: If a 3Com product does not operate as warranted above, Customer's sole
remedy shall be repair, replacement, or refund of the purchase price paid, at 3Com's option. THE
its authorized reseller has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or the limitation of incidental or
consequential damages for consumer products, so the above limitations and exclusions may not apply
to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights which may vary from state to state.
GOVERNING LAW: This Limited Warranty shall be governed by the laws of the state of California.
3Com Corporation
5400 Bayfront Plaza
Santa Clara, CA 95052-8145
(408) 764-5000
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