Product features may vary from the picture above.
Dump Truck
Owne r’s Ma nua l with Asse m b ly Instruc tions
Ple a se re a d this m a nua l a nd sa ve it with your orig ina l sa le s re c e ip t.
For Mod e l 78656
Tools needed for assembly: Phillips Screwdriver, Slotted Screwdriver, Hammer, Pliers and Safety Scissors.
Use only with a Power Wheels® Type H 6 Volt Battery, Power Wheels® Thermal Fuse
and Power Wheels® Type H Super 6™ Volt Charger (all included).
ELECTRIC TOY: Not recommended for children under 2 years of age.
As with all electric products, precautions should be observed during
handling and use to prevent electric shock.
Wa rnings
• Children can be harmed by small parts, sharp edges and sharp points in the vehicle’s
unassembled state, or by electrical items. Care should be taken in unpacking and assembly
of the vehicle. Children should not handle parts, including the battery, or help in assembly of
the vehicle.
• Keep small parts and plastic bags out of children’s reach. Dispose of plastic bags properly.
• Adult supervision is required. Children do not have the judgement necessary to avoid many
accidents. Be sure that children operating this vehicle can do so safely and that they are
supervised at all times.
• Never use near steps, driveways, steep inclines, roadways, alleys, swimming pool areas or
other bodies of water.
• Always wear shoes or sneakers when operating this vehicle.
• Never allow more than one rider.
• The rider should sit on the seat when the vehicle is in operation.
• Do not allow children to sit in the dump bed.
• The battery and the vehicle hood provide weight needed for vehicle stability. DO NOT move
the battery to another location. Refasten the hood before operating the vehicle.
• Hot motor cover. Handle carefully.
• Never alter this vehicle or its electrical system in any way. Alterations could cause a fire
resulting in injury and could also ruin the electrical system.
• Use of the wrong type battery, fuse or charger could cause a fire or explosion, resulting in
serious injury.
• The battery must be handled by adults only. The battery is heavy and contains sulfuric acid
(electrolyte). Dropping the battery could result in serious injury.
• Never lift or carry the battery by the wires or connector. This can damage the battery and
possibly cause a fire resulting in injury. Lift and carry the battery by the case only.
• Read the cautions on the back panel of the battery.
• Never allow children to charge the battery. Battery charging must be done by adults only. A
child could be injured by the electricity involved in charging the battery.
• Examine the battery, charger and their connectors for excessive wear or damage each time
you charge the battery. If damage or excessive wear is detected, do not use the vehicle until
you have replaced the worn or damaged part as it could possibly cause a fire resulting in
Pa rts
• If you experience a problem with this product, or are missing a part, please call us at 1-800-348-0751, rather than
return this product to the store.
• Please identify all parts before assembly and save all packaging material until assembly is complete to ensure that no
parts are discarded.
• Metal parts have been coated with a lubricant to protect them during shipment. Wipe all metal parts with a paper towel
to remove any excess lubricant.
Steering Wheel
Vehicle Body
Exhaust Stack
(2 Pieces)
Dump Bed
Key Assembly
Gas Cap
Front Wheel - 2
Super 6™ Volt
Battery Charger
6 Volt Battery
Pa rts
Steering Column
Battery Retainer
Small Spring - 2
Thermal Fuse
Wire Retainer
Axle Bushing - 2
Large Spring
Hinge Pin
Steering Wheel Cap
Hubcap - 2
Hinge Pin Endcap - 2
Taillight Guard Set
Headlight Guard Set
Dump Bed Handle
(2 pieces)
Pa rts
#10 x 1" Screw
#10 x 1 / ” Shoulder Bolt
8 x /" Screw
#8 x 1" Screw – 2
#6 x 1 / " Screw – 2
#8 x /" Screw – 4
#8 x / " Screw
#10 - 32 Acorn Nut
/ " Washer - 2
.354 (Small) Cap Nut – 2*
.437 (Large) Cap Nut – 4*
All Shown Ac tua l Size
*For your convenience, an extra thermal fuse and .354 (small) cap nut, and two extra .437 (large) cap nuts
have been included.
Pa rts Dia gra m
1. Ve hic le Bod y
2. Ste e ring Column
3. Ste e ring Whe e l
4. Ste e ring Whe e l Ca p
5. Wire Re ta ine r
6. Sma ll (.354) Ca p Nut
7. Hub c a p - 2
8. Grille
16. Ke y Asse mb ly
17. Mic rop hone
18. Front Whe e l - 2
19. Axle Bushing - 2
20. He a d lig ht Gua rd - 2
21. Exha ust Sta c k - 2 Pie c e s
22. Dump Be d Ha nd le - 2 Pie c e s
23. La rg e Sp ring
29. Hing e Pin End c a p - 2
30. #8 x 7/8" Sc re w
31. #10 x 1" Sc re w
32. #8 x 3/4" Sc re w
33. #8 x 1" Sc re w
34. #6 x 11/2" Sc re w
35. #8 x 1/2" Sc re w
36. /16" Wa she r
9. Se a t
24. Dump Be d
37. #10 x 11/4" Sho uld e r Bo lt
38. #10 - 32 Ac o rn Nut
39. La rg e (.437) Ca p Nut - 2
10. 6 Volt Ba tte ry
11. Ba tte ry Re ta ine r
12. Sup e r 6™ Volt Cha rg e r
13. Shifte r
25. Dump Be d Hing e Pin
26. Sma ll Sp ring - 2
27. Ta illig ht Gua rd - 2
28. Ga s Ca p
No t Shown
14. Da sh
La b e l She e t - 1
15. Knob - 2
Ba tte ry Cha rging
• The battery must be handled by adults only. The battery is heavy and contains sulfuric acid
(electrolyte). Dropping the battery could result in serious injury.
• Never allow children to charge the battery. Battery charging must be done by adults only. A
child could be injured by the electricity involved in charging the battery.
• Use of the wrong type battery, fuse or charger could cause a fire or explosion, resulting in
serious injury.
• Read the cautions on the back panel of the battery.
• Never lift or carry the battery by the wires or connectors. This can damage the battery and
possibly cause a fire. Lift and carry the battery by the case only.
• Examine the battery, charger and their connector for excessive wear or damage each time
you charge the battery. If damage or excessive wear is detected, do not use the charger or
the vehicle until you have replaced the worn or damaged part.
• Never alter this vehicle or its electrical system in any way. Alterations could cause a fire
resulting in injury and could also ruin the electrical system.
Ba tte ry Cha rging
• Your ne w b a tte ry m ust b e c ha rg e d for a t le a st 18
hours b e fore you use it in your ve hic le for the first
tim e .
• We recommend that you start charging your battery
before beginning assembly of your new vehicle.
• The battery must be upright while charging.
• Do not short circuit the battery.
• You do not need to remove the battery from your vehicle
to recharge it.
• Use only a Power Wheels® Type H Super 6™ volt charg-
er (120 VAC 60 Hz 30W with an output of 6 VDC 7.2W
(1200mA) to charge your Power Wheels® 6 volt battery.
• Plug the charger into a standard 120 volt wall outlet.
Note: If power flow to the wall outlet is controlled by a
switch, make sure the switch is “ON”.
• Before first time use, charge the battery for at least 18
hours. Never charge the battery longer than 30 hours.
Note: The battery must be upright while charging.
• Recharge the battery after each use of your vehicle for at
least 14 hours. Do not charge the battery longer than 30
• If you are charging the battery for the first time, insert a
thermal fuse into the battery.
• If you are recharging your battery, make sure the thermal
fuse already installed in the battery is in good condition.
Remove the fuse from the battery and shake it gently. If it
rattles, it has blown. Replace a blown fuse with a new
Power Wheels® thermal fuse.
• Once the battery is charged, disconnect the charger
connector from the battery connector. The battery is now
ready to be installed in your vehicle. Please see the
Battery Installation section on page 18 for detailed
instructions on installing your battery. If your battery is
already installed in your vehicle, simply re-connect the
battery connector and motor harness connector and
lower the hood of the vehicle. Always remember to lock
the hood with the lock fasteners to prevent children from
accessing the battery.
• Use the charger indoors only.
• Squeeze the Lock-InTM connector tabs on the charger
connector and plug it into the battery connector.
IMPORTANT NOTE! If you are recharging your battery,
you will first need to disconnect the battery connector
from the motor harness connector under the hood of
your vehicle.
Do Not Omit Any Steps
Key Assembly
• Fit the dashboard on the vehicle body.
• Insert four #8 x 3/4" screws through the holes in the dash-
board and into the vehicle body.
• Snap the shift lever, key assembly and knobs into the
dashboard, as shown.
• Tighten the screws with a Phillips screwdriver. Do not
Oval Hole
“T” End
Front Axle
Front Wheel
Plastic Tip
Round Hole
• Insert the end of the microphone cord through the small
round hole in the dashboard.
• Slide the front wheels off the front axles.
• Bend the the plastic tip at the end of the microphone
cord so that it forms a “T” behind the dashboard.
• Pull gently on the microphone cord to make sure it is
secure in the dashboard.
• Fit the tab on the back of the microphone into the oval
hole in the dashboard to hang it on the dash.
Vehicle Body
Front Axle
Front Bumper
• Slide a 7/16” washer onto one of the front axles.
• Face the front of the vehicle.
• Fit the tabs extending from the bottom of the grille into
the rectangular slots above the front bumper.
• Slide an axle bushing onto the front axle. Make sure the
axle bushing is positioned as shown in the illustration,
with the ring facing the washer.
• Push on the grille to snap the tabs on the back of the
grille into the slots in the front of the vehicle body.
• Slide a front wheel onto the front axle. Make sure that
the peg on the wheel is facing away from the
axle bushing.
• Slide a hubcap onto the front axle.
• Rotate the hubcap to make sure it is fully seated inside
the center of the wheel.
Large Cap Nut
Front Axle
• Align the slots in the headlight labels with the headlight
guard slots in the hood. Apply the headlight labels
as shown.
• Make sure the areas where the labels will be applied are
clean and dry. For best adhesion, avoid repositioning the
labels once they are applied to the vehicle.
• Fit a large cap nut on the end of the front axle.
• Tap the cap nut gently with a hammer to secure it on the
end of the axle.
• Pull on the wheel to make sure the cap nut is firmly
attached to the front axle.
• Repeat assembly steps 5 and 6 to assemble the other
front wheel.
Headlight Guard
• Using safety scissors, separate the round headlight
guards from the plastic connector. Dispose of the plastic
Bottom View
• Fit the tabs on the back of the headlight guards into the
slots in the front of the hood.
• Turn the vehicle body on its side.
• Push firmly to snap the tabs into the hood.
• Align the hole in the wire retainer with the screw peg in
the underside of the vehicle body, near the footswitch.
• Insert a #8 x 1/2" screw through the wire retainer and into
the vehicle body.
Exhaust Stack Halves
• Tighten the screw with a Phillips screwdriver. Do not
Large Hole
• Fit together the two halves of the exhaust stack
• Insert two #6 x 11/2"” screws into the exhaust stack
Bottom View
• Tighten the screws with a Phillips screwdriver. Do not
• Place the wiring between
the ends of the wire
• Fit the end of the exhaust stack into the large hole in the
top of the vehicle body and push firmly until it snaps into
• Twist the ends of the wire
the vehicle body
retainer together to hold the
Wire Retainer Ends
wiring against the vehicle
Twisted Together
Cap Nut
• Turn the vehicle body upright.
• Position the steering wheel so that the spokes form a
“Y”, as shown.
Bottom View
• Fit the steering wheel onto the straight end of the steer-
ing column.
• Wipe the steering column with a paper towel to remove
any excess lubricant.
Helpful Hint: You may want the help of another adult to
support the curved end of the steering column near the
steering linkage while assembling the steering wheel to
your vehicle.
• Slide the straight end of the steering column up through
the hole in the vehicle body and out through the hole in
the dashboard.
• Fit a small cap nut onto the straight end of the
steering column.
• Tap the cap nut gently with a hammer to secure it.
• Pull up on the steering wheel to make sure the cap nut
is firmly attached to the end of the steering column.
Steering Wheel
Bottom View
• Align the notch in the steering wheel cap with the tab in
the center of the steering wheel and fit the cap onto the
steering wheel.
• Fit the curved end of the steering column into the hole in
the steering linkage.
• Insert a #8 x 1” screw into each of the holes in the steer-
ing wheel cap.
• Tighten the screws with a Phillips screwdriver. Do not
Upper Half
Dump Bed
Lever Halves
Bottom (Grip)
• Fit the tabs on the seat into the holes in the vehicle body.
• Push firmly near each of the tabs to snap them into the
vehicle body.
• Re-assemble the two halves of the dump bed lever.
Make sure the end of the spring contacts the inside of
the circle outlined on the upper half of the dump bed
Large Spring
Dump Bed
Shoulder Bolt
Circular Peg
Bottom (Grip)
Acorn Nut
Dump Bed Lever
• Align the holes in the upper and lower halves of the
dump bed lever and insert a #10 x 11/4" shoulder bolt
through the dump bed lever, as shown above.
• Separate the two halves of the dump bed lever.
• Fit the large spring onto the circular peg on the inside of
the bottom (grip) half of the dump bed lever.
• Fit a #10 - 32 acorn nut on the end of the shoulder bolt.
Do not reverse the position of the shoulder bolt and
acorn nut.
• Use pliers to hold the acorn nut steady and tighten the
shoulder bolt with a Phillips screwdriver. Do not
• Squeeze the dump bed lever to make sure the bottom
half moves freely. If it is too tight, loosen the shoulder
bolt and acorn nut slightly.
Hinge Pin
Dump Bed Lever
Dump Bed
Dump Bed
• Push in on the hinge pin endcaps and fit the endcaps
through the holes in the underside of the dump bed.
• Release the endcaps to secure the hinge pin in the
dump bed.
• Position the dump bed upside down.
• Fit the stem on the dump bed lever into the square open-
ing in the bottom of the dump bed.
• Insert a #10 x 1” screw up through the hole in the dump
bed and into the dump bed lever.
•Tighten the screw with a Phillips screwdriver. Do not over-
Hinge Pin
Hinge Pin
Small Spring
• Insert a small spring into each hinge pin endcap.
• Fit a hinge pin endcap onto each end of the dump bed
hinge pin.
Dump Bed
Taillight Guard
Hinge Pin
Hinge Pin
Hinge Pin
Rear View
• Using safety scissors, separate the taillight guards from
the plastic connector. Dispose of the plastic connector.
• Fit the tabs on the back of the taillight guards into the
slots in the vehicle body.
• Push firmly to snap the tabs into the vehicle body.
Rear View
• Face the rear of the vehicle.
Gas Cap
• Position the dump bed upright with the hinge pin nearest
to you.
• Push in on the hinge pin endcaps and fit the endcaps
into the small grooves in the vehicle body.
• Push down on the dump bed to slide the endcaps down
the grooves and snap them into the holes in the vehicle
body. Make sure the endcaps snap into the holes.
• Snap the gas cap into the hole in the side of the vehicle
One time assembly is now complete.
One extra thermal fuse, one extra small cap nut, and two
extra large cap nuts have been included with your vehicle.
Make sure that you do not have any extra washers or
axle bushings. If you have any extra washers and/or axle
bushings, you have probably incorrectly assembled the
front wheels. To correct the front wheel assembly, use pli-
ers to firmly squeeze the cap nut on the end of each front
axle and remove them. Discard the used cap nuts.
Reread and repeat assembly steps 4 through 6 to re-
assemble the front wheels.
Rear View
• Apply labels #9 to the taillight areas on the rear of the
vehicle body as shown.
• Make sure the areas where the labels will be applied
are clean and dry. For best adhesion, avoid reposition-
ing the labels once they are applied to the vehicle.
Label Decoration
Proper label application will help to keep the labels looking
their best! When applying labels, keep the following guide-
lines in mind:
• Wash your hands before applying the labels.
• Before applying the labels, wipe the surface of the vehi-
cle with a clean, dry cloth to remove any dust or oils.
• Place the labels exactly as shown in the illustrations.
• For best results, avoid repositioning a label once it has
been applied to the vehicle.
• After applying a label, rub the label firmly with a
clean, dry cloth to make sure the label is adhered to
your vehicle. Start at the center of a label, and
smooth towards the outer edges to remove air bub-
Right Side
Front View
Rear View
Dash View (Steering Wheel Removed)
Left Side
Battery Installation
The battery and the vehicle hood provide
weight needed for vehicle stability.
DO NOT move the battery to another
location. Refasten the hood before oper-
ating the vehicle.
Important Note: Use only a Power Wheels® Type H bat-
tery with a Power Wheels® thermal fuse installed. Use of
any other battery or fuse will damage your vehicle. Make
sure that you charge the battery for at least 18 hours using
the enclosed Power Wheels® Super 6™ Volt charger
before operating your vehicle for the first time. Charge the
battery for at least 14 hours after each use of the vehicle.
Never charge the battery longer than 30 hours. Failure to
follow these instructions may damage your battery and will
void your warranty.
• Place the Power Wheels® Type H battery upright in the
battery compartment.
• With the ends of the battery retainer curving up, fit the
ends of the battery retainer into the slots in the battery
compartment wall.
• Using a slotted screwdriver, rotate the lock fasteners 1/4"
turn ( ) to unlock the hood.
• Open the hood.
• Lower the battery retainer over the battery, and insert a
#8 x 7/8" screw through the bend in the battery retainer
and into the vehicle body.
• Tighten the screw with a Phillips screwdriver. Do not
Battery Installation
Motor Harness
Top View
• Squeeze the tabs on each side of the motor harness
• Lower the hood.
• Plug the battery connector into the motor harness
• Rotate the lock fasteners 1/4 turn ( ) to lock the hood
and prevent children from access-
ing the battery.
Please Note: If the battery connector will not plug into the
motor harness connector, turn it over and try again! Do not
force the battery connector into the motor harness
Battery Care
and Disposal
For Safe Driving
If a battery leak develops, avoid contact with the leaking
acid and place the damaged battery in a plastic bag. See
information below for proper disposal.
• Adult supervision is required. Children
do not have the judgement necessary to
avoid many accidents. Be sure that
children operating this vehicle can do so
safely and that they are supervised at
all times.
• Never use near steps, driveways, steep
inclines, roadways, alleys, swimming
pool areas or other bodies of water.
• Always wear shoes or sneakers when
operating this vehicle.
If acid comes in contact with skin or eyes, flush with
cool water for at least 15 minutes and call a physician.
If acid is internally ingested, give water, milk of magnesia
or egg whites immediately. Never give emetics or induce
vomiting. Call a physician.
• Charge a new battery for at least 18 hours before first
use. Never charge the battery longer than 30 hours.
Overcharging or undercharging the battery may shorten
battery life and decrease vehicle running time.
• After the first charge, recharge the battery for at least
14 hours after each use. Never charge the battery longer
than 30 hours. Charge the battery after each use, regard-
less of how long the vehicle was used.
• Never allow more than one rider.
• The rider should sit on the seat when
the vehicle is in operation.
• The battery must be upright while charging.
• Do not allow the battery to run down completely before
• Do not allow children to sit in the
dump bed.
• Charge the battery before storing the vehicle.
• Charge the battery at least once per month, even if the
vehicle has not been used.
• Leaving the battery in a discharged condition will ruin it.
• Do not store the battery in temperatures above 75° F or
below -10° F.
• Prevent the battery from moving freely inside the battery
compartment. Always use the battery retainer to secure
the battery in the battery compartment.
• Examine the battery, charger and their connectors for
excessive wear or damage each time you charge the bat-
tery. If damage is detected, do not use the charger or the
battery until you have replaced the worn or damaged part.
• Attempting to charge the battery without a thermal fuse
or with a blown fuse will not damage the battery, but it
will not charge. Check the fuse to make sure it is in good
condition each time you charge the battery.
• The battery and the vehicle hood pro-
vide weight needed for vehicle stability.
DO NOT move the battery to another
location. Refasten the hood before oper-
ating the vehicle.
• Improper use of this vehicle could lead
to a serious or fatal accident. Allow chil-
dren to play with this vehicle only when
you have determined that they can do
so safely. Follow all instructions to help
your child enjoy this vehicle as safely
as possible.
• Your Power Wheels® battery is a sealed lead-acid bat-
tery. It must be recycled or disposed of in an environ-
mentally sound manner.
• Do not dispose of the lead-acid battery in your regular,
household trash. The incineration, landfilling or mixing of
sealed lead-acid batteries with household trash is
prohibited by law in most areas.
• Return the battery to a federal or state approved lead-
acid battery recycler, such as a Power Wheels®
authorized service center or a local seller of automotive
batteries. In Minnesota, call 1-800-348-0751 if further
disposal information is required. Contact your local
waste management officials for other information regard-
ing the environmentally sound collection, recycling and
disposal of lead-acid batteries.
Rules for Safe Driving
6. Always wear shoes or sneakers when operating this
Teach Safety Rules to Children
While children can quickly develop the skill necessary to
drive this vehicle, it is important to remember that their
judgment skills are still very immature. Unsupervised dri-
ving by children can lead to serious injury. Before children
7. When a very lightweight child is driving the vehicle,
traction may be reduced on certain types of surfaces.
To improve traction, we recommend adding approxi-
mately 5 lbs. to the compartment under the seat. Do
not add weight under the dump bed, motor cover, front
cab or any other place on the vehicle. Add weight only
under the seat. As your child grows, the extra weight
can be decreased or eliminated.
use the CATERPILLAR Dump Truck, an adult should
carefully evaluate the driving area as well as the children’s
skill level and ability to drive this vehicle safely. Children
are not always able to recognize or anticipate hazards,
even when they have been taught about them. There is no
acceptable substitute for adult supervision.
8. Never put anything near any moving parts. Rotating
parts such as motors, gear boxes and wheels can
snag fingers, hair, etc., causing serious injury. Do not
allow operation of the vehicle when it is on its side or in
an upside-down position.
Teach appropriate safety rules to your child before allow-
ing operation of this vehicle. These rules should also be
reviewed with neighborhood children or other playmates
who want to drive or ride in this vehicle.
9. Do not operate the vehicle near flammable vapors
(gasoline, paint thinner, acetone, liquid wax, etc.).
The vehicle’s electrical switches, like most electrical
switches, emit an internal spark when first turned on
or turned off. The presence of flammable liquids or
vapors could cause an explosion or a fire. Keep all
flammable products in tightly sealed containers and
away from the vehicle.
1. Do not allow any child to drive the vehicle in the street
or near moving (motorized) vehicles.
2. Do not allow any child to drive near bodies of water
(such as pools or creeks), obstructions (such as furni-
ture, low tree limbs or play equipment), or drop-offs
(such as stairs or decks).
3. Do not allow any child to drive the vehicle in the dark.
A child could encounter unexpected obstacles and have
an accident. Operate the vehicle only in the daytime or
in a well-lit area.
10. Do not allow a child to operate the vehicle without
proper adult supervision. To prevent unsupervised use
of the vehicle, disconnect the motor harness from the
battery when the vehicle is not in use.
To d isc o nne c t the m o to r ha rne ss c o nne c to r
a nd b a tte ry c o nne c to r:
• Using a slotted screwdriver, rotate the lock fasteners
1/4 turn ( ) to unlock the hood.
4. Teach your child to avoid driving on steep inclines or
slopes. Restrict your child’s driving to areas that are
fairly level with gentle inclines or slopes of no more
than 10°.
• While driving down a steep slope, the vehicle may
gain unsafe speed, even if the foot pedal is released
to stop.
• Open the hood.
• Squeeze the tabs on the motor harness connector to
unplug it from the battery connector.
• While driving across a steep slope, the vehicle may
tilt and tip over. The wheels could lose traction,
causing the vehicle to slip.
• Close the hood.
Im p o rta nt No te : Always remember to lock the lock
fasteners on the hood to prevent children from access-
ing the battery.
• While driving up a steep incline, the motor may stop
and the vehicle could roll backwards at an unsafe
Motor Harness
Inc line should ne ve r b e
m ore tha n 10°
5. Do not operate this vehicle with more than one rider,
seated in the seating area. A child who is not sitting on
the seat or who is standing on the vehicle could fall off,
cause a tip-over or block the driver’s view. A child could
be seriously injured. Do not allow children or animals to
ride in the dump bed.
How to Operate Your Vehicle
To Drive
To Back Up
• Push the button on the left side of the
• Push the button on the right side of the
FORWARD/REVERSE switch to set the vehicle to drive
forward. The FORWARD/REVERSE switch is located on
the dashboard directly under the steering wheel.
FORWARD/REVERSE switch to set the vehicle to drive
in reverse. The FORWARD/REVERSE switch is located
on the dashboard directly under the steering wheel.
• Press down on the foot pedal. The vehicle will go
forward at a maximum of 31/2 mph.
• Press down on the foot pedal. The vehicle will back up at
a maximum of 31/2 mph.
• Help your child practice steering to learn how far and
how quickly to turn the steering wheel when driving
• Help your child practice steering to learn how far and
how quickly to turn the steering wheel when driving in
To Stop
• Your vehicle has a patented, electronic braking system
that automatically stops the vehicle when your child’s foot
is lifted from the pedal.
How to Operate
Your Vehicle
For Your Vehicle
Using the Dump Bed
• Check all nuts, bolts, and their protective coverings regu-
larly and tighten as required. Check plastic parts on a
regular basis for cracks or broken pieces.
Dump Bed
• During snowy or rainy weather, the vehicle should be
stored inside or under a protective cover. Remember to
charge the battery at least once per month while your
vehicle is not in regular use.
• Avoid operating the vehicle in wet or snowy conditions,
and do not spray the vehicle with a hose. Do not wash
the vehicle with soap and water. Water or moisture in the
motors or electrical switches can cause them to corrode,
and could cause switch or motor failure.
• Avoid operating the vehicle on sand, loose dirt or gravel.
Sand, loose dirt or gravel in the motors or electrical
switches can cause them to jam, and could cause switch
or motor failure.
• The vehicle can be wiped down with a soft, dry cloth. For
a shiny finish, you can wipe plastic parts with a non-wax
furniture polish applied to a soft-cloth. Do not use auto-
motive wax. Do not use soap and water or spray the vehi-
cle with a hose.
• Squeeze the dump lever on the dump bed and pull up
on the lever.
• Push down on the dump bed lever to return the dump
bed to the upright position.
• Regular cleaning under the dump bed will prevent exces-
sive dirt from coming into contact with the motor and
gearbox. Remove the dump bed from the vehicle and
clean the area by vacuuming or by wiping the area with a
soft, dry cloth. Do not spray the vehicle with water. To
remove the dump bed:
• When using the dump bed, take care to keep fingers
away from the dump lever latch opening.
• Keep children and animals out of the dump bed.
• Do not overload the dump bed by loading more than 20
lbs. in the dump bed. Remember that the dump bed will
automatically dump any load over 20 lbs. Do not defeat
the auto-dump feature.
- Place the dump bed in the unloading position.
- Squeeze the hinge pin endcaps toward the center of the
dump bed.
- Lift the dump bed to remove it.
• Do not lean over the dump bed while it is in operation.
• To ensure that your vehicle stays in good operating order,
we recommend that you periodically have your vehicle
• Make sure there is no one standing behind the dump
bed when loading or unloading.
checked by a Power Wheels authorized service center.
• Keep fingers and other body parts out from under the
dump bed area and away from the area between the
dump bed and the seat.
See page 28 for the list of authorized service centers or
call 1-800-348-0751 for the location of the authorized
service center nearest you.
Problems and Solutions Guide
IMPORTANT! If you experience a problem with your vehicle, first check the Problems and Solutions
Guide below. If you still experience a problem, please contact Power Wheels® Consumer Affairs,
toll-free at 1-800-348-0751 between 8 AM and 6 PM (EST) Monday through Friday. Or, contact
your local Power Wheels authorized service center. For the location nearest you, please refer to
the Authorized Service Center list beginning on page 28.
Prob le m
Possib le Ca use
Vehicle does not run
Undercharged battery
Charge the battery. A new battery should have been
charged for at least 18 hours before using the vehicle for
the first time. After first-time use, recharge the battery for at
least 14 hours after each use. Never charge the battery
longer than 30 hours.
Check all connectors. Make sure the battery connector is
tightly plugged into the charger connector, and that the
charger is plugged into the wall.
Make sure power flow to the wall outlet is “ON”.
Charger is not working
There is no sure way to tell if your charger is working unless
you have a volt meter. If you suspect there is a problem with
your charger, contact your local Power Wheels® authorized
service center. They can test your charger for you.
Wrong type or improperly installed fuse
Blown fuse
Make sure that the battery has a properly installed
Power Wheels thermal fuse before charging. For best
performance, do not use substitute parts.
Make sure that the fuse in the battery is in good
condition. Remove the fuse from the battery and shake it
gently. If it rattles, it has blown. Replace a blown fuse with a
Power Wheels thermal fuse. For best performance, do not
use substitute parts.
Loose wire or loose connectors
Dead battery
Check all wires and connectors. Make sure the battery
connector is tightly plugged into the motor harness
connector, and that there are no loose wires around the
If your battery is old or if you have not followed Battery
Care instructions, your battery may be dead. If you are
unsure whether or not the battery is dead, you can have
it tested at your local Power Wheels® authorized
service center.
Electrical switch damage
Motor damage
The electrical switches can become corroded due to
exposure to water or moisture, or can jam due to loose dirt,
sand or gravel. Contact your local Power Wheels®
authorized service center for diagnosis and repair.
Contact you local Power Wheels® authorized service center
for diagnosis and repair.
Problems and Solutions Guide
Prob le m
Possib le Ca use
Vehicle was running but
suddenly stopped
Loose wire or loose connectors
Check all wires and connectors. Make sure the battery
connector is tightly plugged into the motor harness
connector, and that there are no loose wires around the
Wrong type or improperly installed fuse
Blown fuse
Make sure that the battery has a properly installed
Power Wheels® thermal fuse installed before charging.
For best performance, do not use substitute parts.
Make sure that the fuse in the battery is in good
condition. Remove the fuse from the battery and shake it
gently. If it rattles, it has blown. Replace a blown fuse with a
Power Wheels thermal fuse. For best performance, do not
use substitute parts.
Vehicle is overloaded
Make sure you do not overload the vehicle by allowing
more than 1 rider at one time, by exceeding the 65 lbs.
maximum weight capacity, or by towing objects behind the
vehicle. If the vehicle is overloaded, it will automatically
shut down. The vehicle will reset itself after approximately
20 seconds. Reduce the load on the vehicle to prevent
additional automatic shut-downs.
Driving conditions are too stressful
Use only on gentle inclines or slopes of 10˚ or less. Extreme
temperatures can also affect run time. If the driving
conditions are too stressful, the vehicle will automatically
shut down. The vehicle will reset itself after approximately
20 seconds. Adjust the driving conditions to prevent
additional automatic shut-downs.
Short run time (Less than
1 - 3 hours per charge)
Undercharged battery
Charge the battery. A new battery should have been
charged for at least 18 hours before using the vehicle for
the first time. After first-time use, recharge the battery for
at least 14 hours after each use. Never charge the
battery longer than 30 hours.
Check all wires and connectors. Make sure the battery
connector is tightly plugged into the charger connector,
and that the charger is plugged into the wall.
Make sure power flow to the wall outlet is “ON”.
Overcharged battery
Do not charge the battery longer than 30 hours. If you
suspect that your battery is damaged as a result of
overcharging, contact your local Power Wheels® authorized
service center. They can test your battery for you.
Battery is old and will not
accept full charge
Even with proper care, a rechargeable battery does not
last forever. Average battery life is 1 to 3 years depending
on vehicle use and use conditions. For best performance,
do not use substitute parts.
Wrong type or improperly installed fuse
Driving conditions are too stressful
Make sure that the battery has a properly installed
Power Wheels® thermal fuse before charging.
For best performance, do not use substitute parts.
Use only on gentle inclines or slopes of 10˚ or less. Extreme
temperatures can also affect run time. If the driving
conditions are too stressful, the vehicle will automatically
shut down. The vehicle will reset itself after approximately
20 seconds. Adjust the driving conditions to prevent
additional automatic shut-downs.
Problems and Solutions Guide
Prob le m
Possib le Ca use
Vehicle runs sluggishly
Undercharged battery
Charge the battery. A new battery should have been
charged for at least 18 hours before using the vehicle for
the first time. After first-time use, recharge the battery for at
least 14 hours after each use. Never charge the battery
longer than 30 hours.
Check all connectors. Make sure the battery connector is
tightly plugged into the charger connector, and that the
charger is plugged into the wall.
Make sure power flow to the wall outlet is “ON”.
Battery needs charging
After approximately 3 hours of constant use, the battery
needs charging.
Wrong type or improperly installed fuse
Make sure that the battery has a properly installed
Power Wheels® thermal fuse installed before charging. For
best performance, do not use substitute parts.
Battery is old and will not accept
full charge
Even with proper care, rechargeable batteries do not last
forever. Average battery life is 1 to 3 years depending on
the vehicle use and use conditions. Replace the battery with
a Power Wheels® Type H 6 volt battery. For best perfor-
mance, do not use substitute parts.
Vehicle is overloaded
Make sure you do not overload the vehicle by allowing
more than 1 rider at one time, exceeding the 65 lbs.
maximum weight capacity, or by towing objects behind the
vehicle. If the vehicle is overloaded, it will automatically
shut down. The vehicle will reset itself after approximately
20 seconds. Reduce the load on the vehicle to prevent
additional automatic shut-downs.
Driving conditions are too stressful
Use only on gentle inclines or slopes of 10˚ or less. Extreme
temperatures can also affect run time. If the driving
conditions are too stressful, the vehicle will automatically
shut down. The vehicle will reset itself after approximately
20 seconds. Adjust the driving conditions to prevent
additional automatic shut-downs.
Sometimes the vehicle doesn’t
run, but other times it does
Loose wire or connector
Motor or electrical switch damage
Loose wire or connector
“Dead Spot” on motor
Check all wires around the motors and all connectors to
make sure they are tight.
Contact your local Power Wheels® authorized service
center for diagnosis and repair.
When the foot pedal is pressed,
the vehicle won’t run without
a push
Check all wires around the motors and all connectors
to make sure they are tight.
Contact your local Power Wheels® authorized service
center for diagnosis and repair.
Problems and Solutions Guide
Prob le m
Possib le Ca use
Vehicle constantly blows fuses
Wrong type of fuse used
Your vehicle requires a Power Wheels® thermal
fuse in the battery. Make sure the Power Wheels®
thermal fuse is properly installed in the battery.
For best performance, do not use substitute parts.
Child is switching between
without stopping.
Teach your child to stop the vehicle before switching
between FORWARD and REVERSE.
Loud clacking or grinding
noise from a motor-gearbox
Broken gears
Contact your local Power Wheels® authorized service
center for diagnosis and repair.
Charger gets warm during use
It is normal for some chargers to get
warm during use and is not reason
for concern. Some chargers do not
get warm during use.
No action required.
If your charger does not get warm during
use, it does not mean that it is not working properly.
Battery makes a sizzling or
gurgling noise when charging
It is normal for some batteries to
make noise and swell slightly while
charging and is not reason for
concern. Some batteries do not
make noise or swell while charging.
No action required.
If your battery does not make noise or swell slightly
during charging, it does not mean that it is
not accepting the charge.
If, after reviewing the Problems and Solutions Guide, the vehicle still fails to operate, please contact your nearest
authorized service center (see page 28) or contact Power Wheels® Consumer Affairs toll-free at 1-800-348-0751.
He lp ful Hint: For faster service when calling Consumer Affairs, completely charge the battery before calling and have the
following available by the phone:
• vehicle,
• vehicle model number (see sticker in battery compartment),
• vehicle production run number (see sticker in battery compartment),
• Phillips screwdriver, slotted screwdriver and needle-nose pliers with plastic or rubber handles,
• an extra Power Wheels thermal fuse is helpful.
Statement of Limited Warranty
und e r this wa rra nty or imp lie d b y la w or a ny ind ire c t or
c onse q ue ntia l d a ma g e s for b re a c h of wa rra nty.
Some sta te s d o not a llow the e xc lusion or limita tion so
this limita tion ma y not a p p ly to you.
90-da y lim ite d wa rra nty for the Powe r
Whe e ls® Ride -On Toy Ve hic le
A 6-m onth ba tte ry wa rra nty a pplying only to
the 6 volt ba tte ry whic h wa s inc lude d by
Powe r Whe e ls®, with the Powe r Whe e ls® ve hi-
c le whe n origina lly purc ha se d.
Should you ne e d se rvic e or a ssista nc e with your
ve hic le d uring the wa rra nty p e riod , DO NOT RETURN
THE VEHICLE TO THE STORE. Powe r Whe e ls® ha s
p rovid e d a na tionwid e ne twork of a uthorize d se rvic e
c e nte rs. Ple a se re fe r to the list in this ma nua l. Powe r
Whe e ls® is c ontinua lly e xp a nd ing our Authorize d
Se rvic e Ce nte r Ne twork. If the re is not a n a uthorize d
se rvic e c e nte r in your a re a , p le a se c a ll Consume r
Affa irs for informa tion, 1-800-348-0751.
This limite d wa rra nty c ove rs the Powe r Whe e ls
rid e -on ve hic le a nd the 6 volt b a tte ry, p urc ha se d
from Powe r Whe e ls® b y the orig ina l p urc ha se r, a g a inst
d e fe c ts in ma te ria ls a nd workma nship .
This wa rra nty c ove rs norma l use a nd d oe s not c ove r
the Powe r Whe e ls® ve hic le or b a tte ry if d a ma g e d b y
unre a sona b le use , ne g le c t, a c c id e nt, a b use , misuse ,
imp rop e r se rvic e or othe r c a use s not a rising out of
d e fe c ts in ma te ria ls or workma nship . Evid e nc e of a ny
a tte mp t a t c onsume r re p a ir will void this wa rra nty. This
wa rra nty d oe s not c ove r, a nd is inte nd e d to e xc lud e ,
a ny lia b ility on the p a rt of Powe r Whe e ls®, whe the r
This wa rra nty g ive s you sp e c ific le g a l rig hts, a nd you
ma y a lso ha ve othe r rig hts whic h ma y va ry from sta te
to sta te .
Authorized Service Centers
We a re c ontinua lly e xpa nding our Authorize d Se rvic e Ce nte r Ne twork. Ple a se c he c k this listing
for the a uthorize d se rvic e c e nte r ne a re st you. If the re is not one in your a re a , ple a se c a ll Powe r
Whe e ls® Consum e r Affa irs a t 1-800-348-0751.
TUCSON - Arizona Small Appliance Service Co., 5033 E
5th Street, 85711, (520) 325-3988
FRESNO - Valley Small Appliance, 4005 E. Ashlan Avenue,
93726, (209) 224-5530
BIRMINGHAM - Frigid Service & Sales,
701 Graymont Ave. North, 35203, (205) 323-5831
FULLERTON - California Electric Service Center, 1208
E. Ash Avenue, 92631-5020, (714) 870-0900
BIRMINGHAM - Frigid Service & Sales,
1861 Centerpoint Rd., 35215, (205) 853-3952
FT. SMITH - Bromley Appliance Service, 614 North 10th
Street, 72901, (501) 782-9646
LOS ALAMITOS - California Electric Service Center,
11284 Los Alamitos Blvd., 90720, (310) 430-2668
Company, 154 West Valley Ave., 35209, (205) 942-3959
HOT SPRINGS, The Battery Center, 400 Airport Road,
71913, (501) 624-7144
MERCED - Moosehead Electronics, 920 W. 18th Street,
95340, (209) 723-4712
CULLMAN - Robert G. Werner Company,
1115 4th Street S.W., 35055, (205) 734-5673
JONESBORO - Best Sewing & Vacuum & Repair, 2235
S. Caraway Road, 72401, (501) 935-4739, (800) 844-4739
MISSION VIEJO - California Electric Service Center, 23725
Via Fabricante, Unit B, 92691, (714) 586-9440
DECATUR - Peddler II, 1000 B Beltline Road, 35603,
(205) 350-1044
LITTLE ROCK - C & W Tool Repair, 1303 W. Markham,
72201, (501) 374-1911
OAKLAND - California Electric Service Center, 1139
E. 12th Street, 94606, (510) 834-1050
DOTHAN - Bill’s Appliance Service, 208 Bic Road,
P.O. Box 1192, 36303, (334) 792-7746
MENA - Bearcat Starter & Alt., 801 Petros,71953,
(501) 394-0320
OXNARD - Terry’s Inc., The Clean-up Store, 1237 Saviers
Road, 93033, (805) 487-9401, (800) 845-3223
DOUGLAS - Brown Hardware, Highway 75, 35964,
(205) 593-6086
ROGERS - Kressel’s Vacuum & Repair, 115 North 5th
Street, 72756, (501) 636-7894
PASADENA - California Electric Service Center, 2594
E. Colorado Blvd., 91107, (818) 792-3194
HUNTSVILLE - C & G Appliance, 307 Jordan Lane, 35805,
(205) 837-4551
STUTTGART - Davis Lumber Company, 301 East
Michigan, 72160, (501) 673-3601
SACRAMENTO - California Electric Service Center,
1821 “Q” Street, 95814, (916) 443-5711
MOBILE - Foster’s Appliance Repair, 1660 South Beltline
Highway, 36693, (334) 666-2670
SAN CARLOS - California Electric Service Center, 990
Industrial Road, Suite 102, 94070, (415) 593-6696
ANDERSON - Hardware Express/ Do It Best, 2681 Balls
Ferry Road, 96007, (916) 365-3783
MONTGOMERY - Acme Service Co., 2603 Highland Ave.,
36107, (205) 264-2456
SAN DIEGO - California Electric Service Center, 3430
El Cajon Blvd., 92104, (619) 283-6488
BAKERSFIELD - Southwest TV, 6300 White Lane,
Suite B, 93309, (805) 397-4940
TUSCALOOSA (NORTHPORT) - Frigid Service & Sales,
2813 Lurleen B. Wallace Blvd., 35476, (205) 339-3624
SAN FRANCISCO - California Electric Service Center,
1090 Bryant Street, 94103, (415) 431-8494
CONCORD - California Electric Service Center, 1170-G
Burnett Avenue, 94520, (510) 827-1011
SAN JOSE - California Electric Service Center, 783
The Alameda, 95126, (408) 295-1723
ANCHORAGE - Ken’s Electronics Service, 360 E. Inter-
national, Ste. 8, 99518, (907) 562-3443
COVINA - California Electric Service Center, 612 Shoppers
Lane, 91723, (818) 915-4935
SANTA ANA - California Electric Service Center, 2025
South Main Street, 92707, (714) 641-0529
DUBLIN - California Electric Service, 8947 San Ramon
Road, 94568, (510) 551-3390
SANTA ROSA - Hardisty’s Inc., 710 Farmers Lane, 95405,
(707) 545-0535
GLENDALE - Elliott Electric Appliance Service,
6242 N. 43rd Avenue, 85301, (602) 937-2613
FONTANA - California Electric Service Center, 9794 Sierra
Avenue, 92335, (909) 355-2500
STOCKTON - California Electronics, 929 North Yosemite
Street, 95203, (209) 466-5432
SCOTTSDALE - Elliott Electric, 7515 E. McDowell Road,
85257, (602) 946-7487
FORT JONES - Ft. Jones Frontier Hardware,11911 Main
Street, 96032, (916) 468-2266
Authorized Service Centers
SACRAMENTO - California Electric Service Center,
1821 “Q” Street, 95814, (916) 443-5711
ORLANDO - Pine Hills Appliance Svc. Co., 6100-4
W. Colonial Drive, 32808, (407) 299-1271
BIRMINGHAM - Frigid Service & Sales,
SAN CARLOS - California Electric Service Center, 990
Industrial Road, Suite 102, 94070, (415) 593-6696
ORLANDO - Southern Electric Co., 510 N. Parramore
Avenue, 32801, (407) 841-8824, (800) 940-8824
701 Graymont Ave. North, 35203, (205) 323-5831
BIRMINGHAM - Frigid Service & Sales,
1861 Centerpoint Rd., 35215, (205) 853-3952
SAN DIEGO - California Electric Service Center, 3430
El Cajon Blvd., 92104, (619) 283-6488
PANAMA CITY, Callaway Vacuum & Sewing, 221 N. Tyndall
Prkwy., 32404, (904) 763-6333
Company, 154 West Valley Ave., 35209, (205) 942-3959
SAN FRANCISCO - California Electric Service Center,
1090 Bryant Street, 94103, (415) 431-8494
PENSACOLA - Foster’s Appliance Repair, 3836 N. Davis
Highway, 32503, (904) 432-8853
CULLMAN - Robert G. Werner Company,
1115 4th Street S.W., 35055, (205) 734-5673
SAN JOSE - California Electric Service Center, 783
Alameda, 95126, (408) 295-1723
POMPANO BEACH - Authorized Appliance Service Co.,
2171 N. Dixie Highway, 33060, (954) 941-2038
DECATUR - Peddler II, 1000 B Beltline Road, 35603,
(205) 350-1044
SANTA ANA - California Electric Service Center, 2025
South Main Street, 92707, (714) 641-0529
POMPANO BEACH - Philips Consumer Electronics, 2099
W. Atlantic Blvd., 33069, (954) 978-0467
DOTHAN - Bill’s Appliance Service, 208 Bic Road,
P.O. Box 1192, 36303, (334) 792-7746
SANTA ROSA - Hardisty’s Inc., 710 Farmers Lane, 95405,
(707) 545-0535
PORT ST. LUCIE - Hoppe’s Authorized Vac & Appliance,
6735 S. Federal Way, 34592, (561) 464-0102
DOUGLAS - Brown Hardware, Highway 75, 35964,
(205) 593-6086
STOCKTON - California Electronics, 929 North Yosemite
Street, 95203, (209) 466-5432
ROCKLEDGE - Neelco Do-It Center, 400 Barton Blvd.,
32955, (407) 639-1400
HUNTSVILLE - C & G Appliance, 307 Jordan Lane, 35805,
(205) 837-4551
TEMECULA - California Electric Service Center, 41715
Enterprise Circle North, Suite 101, 92590, (909) 695-5445
SARASOTA - Sunray Small Appliances,8371 N. Tamiami,
34243, (941) 358-9999, (800) 895-5655
MOBILE - Foster’s Appliance Repair, 1660 South Beltline
Highway, 36693, (334) 666-2670
VAN NUYS - California Electric Service Center, 14753
Oxnard Blvd., 91411, (818) 997-8855
SEBRING - Sebring Do-It Center, 305 U.S. 27 North,
33870, (813) 385-2785
MONTGOMERY - Acme Service Co., 2603 Highland Ave.,
36107, (205) 264-2456
WEST LOS ANGELES - California Electric Service Center,
2314 S. Westwood Blvd., 90064, (310) 475-2532
SPRING HILL - Crowder Bros Hardware, 5350 Spring Hill
Dr., 34606, (904) 686-4743
TUSCALOOSA (NORTHPORT) - Frigid Service & Sales,
2813 Lurleen B. Wallace Blvd., 35476, (205) 339-3624
YUCAIPA - Aire-Rite Heating & A/C, 34724 Yucaipa Blvd.,
92399, (909) 797-2788
ST. PETERSBURG - Keystone Electric, 4604 Central
Avenue, 33711, (813) 321-1124
STUART - Appliance Doctors, 3166 S.E. Dixie Highway,
34997, (407) 287-6437
ANCHORAGE - Ken’s Electronics Service, 360 E. Inter-
national, Ste. 8, 99518, (907) 562-3443
AURORA - Appliance Service, 2295 So. Chambers Road,
Unit F, 80014, (303) 369-6651
SUNRISE - Muller Appliance Service, 2620 N. University
Drive, 33322, (954) 749-5460
GLENDALE - Elliott Electric Appliance Service,
6242 N. 43rd Avenue, 85301, (602) 937-2613
COLORADO SPRINGS - Nelson Appliance Repair, Inc.,
1220 E. Fillmore, 80907, (719) 635-1928, (800) 291-8010
TAMPA - Authorized Appliance Service Co., Dibbs Plaza,
4119 Gunn Hwy., Unit 8, 33624, (813) 968-6638
DENVER - Appliance Service, 4262 Lowell Blvd., 80211,
(303) 458-1109, (800) 631-0941 (CO, WY only)
VENUS - Sunray South, 2143 South Tamiami Trail, 34293,
(941) 493-1733
SCOTTSDALE - Elliott Electric, 7515 E. McDowell Road,
85257, (602) 946-7487
DENVER (ENGLEWOOD) - Appliance Service, 3932
S. Broadway, 80110, (303) 781-1227, (800) 553-1864
VERO BEACH - Hoppe’s Authorized Vac & Appliance, 1872
Commerce Avenue, 32960, (561) 562-4466
TUCSON - Arizona Small Appliance Service Co., 5033 E
5th Street, 85711, (520) 325-3988
GRAND JUNCTION - V & L Appliance Service, 809
North Avenue, 81501, (970) 243-3360
WEST PALM BEACH - Satisfaction TV Video Service, Inc.,
1980 S. Congress Avenue, 33406, (561) 439-3733
FT. SMITH - Bromley Appliance Service, 614 North 10th
Street, 72901, (501) 782-9646
HARTFORD - Hartford Element & Appliance Service, 1500
Albany Avenue, 06112, (860) 246-7424, (800) 787-7977
ATLANTA - Georgia Service Center, 5366 Buford Hwy.,
30340, (770) 455-1716, (800) 455-1715
HOT SPRINGS, The Battery Center, 400 Airport Road,
71913, (501) 624-7144
NEW HAVEN (HAMDEN) - New Haven Appliance Service
Center, 1627 Dixwell Avenue, 06514, (203) 288-6229
ATLANTA (MARIETTA) - Philips Consumer Electronics,
200 N. Cobb Parkway, Bldg. #100, Suite 120, 30062,
(770) 795-0085
JONESBORO - Best Sewing & Vacuum & Repair, 2235
S. Caraway Road, 72401, (501) 935-4739, (800) 844-4739
SHELTON - Jeff’s Appliance, Inc., 500A Howe Avenue,
06484, (203) 924-8997
LITTLE ROCK - C & W Tool Repair, 1303 W. Markham,
72201, (501) 374-1911
AUGUSTA - A & A Appliance Parts & Service, 1708 Walton
Way, 30904, (706) 733-5163
STAMFORD - Appliance Servicenter of Stamford,
15 Cedar Heights Road, 06905, (203) 322-7656
MENA - Bearcat Starter & Alt., 801 Petros,71953,
(501) 394-0320
BRUNSWICK - Arco Hardware & Supply, 3711 Community
Road, 31520, (912) 267-0771
WATERBURY - P.J. Appliance Repair, 935 South Main
Street, 06706, (203) 757-1014
ROGERS - Kressel’s Vacuum & Repair, 115 North 5th
Street, 72756, (501) 636-7894
COLUMBUS - Burrell’s National Appliance Service,
1728 Warm Springs Road, 31904, (706) 327-0523
DOVER - Del-Mar Appliance of Delaware, 230 South
Governors Avenue, 19904, (302) 674-2414, (800) 858-3424
STUTTGART - Davis Lumber Company, 301 East
Michigan, 72160, (501) 673-3601
LOGANVILLE - Mtn. Mower Sales and Service, 6099C
Hwy. 20, 30249, (770) 466-9111
MACON - Capitol Cycle Company, 1090 Washington
Avenue, 31201, (912) 745-3946
WILMINGTON - Lyons Hardware, Inc., 2021 Kirkwood
Highway, 19805, (302) 995-1260
ANDERSON - Hardware Express/ Do It Best, 2681 Balls
Ferry Road, 96007, (916) 365-3783
SAVANNAH - Hagins Appliance Service, 3 West Victory
Drive, 31405, (912) 233-8372
ATLANTIC BEACH - First Coast Repair, 25 Seminole
Road, 32233, (904) 246-4616
BAKERSFIELD - Southwest TV, 6300 White Lane,
B, 93309, (805) 397-4940
TIFTON - Western Auto, 354 S. Main St., 31794,
(912) 382-5767
CONCORD - California Electric Service Center, 1170-G
Burnett Avenue, 94520, (510) 827-1011
CAPE CORAL - Family Hardware/Do-It Express, 622 SE
47th Terrace, 33904, (941) 542-6365
VALDOSTA - Harry B. Anderson, Inc. Western Auto, 204
Central Avenue, 31601, (912) 242-5945
COVINA - California Electric Service Center, 612 Shoppers
Lane, 91723, (818) 915-4935
DELRAY - Mister Fix It, 209 S.E. 2nd Avenue, 33483,
(407) 243-9999
DUBLIN - California Electric Service, 8947 San Ramon
Road, 94568, (510) 551-3390
HONOLULU - McCully Bicycle & Sporting Goods,
932 Hausten Street, 96826, (808) 946-1192
GAINESVILLE - Authorized Appliance Service Co.,
2614 S.W. 34th Street, 32608, (904) 375-3886
FONTANA - California Electric Service Center, 9794 Sierra
Avenue, 92335, (909) 355-2500
WAILUKU (MAUI) - Tom’s Appliance Sales & Service,
891 Eha Street, 96793, (808) 244-6278
HIALEAH - S-O Service Co., 925 Hialeah Drive, 33010,
(305) 887-6275
FORT JONES - Ft. Jones Frontier Hardware,11911 Main
Street, 96032, (916) 468-2266
WAIPAHU - Waipahu Bicycle, 94-320 Depot Street, 96797,
(808) 671-4091
HOLLY HILL - Ormond Element,1668 Ridgewood Avenue,
32117, (904) 677-3497
FRESNO - Valley Small Appliance, 4005 E. Ashlan Avenue,
93726, (209) 224-5530
JACKSONVILLE - Authorized Appliance Service Co.,
6120-5 Powers Avenue, 32217, (904) 737-5312
BOISE - Boise Appliance, 1503 Main Street, 83702,
(208) 343-0102
FULLERTON - California Electric Service Center, 1208 E.
Ash Avenue, 92631-5020, (714) 870-0900
LAKE CITY - S&S Mowers Sales & Service, Route 10,
Box 9161, Hwy 47 South & MacFarland Ave., 32055,
(904) 755-9375
LOS ALAMITOS - California Electric Service Center, 11284
Los Alamitos Blvd., 90720, (310) 430-2668
CHAMPAIGN - Appliance Parts & Service Center, 905
Francois, 61821, (217) 355-0220
LAKELAND - Electric Shaver & Small Appliance, 4243
S. Florida Avenue, 33813, (941) 644-4690
MERCED - Moosehead Electronics, 920 W. 18th Street,
95340, (209) 723-4712
CHICAGO (BERWYN) - Brand Service Center,
6739 West Cermak, 60402, (708) 749-4315
MIAMI - Goodman’s Sales & Service, 13081 SW 133 Court,
33186, (305) 278-8822
MISSION VIEJO - California Electric Service Center, 23725
Via Fabricante, Unit B, 92691, (714) 586-9440
CHICAGO (DOWNER’S GROVE) - Authorized Appliance
Service Co., 1644 W. Ogden Avenue, 60515,
(630) 852-1550
NORTH FORT MYERS - Family Hardware,13817 N.
Cleveland Ave., 33903, (941) 995-6161
OAKLAND - California Electric Service Center, 1139
E. 12th Street, 94606, (510) 834-1050
NORTH PALM BEACH - Appliance Doctors, 450 Northlake
Blvd., 33408, (407) 845-0377, FAX (407) 845-0378
OXNARD - Terry’s Inc., The Clean-up Store, 1237 Saviers
Road, 93033, (805) 487-9401, (800) 845-3223
CHICAGO (MORTON GROVE) - Brand Service Center,
Inc., 5618 Dempster Street, 60053, (847) 965-5900
OCALA, Vacuums, Inc., 3535 S.E. Maricamp Road, #103,
34471, (904) 694-2247
PASADENA - California Electric Service Center, 2594
E. Colorado Blvd., 91107, (818) 792-3194
JACKSONVILLE- Rexx Battery Specialists, 847 South
Main Street, 62650, (217) 245-2713
Authorized Service Centers
E. Colorado Blvd., 91107, (818) 792-3194
34471, (904) 694-2247
SACRAMENTO - California Electric Service Center,
1821 “Q” Street, 95814, (916) 443-5711
ORLANDO - Pine Hills Appliance Svc. Co., 6100-4
W. Colonial Drive, 32808, (407) 299-1271
BIRMINGHAM - Frigid Service & Sales,
701 Graymont Ave. North, 35203, (205) 323-5831
SAN CARLOS - California Electric Service Center, 990
Industrial Road, Suite 102, 94070, (415) 593-6696
ORLANDO - Southern Electric Co., 510 N. Parramore
Avenue, 32801, (407) 841-8824, (800) 940-8824
BIRMINGHAM - Frigid Service & Sales,
1861 Centerpoint Rd., 35215, (205) 853-3952
SAN DIEGO - California Electric Service Center, 3430
El Cajon Blvd., 92104, (619) 283-6488
PANAMA CITY, Callaway Vacuum & Sewing, 221 N. Tyndall
Prkwy., 32404, (904) 763-6333
Company, 154 West Valley Ave., 35209, (205) 942-3959
SAN FRANCISCO - California Electric Service Center,
1090 Bryant Street, 94103, (415) 431-8494
PENSACOLA - Foster’s Appliance Repair, 3836 N. Davis
Highway, 32503, (904) 432-8853
CULLMAN - Robert G. Werner Company,
1115 4th Street S.W., 35055, (205) 734-5673
SAN JOSE - California Electric Service Center, 783
Alameda, 95126, (408) 295-1723
POMPANO BEACH - Authorized Appliance Service Co.,
2171 N. Dixie Highway, 33060, (954) 941-2038
DECATUR - Peddler II, 1000 B Beltline Road, 35603,
(205) 350-1044
SANTA ANA - California Electric Service Center, 2025
South Main Street, 92707, (714) 641-0529
POMPANO BEACH - Philips Consumer Electronics, 2099
W. Atlantic Blvd., 33069, (954) 978-0467
DOTHAN - Bill’s Appliance Service, 208 Bic Road,
P.O. Box 1192, 36303, (334) 792-7746
SANTA ROSA - Hardisty’s Inc., 710 Farmers Lane, 95405,
(707) 545-0535
PORT ST. LUCIE - Hoppe’s Authorized Vac & Appliance,
6735 S. Federal Way, 34592, (561) 464-0102
DOUGLAS - Brown Hardware, Highway 75, 35964,
(205) 593-6086
STOCKTON - California Electronics, 929 North Yosemite
Street, 95203, (209) 466-5432
ROCKLEDGE - Neelco Do-It Center, 400 Barton Blvd.,
32955, (407) 639-1400
HUNTSVILLE - C & G Appliance, 307 Jordan Lane, 35805,
(205) 837-4551
TEMECULA - California Electric Service Center, 41715
Enterprise Circle North, Suite 101, 92590, (909) 695-5445
SARASOTA - Sunray Small Appliances,8371 N. Tamiami,
34243, (941) 358-9999, (800) 895-5655
MOBILE - Foster’s Appliance Repair, 1660 South Beltline
Highway, 36693, (334) 666-2670
VAN NUYS - California Electric Service Center, 14753
Oxnard Blvd., 91411, (818) 997-8855
SEBRING - Sebring Do-It Center, 305 U.S. 27 North,
33870, (813) 385-2785
MONTGOMERY - Acme Service Co., 2603 Highland Ave.,
36107, (205) 264-2456
WEST LOS ANGELES - California Electric Service Center,
2314 S. Westwood Blvd., 90064, (310) 475-2532
SPRING HILL - Crowder Bros Hardware, 5350 Spring Hill
Dr., 34606, (904) 686-4743
TUSCALOOSA (NORTHPORT) - Frigid Service & Sales,
2813 Lurleen B. Wallace Blvd., 35476, (205) 339-3624
YUCAIPA - Aire-Rite Heating & A/C, 34724 Yucaipa Blvd.,
92399, (909) 797-2788
ST. PETERSBURG - Keystone Electric, 4604 Central
Avenue, 33711, (813) 321-1124
ANCHORAGE - Ken’s Electronics Service, 360 E. Inter-
national, Ste. 8, 99518, (907) 562-3443
STUART - Appliance Doctors, 3166 S.E. Dixie Highway,
34997, (407) 287-6437
AURORA - Appliance Service, 2295 So. Chambers Road,
Unit F, 80014, (303) 369-6651
SUNRISE - Muller Appliance Service, 2620 N. University
Drive, 33322, (954) 749-5460
GLENDALE - Elliott Electric Appliance Service,
6242 N. 43rd Avenue, 85301, (602) 937-2613
COLORADO SPRINGS - Nelson Appliance Repair, Inc.,
1220 E. Fillmore, 80907, (719) 635-1928, (800) 291-8010
TAMPA - Authorized Appliance Service Co., Dibbs Plaza,
4119 Gunn Hwy., Unit 8, 33624, (813) 968-6638
SCOTTSDALE - Elliott Electric, 7515 E. McDowell Road,
85257, (602) 946-7487
DENVER - Appliance Service, 4262 Lowell Blvd., 80211,
(303) 458-1109, (800) 631-0941 (CO, WY only)
VENUS - Sunray South, 2143 South Tamiami Trail, 34293,
(941) 493-1733
TUCSON - Arizona Small Appliance Service Co., 5033 E
5th Street, 85711, (520) 325-3988
DENVER (ENGLEWOOD) - Appliance Service, 3932
S. Broadway, 80110, (303) 781-1227, (800) 553-1864
VERO BEACH - Hoppe’s Authorized Vac & Appliance, 1872
Commerce Avenue, 32960, (561) 562-4466
GRAND JUNCTION - V & L Appliance Service, 809
North Avenue, 81501, (970) 243-3360
FT. SMITH - Bromley Appliance Service, 614 North 10th
Street, 72901, (501) 782-9646
WEST PALM BEACH - Satisfaction TV Video Service, Inc.,
1980 S. Congress Avenue, 33406, (561) 439-3733
HARTFORD - Hartford Element & Appliance Service, 1500
Albany Avenue, 06112, (860) 246-7424, (800) 787-7977
ATLANTA - Georgia Service Center, 5366 Buford Hwy.,
30340, (770) 455-1716, (800) 455-1715
HOT SPRINGS, The Battery Center, 400 Airport Road,
71913, (501) 624-7144
JONESBORO - Best Sewing & Vacuum & Repair, 2235
S. Caraway Road, 72401, (501) 935-4739, (800) 844-4739
NEW HAVEN (HAMDEN) - New Haven Appliance Service
Center, 1627 Dixwell Avenue, 06514, (203) 288-6229
ATLANTA (MARIETTA) - Philips Consumer Electronics,
200 N. Cobb Parkway, Bldg. #100, Suite 120, 30062,
(770) 795-0085
LITTLE ROCK - C & W Tool Repair, 1303 W. Markham,
72201, (501) 374-1911
SHELTON - Jeff’s Appliance, Inc., 500A Howe Avenue,
06484, (203) 924-8997
AUGUSTA - A & A Appliance Parts & Service, 1708 Walton
Way, 30904, (706) 733-5163
MENA - Bearcat Starter & Alt., 801 Petros,71953,
(501) 394-0320
STAMFORD - Appliance Servicenter of Stamford,
15 Cedar Heights Road, 06905, (203) 322-7656
BRUNSWICK - Arco Hardware & Supply, 3711 Community
Road, 31520, (912) 267-0771
ROGERS - Kressel’s Vacuum & Repair, 115 North 5th
Street, 72756, (501) 636-7894
WATERBURY - P.J. Appliance Repair, 935 South Main
Street, 06706, (203) 757-1014
COLUMBUS - Burrell’s National Appliance Service,
1728 Warm Springs Road, 31904, (706) 327-0523
STUTTGART - Davis Lumber Company, 301 East
Michigan, 72160, (501) 673-3601
DOVER - Del-Mar Appliance of Delaware, 230 South
Governors Avenue, 19904, (302) 674-2414, (800) 858-3424
LOGANVILLE - Mtn. Mower Sales and Service, 6099C
Hwy. 20, 30249, (770) 466-9111
ANDERSON - Hardware Express/ Do It Best, 2681 Balls
Ferry Road, 96007, (916) 365-3783
MACON - Capitol Cycle Company, 1090 Washington
Avenue, 31201, (912) 745-3946
WILMINGTON - Lyons Hardware, Inc., 2021 Kirkwood
Highway, 19805, (302) 995-1260
BAKERSFIELD - Southwest TV, 6300 White Lane,
B, 93309, (805) 397-4940
SAVANNAH - Hagins Appliance Service, 3 West Victory
Drive, 31405, (912) 233-8372
ATLANTIC BEACH - First Coast Repair, 25 Seminole
Road, 32233, (904) 246-4616
CONCORD - California Electric Service Center, 1170-G
Burnett Avenue, 94520, (510) 827-1011
TIFTON - Western Auto, 354 S. Main St., 31794,
(912) 382-5767
CAPE CORAL - Family Hardware/Do-It Express, 622 SE
47th Terrace, 33904, (941) 542-6365
COVINA - California Electric Service Center, 612 Shoppers
Lane, 91723, (818) 915-4935
VALDOSTA - Harry B. Anderson, Inc. Western Auto, 204
Central Avenue, 31601, (912) 242-5945
DELRAY - Mister Fix It, 209 S.E. 2nd Avenue, 33483,
(407) 243-9999
DUBLIN - California Electric Service, 8947 San Ramon
Road, 94568, (510) 551-3390
HONOLULU - McCully Bicycle & Sporting Goods,
932 Hausten Street, 96826, (808) 946-1192
GAINESVILLE - Authorized Appliance Service Co.,
2614 S.W. 34th Street, 32608, (904) 375-3886
FONTANA - California Electric Service Center, 9794 Sierra
Avenue, 92335, (909) 355-2500
WAILUKU (MAUI) - Tom’s Appliance Sales & Service,
891 Eha Street, 96793, (808) 244-6278
HIALEAH - S-O Service Co., 925 Hialeah Drive, 33010,
(305) 887-6275
FORT JONES - Ft. Jones Frontier Hardware,11911 Main
Street, 96032, (916) 468-2266
WAIPAHU - Waipahu Bicycle, 94-320 Depot Street, 96797,
(808) 671-4091
HOLLY HILL - Ormond Element,1668 Ridgewood Avenue,
32117, (904) 677-3497
FRESNO - Valley Small Appliance, 4005 E. Ashlan Avenue,
93726, (209) 224-5530
JACKSONVILLE - Authorized Appliance Service Co.,
6120-5 Powers Avenue, 32217, (904) 737-5312
FULLERTON - California Electric Service Center, 1208 E.
Ash Avenue, 92631-5020, (714) 870-0900
BOISE - Boise Appliance, 1503 Main Street, 83702,
(208) 343-0102
LAKE CITY - S&S Mowers Sales & Service, Route 10,
Box 9161, Hwy 47 South & MacFarland Ave., 32055,
(904) 755-9375
LOS ALAMITOS - California Electric Service Center, 11284
Los Alamitos Blvd., 90720, (310) 430-2668
MERCED - Moosehead Electronics, 920 W. 18th Street,
95340, (209) 723-4712
CHAMPAIGN - Appliance Parts & Service Center, 905
Francois, 61821, (217) 355-0220
LAKELAND - Electric Shaver & Small Appliance, 4243
S. Florida Avenue, 33813, (941) 644-4690
MISSION VIEJO - California Electric Service Center, 23725
Via Fabricante, Unit B, 92691, (714) 586-9440
CHICAGO (BERWYN) - Brand Service Center,
6739 West Cermak, 60402, (708) 749-4315
MIAMI - Goodman’s Sales & Service, 13081 SW 133 Court,
33186, (305) 278-8822
OAKLAND - California Electric Service Center, 1139
E. 12th Street, 94606, (510) 834-1050
CHICAGO (DOWNER’S GROVE) - Authorized Appliance
Service Co., 1644 W. Ogden Avenue, 60515,
(630) 852-1550
NORTH FORT MYERS - Family Hardware,13817 N.
Cleveland Ave., 33903, (941) 995-6161
OXNARD - Terry’s Inc., The Clean-up Store, 1237 Saviers
Road, 93033, (805) 487-9401, (800) 845-3223
NORTH PALM BEACH - Appliance Doctors, 450 Northlake
Blvd., 33408, (407) 845-0377, FAX (407) 845-0378
CHICAGO (MORTON GROVE) - Brand Service Center,
Inc., 5618 Dempster Street, 60053, (847) 965-5900
PASADENA - California Electric Service Center, 2594
OCALA, Vacuums, Inc., 3535 S.E. Maricamp Road, #103,
Authorized Service Centers
OXNARD - Terry’s Inc., The Clean-up Store, 1237 Saviers
Road, 93033, (805) 487-9401, (800) 845-3223
MIAMI - Goodman’s Sales & Service, 13081 SW 133 Court,
33186, (305) 278-8822
BIRMINGHAM - Frigid Service & Sales,
PASADENA - California Electric Service Center, 2594
E. Colorado Blvd., 91107, (818) 792-3194
NORTH FORT MYERS - Family Hardware,13817 N.
Cleveland Ave., 33903, (941) 995-6161
701 Graymont Ave. North, 35203, (205) 323-5831
BIRMINGHAM - Frigid Service & Sales,
1861 Centerpoint Rd., 35215, (205) 853-3952
SACRAMENTO - California Electric Service Center,
1821 “Q” Street, 95814, (916) 443-5711
NORTH PALM BEACH - Appliance Doctors, 450 Northlake
Blvd., 33408, (407) 845-0377, FAX (407) 845-0378
Company, 154 West Valley Ave., 35209, (205) 942-3959
SAN CARLOS - California Electric Service Center, 990
Industrial Road, Suite 102, 94070, (415) 593-6696
OCALA, Vacuums, Inc., 3535 S.E. Maricamp Road, #103,
34471, (904) 694-2247
CULLMAN - Robert G. Werner Company,
1115 4th Street S.W., 35055, (205) 734-5673
SAN DIEGO - California Electric Service Center, 3430
El Cajon Blvd., 92104, (619) 283-6488
ORLANDO - Pine Hills Appliance Svc. Co., 6100-4
W. Colonial Drive, 32808, (407) 299-1271
DECATUR - Peddler II, 1000 B Beltline Road, 35603,
(205) 350-1044
SAN FRANCISCO - California Electric Service Center,
1090 Bryant Street, 94103, (415) 431-8494
ORLANDO - Southern Electric Co., 510 N. Parramore
Avenue, 32801, (407) 841-8824, (800) 940-8824
DOTHAN - Bill’s Appliance Service, 208 Bic Road,
P.O. Box 1192, 36303, (334) 792-7746
SAN JOSE - California Electric Service Center, 783
Alameda, 95126, (408) 295-1723
PANAMA CITY, Callaway Vacuum & Sewing, 221 N. Tyndall
Prkwy., 32404, (904) 763-6333
DOUGLAS - Brown Hardware, Highway 75, 35964,
(205) 593-6086
SANTA ANA - California Electric Service Center, 2025
South Main Street, 92707, (714) 641-0529
PENSACOLA - Foster’s Appliance Repair, 3836 N. Davis
Highway, 32503, (904) 432-8853
HUNTSVILLE - C & G Appliance, 307 Jordan Lane, 35805,
(205) 837-4551
SANTA ROSA - Hardisty’s Inc., 710 Farmers Lane, 95405,
(707) 545-0535
POMPANO BEACH - Authorized Appliance Service Co.,
2171 N. Dixie Highway, 33060, (954) 941-2038
MOBILE - Foster’s Appliance Repair, 1660 South Beltline
Highway, 36693, (334) 666-2670
STOCKTON - California Electronics, 929 North Yosemite
Street, 95203, (209) 466-5432
POMPANO BEACH - Philips Consumer Electronics, 2099
W. Atlantic Blvd., 33069, (954) 978-0467
MONTGOMERY - Acme Service Co., 2603 Highland Ave.,
36107, (205) 264-2456
TEMECULA - California Electric Service Center, 41715
Enterprise Circle North, Suite 101, 92590, (909) 695-5445
PORT ST. LUCIE - Hoppe’s Authorized Vac & Appliance,
6735 S. Federal Way, 34592, (561) 464-0102
TUSCALOOSA (NORTHPORT) - Frigid Service & Sales,
2813 Lurleen B. Wallace Blvd., 35476, (205) 339-3624
VAN NUYS - California Electric Service Center, 14753
Oxnard Blvd., 91411, (818) 997-8855
ROCKLEDGE - Neelco Do-It Center, 400 Barton Blvd.,
32955, (407) 639-1400
WEST LOS ANGELES - California Electric Service Center,
2314 S. Westwood Blvd., 90064, (310) 475-2532
SARASOTA - Sunray Small Appliances,8371 N. Tamiami,
34243, (941) 358-9999, (800) 895-5655
ANCHORAGE - Ken’s Electronics Service, 360 E. Inter-
national, Ste. 8, 99518, (907) 562-3443
YUCAIPA - Aire-Rite Heating & A/C, 34724 Yucaipa Blvd.,
92399, (909) 797-2788
SEBRING - Sebring Do-It Center, 305 U.S. 27 North,
33870, (813) 385-2785
GLENDALE - Elliott Electric Appliance Service,
6242 N. 43rd Avenue, 85301, (602) 937-2613
SPRING HILL - Crowder Bros Hardware, 5350 Spring Hill
Dr., 34606, (904) 686-4743
AURORA - Appliance Service, 2295 So. Chambers Road,
Unit F, 80014, (303) 369-6651
ST. PETERSBURG - Keystone Electric, 4604 Central
Avenue, 33711, (813) 321-1124
SCOTTSDALE - Elliott Electric, 7515 E. McDowell Road,
85257, (602) 946-7487
COLORADO SPRINGS - Nelson Appliance Repair, Inc.,
1220 E. Fillmore, 80907, (719) 635-1928, (800) 291-8010
STUART - Appliance Doctors, 3166 S.E. Dixie Highway,
34997, (407) 287-6437
TUCSON - Arizona Small Appliance Service Co., 5033 E
5th Street, 85711, (520) 325-3988
DENVER - Appliance Service, 4262 Lowell Blvd., 80211,
(303) 458-1109, (800) 631-0941 (CO, WY only)
SUNRISE - Muller Appliance Service, 2620 N. University
Drive, 33322, (954) 749-5460
FT. SMITH - Bromley Appliance Service, 614 North 10th
Street, 72901, (501) 782-9646
DENVER (ENGLEWOOD) - Appliance Service, 3932
S. Broadway, 80110, (303) 781-1227, (800) 553-1864
TAMPA - Authorized Appliance Service Co., Dibbs Plaza,
4119 Gunn Hwy., Unit 8, 33624, (813) 968-6638
GRAND JUNCTION - V & L Appliance Service, 809
North Avenue, 81501, (970) 243-3360
HOT SPRINGS, The Battery Center, 400 Airport Road,
71913, (501) 624-7144
VENUS - Sunray South, 2143 South Tamiami Trail, 34293,
(941) 493-1733
JONESBORO - Best Sewing & Vacuum & Repair, 2235
S. Caraway Road, 72401, (501) 935-4739, (800) 844-4739
VERO BEACH - Hoppe’s Authorized Vac & Appliance, 1872
Commerce Avenue, 32960, (561) 562-4466
HARTFORD - Hartford Element & Appliance Service, 1500
Albany Avenue, 06112, (860) 246-7424, (800) 787-7977
LITTLE ROCK - C & W Tool Repair, 1303 W. Markham,
72201, (501) 374-1911
WEST PALM BEACH - Satisfaction TV Video Service, Inc.,
1980 S. Congress Avenue, 33406, (561) 439-3733
NEW HAVEN (HAMDEN) - New Haven Appliance Service
Center, 1627 Dixwell Avenue, 06514, (203) 288-6229
MENA - Bearcat Starter & Alt., 801 Petros,71953,
(501) 394-0320
ATLANTA - Georgia Service Center, 5366 Buford Hwy.,
30340, (770) 455-1716, (800) 455-1715
SHELTON - Jeff’s Appliance, Inc., 500A Howe Avenue,
06484, (203) 924-8997
ROGERS - Kressel’s Vacuum & Repair, 115 North 5th
Street, 72756, (501) 636-7894
STAMFORD - Appliance Servicenter of Stamford,
15 Cedar Heights Road, 06905, (203) 322-7656
ATLANTA (MARIETTA) - Philips Consumer Electronics,
200 N. Cobb Parkway, Bldg. #100, Suite 120, 30062,
(770) 795-0085
STUTTGART - Davis Lumber Company, 301 East
Michigan, 72160, (501) 673-3601
WATERBURY - P.J. Appliance Repair, 935 South Main
Street, 06706, (203) 757-1014
ANDERSON - Hardware Express/ Do It Best, 2681 Balls
Ferry Road, 96007, (916) 365-3783
AUGUSTA - A & A Appliance Parts & Service, 1708 Walton
Way, 30904, (706) 733-5163
DOVER - Del-Mar Appliance of Delaware, 230 South
Governors Avenue, 19904, (302) 674-2414, (800) 858-3424
BRUNSWICK - Arco Hardware & Supply, 3711 Community
Road, 31520, (912) 267-0771
BAKERSFIELD - Southwest TV, 6300 White Lane,
B, 93309, (805) 397-4940
COLUMBUS - Burrell’s National Appliance Service,
1728 Warm Springs Road, 31904, (706) 327-0523
WILMINGTON - Lyons Hardware, Inc., 2021 Kirkwood
Highway, 19805, (302) 995-1260
CONCORD - California Electric Service Center, 1170-G
Burnett Avenue, 94520, (510) 827-1011
LOGANVILLE - Mtn. Mower Sales and Service, 6099C
Hwy. 20, 30249, (770) 466-9111
ATLANTIC BEACH - First Coast Repair, 25 Seminole
Road, 32233, (904) 246-4616
COVINA - California Electric Service Center, 612 Shoppers
Lane, 91723, (818) 915-4935
MACON - Capitol Cycle Company, 1090 Washington
Avenue, 31201, (912) 745-3946
DUBLIN - California Electric Service, 8947 San Ramon
Road, 94568, (510) 551-3390
CAPE CORAL - Family Hardware/Do-It Express, 622 SE
47th Terrace, 33904, (941) 542-6365
SAVANNAH - Hagins Appliance Service, 3 West Victory
Drive, 31405, (912) 233-8372
FONTANA - California Electric Service Center, 9794 Sierra
Avenue, 92335, (909) 355-2500
DELRAY - Mister Fix It, 209 S.E. 2nd Avenue, 33483,
(407) 243-9999
TIFTON - Western Auto, 354 S. Main St., 31794,
(912) 382-5767
FORT JONES - Ft. Jones Frontier Hardware,11911 Main
Street, 96032, (916) 468-2266
GAINESVILLE - Authorized Appliance Service Co.,
2614 S.W. 34th Street, 32608, (904) 375-3886
VALDOSTA - Harry B. Anderson, Inc. Western Auto, 204
Central Avenue, 31601, (912) 242-5945
FRESNO - Valley Small Appliance, 4005 E. Ashlan Avenue,
93726, (209) 224-5530
HIALEAH - S-O Service Co., 925 Hialeah Drive, 33010,
(305) 887-6275
FULLERTON - California Electric Service Center, 1208 E.
Ash Avenue, 92631-5020, (714) 870-0900
HONOLULU - McCully Bicycle & Sporting Goods,
932 Hausten Street, 96826, (808) 946-1192
HOLLY HILL - Ormond Element,1668 Ridgewood Avenue,
32117, (904) 677-3497
LOS ALAMITOS - California Electric Service Center, 11284
Los Alamitos Blvd., 90720, (310) 430-2668
WAILUKU (MAUI) - Tom’s Appliance Sales & Service,
891 Eha Street, 96793, (808) 244-6278
JACKSONVILLE - Authorized Appliance Service Co.,
6120-5 Powers Avenue, 32217, (904) 737-5312
MERCED - Moosehead Electronics, 920 W. 18th Street,
95340, (209) 723-4712
WAIPAHU - Waipahu Bicycle, 94-320 Depot Street, 96797,
(808) 671-4091
LAKE CITY - S&S Mowers Sales & Service, Route 10,
Box 9161, Hwy 47 South & MacFarland Ave., 32055,
(904) 755-9375
MISSION VIEJO - California Electric Service Center, 23725
Via Fabricante, Unit B, 92691, (714) 586-9440
LAKELAND - Electric Shaver & Small Appliance, 4243
S. Florida Avenue, 33813, (941) 644-4690
BOISE - Boise Appliance, 1503 Main Street, 83702,
(208) 343-0102
OAKLAND - California Electric Service Center, 1139
E. 12th Street, 94606, (510) 834-1050
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©1997 Fishe r-Pric e , Inc ., Ea st Auro ra , Ne w Yo rk 14052 - All Rig hts Re se rve d
Printe d in the U.S.A.
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